Page 44 of The Flirt Alert
I slump into a chair, burying my face in my hands.
Austin crouches beside me and wraps an arm around my shoulders. “We’ll get through this,” he soothes. “It’s out in the open now.”
Realization dawns on me. “Miles is correct. I’m not stable.”
He takes my hands away from my face and rubs the backs of them with his thumbs. “Do you know what I think?”
I look into his golden-brown eyes. “Nope.”
“This might be a better conversation for you to have with your therapist, but it seems like your family likes to keep you in a role you outgrew years ago—they take care of things for you.” Austin kisses my fingers. “When you left to forge your own life, you went the opposite direction. By keeping your illness to yourself and taking care of Devon, you got control back—though it didn’t turn out the way you planned. Either way, Shay, you’re the strong and capable one and there’s no reason you can’t have want you want.”
I shake my head. “I’m not feeling either of those things. I can’t believe what happened with Miles.”
“Move in with me.” Austin threads his fingers through mine.
“I don’t think that’s the solution,” I sigh. “I should find my own place. I’m also inclined to find a different job.”
Austin pulls me up and holds me against him. “Well, at least come spend the weekend with me. We’ll have time to let things settle down and you can make a plan.”
“I need to get out in front of this. Will you come with me to my folks’ house? Might as well rip the bandage off if Miles hasn’t done it already.” I lean my cheek against Austin’s chest.
“Of course.” He tips my chin up with his finger and bends down to kiss me.
We stand that way for a while, taking comfort in our togetherness during the calm before the storm.
I hope we’re not finished before we could get started.
What we have feels monumental.
Still, I can’t help but wonder if I’m heading for disaster.
A repeat of my past mistakes all over again.
Chapter twenty-one
One Hour Later
The air is heavy with tension as Shay fumbles with her keys before managing to unlock the door.
We walk inside, me following Shay. The familiar, sprawling living room is dimly lit. Annika and Goran, Shay’s parents, sit on the couch watching Deadliest Catch. Annika’s feet are curled up under her. She’s scrolling through her tablet, barely paying attention to the show while Goran is transfixed.
I try not to think about what Shay and I did on that couch back in high school, but every time I’m over here the memories flood back. It’s still freaks me out a bit that she has no recollection and doesn’t seem bothered by it, but I’ve chosen to take her at her word.
“Hey, I hate to interrupt your show, but we need to talk.” Shay’s voice shakes slightly.
Annika, who looks exactly like an older version of Shay, tilts her head. “Oh God, you’re not pregnant are you?”
I nearly choke. I’m certain my expression is one of abject horror.
Goran’s gaze sharpens, a protective edge evident when he looks at me. “Austin? What happened?”
Shay takes a deep breath and looks to me for support. I take her hand and squeeze it in reassurance. “Miles saw Austin and me…together.” She kicks the carpet with her toe. “He wasn’t happy.”
Annika raises a knowing eyebrow but remains silent.
Goran doesn’t mask his surprise. “Together? As in…?”