Page 57 of The Flirt Alert
Unfortunately, we’re thwarted.
Miles slings his arm around both of our necks, nearly causing the three of us to bang our heads together. “This is the best night ever. I’m with my two favorite people in the world.” He raises his glass and downs it. Slaps his hand on the bar and orders another.
“It’s great to see the two of you let loose.” Shay sips her cocktail. “Everyone needs to blow off some steam.”
When Miles gets another beer, I raise my glass. “To us.” I clink it against their glasses. I haven’t felt this loose and free in a long time. Our camaraderie is tangible, and it feels like the perfect ending to a challenging year and the promising start of another.
As the night wears on and the bar starts filling up, I’m feeling the effects of the alcohol. The atmosphere is electric. Everyone is in a terrific mood. The energy seems illuminated with hope and excitement for the midnight countdown. I see a strobe light descend from the ceiling. The digital clock clicks down. In five minutes, we’ll be kissing at midnight.
Shay leans into me and I wind my arms around her middle, keeping her close. The lights are flashing. The music is loud. It’s so crowded I don’t want to risk getting separated when it’s time for our new year’s kiss. I nuzzle her ear. “It’s been a whirlwind few months, hasn’t it?”
She doesn’t answer. Even though I’m a bit buzzed, I notice a change in her demeanor. Shay’s fingers twitch slightly on her glass. Her face contorts into a slight grimace, and she blinks rapidly, looking disoriented. Like she can’t speak.
“Shay? Baby?” I question, now extremely concerned.
Miles, noticing my distress asks, “Everything okay?”
In that moment the bar’s lighting takes a dramatic turn. Flashing beams of white, blue, and red start darting around the room as patrons begin to shout out the final countdown. The strobing effect seems to heighten her distress.
Trying to stay calm and assess the situation, I know that it’s too late to give her a Xanax. My only option is to note the time and keep her safe until this passes. “I ought to get her out of here, can you get our coats and meet me back at my place?”
Before I can do anything, Shay’s symptoms escalate. She clutches her head with both hands and winces, looking around. “I’m so fucking hot.” Alarmingly, she starts to fumble at her dress, nearly pulling it off.
Miles is on his feet in an instant. We know we’re not supposed to contain her but we try box her in gently but firmly, so she won’t undress in the middle of a crowded room. The bar noise fades to a muted hum in my ears as my world zeroes in on Shay and keeping my promise to her dad, mom, and brother.
The vibrant atmosphere turns nightmarish as I desperately try to shield her from the surrounding chaos. “Shay, stay with us,” I plead, my voice thick with anguish.
Moments that feel like hours pass. And then, as abruptly as it started, Shay snaps out of it. Her breathing is ragged, her eyes bewildered. “Wh-what happened?” she murmurs, looking down at her disheveled dress.
I pull her close, my heart pounding in my chest. “You’re safe now. Let’s get home.”
Miles rests his hand on Shay’s shoulder but looks at me. “I’ll meet you at your place. Go, I’ll take care of the tab and get your things.”
As we make our way out, the patrons who were close to us and witnessed Shay’s episode, offer words of empathy. They probably think she’s drunk, but it doesn’t matter. The one person who matters in this moment is my girlfriend.
We walk the two blocks to our building. I know that fresh air will be helpful for Shay to clear her head. Even better, we’re away from the blaring lights and noise. Shay leans into me on the short walk, I keep my arm firmly around her until I have her safely on the couch. Thank sweet baby Jesus that we were close to home because I wouldn’t have been able to drive us, there’s no doubt I’d be over the limit.
“How do you feel, baby?” I kneel beside her and take her shoes off, kissing the sole of each foot.
“This isn’t how I imagined ending the year.” Shay holds her forehead. “I have a splitting headache.”
I squeeze her hand. “Miles will be here soon and I’ll go get your medicine. I’m not going to leave you alone.”
“Thank you.” Tears eke from the corners of her eyes.
Taking a seat next to her, I grab a pillow, place it in my lap and gently guide her to lie down. She brings her knees to her chest and curls up. I lightly run my fingers through her hair. “I’m privileged to have this moment with you, Shay. Good or bad, every minute I spend with you is a moment I cherish.”
“I haven’t had one of those in a long time,” she murmurs against my legs. “What happened?”
I stroke her temples with my thumb. “I think you had a reaction to the strobe light right before the countdown. Your fingers started twitching and then you said you were hot and wanted to take off your clothes. Then it was over. Now we’re home.”
“Jesus.” Shay turns to look at me. “Tell me you stopped me.”
“Against my better judgement, yes.” I lean down and kiss her forehead.
Miles arrives and holds up Shay’s purse and our coats. “I’ll drop these off. How are you, sis?”
“Clothed, thank God.” She raises her arm and gives him a thumbs up.