Page 18 of Saints Like Him
Nick sighed. “My dick will stay in my pants.” There were other ways to get his point across.
Cash grunted but let it go as they pulled into town. Nick didn’t like the tense set of his shoulders as he smoothly parallel parked the car down the street from the diner. Owen was leaning against the front of the building and watching the road coming into town. He probably didn’t expect them to arrive in Nick’s car, so he reluctantly let go of Cash’s hand to lower the window. Nick stuck his arm out and waved to get Owen’s attention and retracted it once the younger man noticed them.
Nick rolled the window back up and covered the hand Cash had left on his thigh. “Hey.” Once Cash met his gaze, he said, “Do I have dry cum on my face?”
Cash growled low in his throat, but he inspected Nick’s face for evidence of their debauchery. “You’re good to go,” he said, right before Owen opened the door behind Nick.
“Sorry about that,” Owen said. “I was looking for Cash’s truck.” He sounded much calmer than Cash had described. Maybe knowing the boss had Tyler’s back was the assurance Owen needed to regain his composure.
“No problem,” Cash replied as he merged into traffic. To Nick’s surprise, Cash resettled his hand on Nick’s leg. “I grabbed the wrong keychain and didn’t want to waste time going back inside.”
“Appreciate you, boss,” Owen said. “Sorry I was so rattled when I called you. Probably couldn’t hear a word I said.”
“Not much beyond Tyler getting arrested,” Cash admitted. “And don’t apologize for caring about people, Owen.”
“Especially not your best friend,” Nick added. “Can you tell us now what happened?”
“Honestly,” Owen said, “I don’t really know anything more. We’d come to town for a bite to eat and to do some shopping. My mama’s birthday is coming up, and I wanted Hope to put together a goodie basket for her so I could get it shipped out.”
Brave man. Nick had heard all about Hope’s shenanigans and was looking forward to meeting her.
“Anyway,” Owen said, “Hope’s openness about sex and masturbation embarrasses Tyler a little, so we split up.”
Nick nearly choked on his saliva. Seemed Cash had left out some major details during story time.
“When I left her shop,” Owen continued, “Tyler was up against the truck in handcuffs with a deputy patting him down. I froze in complete shock, and that’s when Ty noticed me on the sidewalk. He shook his head real subtle…like a signal. When I still stood there like an idiot, he mouthed ‘Go’ at me. The deputy was too busy to notice, so I turned and hightailed it out of there. I ducked into an alley between businesses and called you.”
“I’m glad you did,” Cash said. “Wish I knew what the hell they arrested him for, but I guess we’re about to find out.”
They arrived at the sheriff’s department a few minutes later, and Cash heaved a relieved sigh. “Good. Burke’s here.”
Nick swallowed his possessive snarl and forced his face to remain neutral. Cash gave his leg an encouraging squeeze before retracting his hand. They parked and made a beeline for the front door. Nick recognized the impressive man talking to a deputy at the rear of the station. As if he sensed Cash’s presence, Seth Burke looked their way. He held up a hand to interrupt the deputy, said something to him, and immediately headed in their direction. The photos and videos on the internet, though very impressive, didn’t do the man justice. He was much taller in person, or maybe his white Stetson just made it seem so. Burke’s movements were more an amble than a stride, but his posture and demeanor made it clear he was the man in charge. It reminded Nick of Timothy Olyphant’s portrayal of Raylan Givens in Justified.
Burke’s eyes never left Cash as he moved through the station, and Nick fought the urge to whip his dick out and get a head start. The tall sheriff stopped in front of the trio and seemed to notice Nick and Owen for the first time. Cool gray eyes assessed and dismissed Owen before landing and lingering on Nick. I’m your cockblocker, asshole. Burke briefly narrowed his eyes before forcing his attention back to Cash. “I was just about to call you,” he said. His voice was solemn and professional but not unkind.
Cash made quick introductions. He referred to Owen as a member of his crew and Nick as his friend. Burke shook Owen’s hand first before extending the gesture to Nick. Seizing the opportunity, Nick wrapped his hand around Burke’s in a bone-crunching grip that said back off! He’s mine. Burke’s narrow-eyed gaze replied fuck up, and I’ll swoop in.
Once they understood each other, the two men broke the exchange and stepped back. The machismo made Cash sigh and roll his eyes, but Nick was relieved to see Owen smiling a little. Yeah, the rest of the ranch would definitely hear about this.
“Let’s head back to my office,” Burke said.
Cash turned to Owen and said, “Would you mind hanging out here for a few minutes? I have some things I’d like to say to Burke in private.”
Owen shrugged and took a seat.
“What about him?” Burke said, tipping his head at Nick.
“He’s with me,” Cash replied.
“I’m with him,” Nick echoed.
“Ah,” Burke said. “Got it.”
Burke turned to lead them to his office, and Nick leaned close to Cash. “See? No dick measuring involved.”
Cash nudged him with his elbow before following the good sheriff. Nick was extremely curious about what Cash wanted to say to Burke out of Owen’s earshot. Burke didn’t take long to get right to the point.