Page 36 of The Flirt Alert
“Of course you can take care of yourself.“ He relaxes back into the gaming chair he’s sitting on. “You can take care of everyone, that was fairly evident over the past few days.”
I lick my lips. “Well, I know who my favorite person to take care of is.”
“Well, if you wanted me to be hard as a rock, you got your wish.” He laughs.
“Ah, you’re such a wonderful, obedient genie.” My entire body relaxes from hearing his voice. I lie back on my bed. “Video sex?”
He shakes his head. “Real sex. Come over. Stay with me for the weekend.”
“What would I tell my folks? Miles?” I feel like a naughty teenager, not a grown woman who lived on her own for almost a decade until she was forced to crawl home to Mommy and Daddy.
Austin taps his finger to his chin. “Hmm. How about the truth? You’re going away for the weekend to get a little time for yourself?”
“Will there be orgasms?” I cock my head. “Because there’s no way I’m leaving the sanctuary of my childhood bedroom unless there’ll be dozens and dozens of orgasms.”
“You only want dozens?” He bugs his eyes out.
I jump up and run to the closet, careful to show him my overnight bag and my car keys.
“Text me your address.”
Chapter seventeen
One Hour late
The pulsating heart of Seattle sprawls below my penthouse on the 24th floor of Madison Tower, two blocks away from Hungry Llama.
My business manager—it still feels weird to say that—convinced me to buy a home two years ago. I figured, I’m young and single. Why not lean into an urban sophistication vibe. With floor-to-ceiling windows, my panoramic view of Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains isn’t unlike the one at my office. This space is much more me, though. I hired a designer to transform the sleek and contemporary living space into a comfortable and functional retreat.
The living room is bathed in the warm glow of a rare winter sunset, which casts long shadows on the dark oak hardwood floors. I’m humming with anticipation. Dying to know what she’ll think of my place. My heart beats erratically at the thought of having Shay with me for the entire weekend.
The doorman buzzed her up a minute ago.
I’m not certain what I did I in my life to deserve this, but holy fucking hell. Every one of my fantasies is about to come true.
Well, maybe not every single one, but a lot are going to get checked off the list. I’m rather goddamn sure of it.
I’m trying to look semi-cool as I wait by the elevator doors in anticipation of seeing her, but it’s probably no use. No matter how many times I’ve thought of wrinkly grannies, my cock’s still hard as steel, it’s a dead giveaway.
The elevator doors open directly into my condo. Shay enters wearing a white, oversized sweater, jeans, and another pair of the knee-high socks tucked into a different pair of ankle boots. She carries a buzz of excitement with a hint of apprehension as she looks around at my art collection, which lines the walls and shelves.
“Whenever I travel for work, I buy art. Mostly modern. I’ve collected paintings, sculptures, textiles—you name it. If it speaks to me, I don’t question it.” I stand next to her. “It seems I have superb taste, though I know virtually nothing about the artists. Some of the pieces have doubled and tripled in value.”
“Wow.” She traces her finger along a hand-carved sculpture.
I motion for her to follow me and I lead her to the open-plan living room adjacent to the kitchen and dining area. “Let’s catch the end of the sunset.” I sit facing the windows and pat the seat next to me.
Shay sits in a graceful cascade of limbs that seems both effortlessly elegant and innately shy. Every fiber of my being vibrates with the desire to bridge the small distance and take her in my arms, if for no other reason but to affirm the realness of what’s blossoming between us.
With a concerted effort to keep the atmosphere light, I give her a goofy grin. “So, here we are. Back in the real world.”
“Yes, the real world.“ She gestures around the room and then between me and her. “Just two normal people.”
I reach over and trace a line on her knee. “What did you tell your folks?”
“Exactly what you said. You should have seen mom’s face when I left.” Shay shakes her head, bemused. “You’d think I was sixteen years old again.”