Page 41 of The Flirt Alert
“Try growing up with him.” Shay rolls her eyes. “Strict as fuck. I got around it though. I’m convinced he went bald because of me.”
I cough to get things back on track, not wanting to relive the…past. Also, I have a million meetings today. “So, we were close to finalizing the term sheet where Hungry Llama would provide grant money to expand your arts programming into tech. Things have gotten worse with the programmer shortage. I’m excited to see how we can diversify to get more women and members of the BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ communities interested in STEM.”
“Yes, we love the idea.” Zoey shows me her tablet. “As promised, here is my plan to unite tech and arts and implement that into our work.”
Shay scoots closer to me and looks over my shoulder. Instinctively, I lean in to kiss her then realize where we are and try to cover it up by whipping my head back around. Make it even worse by awkwardly moving my chair and dropping the device.
Ty and Zoey exchange glances and look between us, trying not to smile.
“Let me take a look.” Shay notices my gaffe but pretends to ignore it all by taking the iPad and scrolling through Zoey’s presentation. “Oh, cool. Yeah.” Her eyes flick up and down the screen. “It’s completely doable. I like this a lot.”
My office door opens and Miles strides in and takes a seat at the table and holds out his hand. “Hey, Miles Stojanovic. Cofounder. You can call me Stodge.”
Ty and Zoey graciously introduce themselves. Shay looks at me, rolls her eyes and mouths, “He’s a big fan.”
“Are you two siblings?” Zoey points between Shay and Miles.
Shay nods and looks over at Miles. “I already told them about Dad. Now they know you have twin nicknames and hence, there are two famous Stodges. Congratulations.”
I snort with laughter. Ty joins me followed by Shay and Zoey. Miles clearly feels a little stupid, but he’s so laid back he’s able to laugh at himself too.
“I’m such a dick.“ Miles chortles.
For the next hour, the five of us hammer out a timetable and plan to collaborate. When they leave, Miles stays behind with me and Shay.
“Mom and Dad want you to spend Thanksgiving with us. I assume you aren’t going to your mom’s?” Miles taps a pen annoyingly on the table.
It takes all I have not to look at Shay. I don’t plan on attending the dinner, she and I will have our own Thanksgiving after she puts in time with her parents. Our plans don’t involve food though. We’re looking forward to a four-day weekend of being naked. “Uh, I’d planned on gaming that day and being on call for the release.”
“Ah, c’mon. You and I haven’t hung out with my family in a while. We haven’t even had a beer together since the retreat. What’s going on? Do you have a girlfriend or something?” Miles leans back in his chair and grins.
Don’t look at her. Don’t look at her.
Shay slugs him in the arm. “Shut up, Miles.”
“God, Shay. Why you gotta get up in our business?“ Miles mimics her like they’re eight years old.
“Seriously?“ It’s hard enough to keep our secret without the two of them acting like idiots. “Thanks, Stodge, but I’m gonna stick to staying in.”
Miles sighs. “I hate that you’re not seeing your own family. Hasn’t it gotten better?”
“Uh…” My eyes flick to Shay, who knows the scoop. Her eyes soften with empathy. “My stepfather asked me for a loan. Said I owed him the money to repay him for everything he spent on me as a kid. So, no. It’s not gotten any better.”
Our eyeball exchange doesn’t go unnoticed. “Is there something going on here I should know about?” Miles glances back and forth at us. “You’re awfully eyebally.”
“Don’t be cray. Austin and I have become friends, Miles. We put our differences behind us at the retreat when we got stranded.” She juts her chin out defiantly.
I marvel at Shay’s eloquence and fervor. There’s a reason I’ve fallen for her, beyond the physical attraction. She can diffuse any situation, yet stand her ground.
“So what do you think about working with The Rainier Foundation?” I try to move Miles out of the dangerous territory of me and Shay. “They want us to gamify music education. But I’m thinking broader. Arts and coding are similar. It’s all about pattern recognition. In music, you have notes that form patterns and rhythms. In visual art, there are patterns of light, color, and shape. In coding, it’s patterns of logic, commands, and responses. All require critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. And, most importantly, they allow an individual to create something novel, unique, and expressive.”
Miles nods thoughtfully. “So, you’re saying we could teach kids how to code and, in the process, tap into their creative potential?”
“Exactly,” Shay affirms. “And by integrating computer programming into their curriculum, we’re equipping these kids with valuable job skills and offering them an innovative medium of artistic expression. Think of the video games we create. They’re a blend of technology, storytelling, art, and sound.”
“It’s high time Hungry Llama gave back to the community.” I’m sincerely excited about this collaboration. It feels…legitimate. “I’m a firm believer that when you are successful it’s great to share the wealth.”