Page 65 of The Flirt Alert
The Metropolitan Grill buzzes with chatter as patrons dine amidst sparkling glassware and low lighting. I’m a regular here—it’s a couple blocks from the office—so they honored my request for a booth in a secluded corner. I purposely arrived early, which might not have been the best idea because I’m anxious. Watching the entrance to see if my mom bothers to show.
Odds aren’t in my favor.
At quarter after, I’m about to leave when my mother walks in. It’s been a while since I’ve seen her. She looks older. Wearier than I remember. Her deterioration tugs at my heartstrings. Once upon a time she was my entire world. It was only the two of us after my dad left until she met Mitch.
Everything fell apart.
Our eyes meet when the hostess leads her to the table. As she sits down, there’s an awkward silence between us. Ultimately, she breaks the ice. “You look wonderful, Austin.”
I stare at her for a beat.
“Thanks, Mom,” I reply, steepling my fingers.
She sets her purse down on the booth next to her. “Thank you for meeting me. I know it’s been far too long.”
“It has, Mom.” I take a long, hard look at the woman who gave birth to me. I can’t imagine ever abandoning my kids. Ever. No matter how old. No matter what they did. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?”
Her gaze flickers downward. “Things haven’t been easy for a while. Mitch is…controlling. It’s getting worse. He manages the finances and things aren’t going very well. We’re gonna lose the house.”
I clench my fist beneath the table, remembering a couple of times in the last year he asked me for money. “His financial woes are no excuse for you shutting me out. For allowing him to treat me the way he did—still does.”
“I feel trapped.” Tears shimmer in her eyes. “Today I was able to duck out because I lied and said I had a doctor’s appointment. He’s made it clear that if I go against him, there’ll be consequences. I have two kids to think about.”
Three, I think, but don’t voice it.
“You could leave him.” Anger and concern war within me. “I have more money than I can ever spend. I’ll help you, all you have to do is ask.”
She manages a wistful smile. “I can’t risk it.”
“Convenient.“ The words come out harsher than intended, but I smell bullshit and all of this runaround pisses me off to no end. “Let me guess. He knows you’re here and wants you to ask me for money.”
Her breath is shaky. “No, Austin. He doesn’t know but he’ll find out. He monitors my calls, my location. Everything. I live in constant fear. He threatened to cut me off, to take the kids away. I’m… I’m trapped. I wouldn’t be surprised if he walks in this door and then it will be all over.”
“Wait, he’s threatened to, essentially, destroy your life if you see me? Your son?“ The revelation hits me hard. All these years, I’d been harboring resentment, feeling abandoned. But now, seeing the pain in her eyes, I understand the extent of her own suffering, though I still don’t understand how it’s gone this far.
Reaching across the table, I grasp her hand, offering what little comfort I can. “Mom, you don’t have to live like this. There are ways out, resources available. Let me help.”
She shakes her head. “It’s not that simple. I’m terrified about what he might do if I try to leave and take the kids.”
“Are you in fear for your life?” I’ll fucking kill the guy myself if he’s threatened my mother.
“Austin…“ she pleads.
“If you want to leave, say so. I’ll find a way, I promise.” Determination burns within me, but I’m also not going to be played for a fool. This still feels a bit like a setup.
Maybe I’m jaded.
Mom smiles weakly. “I made a mistake marrying him, but I wouldn’t give up my kids for anything.” She must realize how that sounds and grabs my hand. “No. That came out wrong. Every day, every moment, I regret not being able to be there for you. I’m so proud of the man you’ve become.”
“Look, you and I can hash out or own relationship later. For now will you allow me to help get you and the kids out of this situation?” At this point, she’s going to accept my help or she won’t. What I won’t stand for is Caden and Trina being abused. Mentally or physically. “If my brother and sister are in danger, you need to let me know.”
Tears stream down her face. “He won’t hurt his own children.”
“I don’t believe that for a second.” I picture the million ways Mitch has berated my mom, which I’ve seen for myself. He’s a shit excuse for a man. “What kind of example are you setting for my sister and brother if you don’t get out of this? The man is dangerous. You need to leave.”
I’m furious and undoubtedly am going about this all wrong, but I don’t know what else to do. I make a mental note to find a counselor to help figure this out.
My harsh words somehow penetrate, though. Mom covers her mouth with her hand. “How?”