Page 28 of Saints Like Him
“Samuel Jeremiah sounds unstable at best and downright unhinged at worst. I’ll see what I can find out for you, but I’m really swamped right now.” Andi lowered her voice and added, “They’re keeping me on a pretty tight leash at the moment.”
A wave of guilt washed over him because it was her willingness to assist him that had landed her in hot water. And there he was, doing it again. “I’m—”
Andi cut him off with an impatient growl. “Do not apologize one more time. We did the right thing then, and I’d bet good money you’re doing the right thing now. I’ve got your back, Nick.”
“Thanks.” Relief flooded through him, easing his tense muscles. “And, hey,” Nick said before she could disconnect, “is your brother still looking for instructors at the police academy in Colorado Springs?”
“He is,” she replied. “You know someone who’s interested?”
Nick expected saying goodbye to this dream would be harder, but all he felt was solace. “Yeah, I do. Can you tell me the best way to get in touch with him?”
Cash heard the shower running when he entered the bedroom suite. The image of Nick naked and wet was almost more than he could resist, but he was in a time crunch. An idea for a perfect date had popped up in Cash’s head almost immediately that morning, but it had taken a bit of finagling to make the arrangements. Cash rarely used his clout to get his way, but he would’ve done so to make this date perfect. Luckily, everything clicked into place with a little extra effort and money. Seeing the look on Nick’s face when he realized what they were doing would justify any cost.
By the time Nick strolled into the bedroom, Cash was zipping up the oversized weekender. He glanced up and froze. Nick’s hair was several shades darker when wet and stood out in every direction. The towel he’d rubbed over his head was now wrapped haphazardly around his waist. One faint breeze and that sucker would drop to his feet. Cash wanted to help the towel along its way, but they’d be late if he touched Nick right then.
Nick darted a glance at the overnight bag on the bed, then back to Cash. His gorgeous lips turned down at the corners briefly before Nick recovered. “Packed bag and a scowl on your face. What’s wrong? Did you get called away on business?”
Cash shook his head rapidly as if he could clear his face of an expression like it was an Etch A Sketch. “Nothing’s wrong,” Cash replied. He laid his hand on top of the bag and added, “This is for both of us. The scowling is because I don’t have time to toss that towel to the floor and do the things I want to do to you.”
Nick dropped both hands to his waist, opened the towel, and showed off every glorious inch of his toned body. He was still five or ten pounds below his normal weight, but Rory and Harry’s cooking would fix that in no time. They’d gotten off to a great jumpstart already and Cash planned to pick up the ball and run with it during the sentimental weekend he’d planned. The reminder stopped Cash before he could start toward Nick. Cash released a frustrated growl instead.
Checking his watch, Cash said, “We need to be on the road in fifteen minutes. Need help getting dressed?”
Nick reached for the folded clothes he’d laid on the bed. “Nope.” He gripped a pair of hunter-green briefs in both hands and held them in front of him.
“Where’s your sling?”
“I found a highly rated physical therapist in Colorado Springs. I scheduled my initial appointment with Heather next week, and we had a brief Zoom call once she received my records from the hospital. She discouraged me from using the sling twenty-four seven. My shoulder could freeze up and cause more damage than using it at my comfort level. Heather also emailed a few exercises I can do until my appointment. She advised me to only use the sling when I’m fatigued or need added stability.”
“Where is it, and I’ll add it to the bag?” Cash asked.
“On the bathroom vanity.” Nick looked at the bag again. “Did you already pack clothes for both of us?”
“I did,” Cash replied. He stopped and gave Nick a quick kiss. “All you have to do is get dressed. I’ve taken care of everything else.”
“No one has whisked me away before.”
“Get used to it,” Cash called over his shoulder.
He grabbed the sling and retraced his steps. Nick stood by the bed in just his underwear and rummaged through the bag.
Cash stepped beside him and gently nudged Nick out of the way. “Huh-uh. Get dressed.”
Nick rolled his eyes and reached for his jeans—er, Cash’s jeans. He’d noticed Nick wore his clothes instead of his own. It was startling how much the simple gesture moved Cash. “I noticed you packed all the lube I purchased from Hope.”
Cash cocked his head to the side. “Do I look like an idiot to you?” He scrunched up his face as he considered the twelve years spent dancing around one another instead of with each other. “Don’t answer that.”
Nick laughed and pulled his jeans on. Cash sat down on the bed and tried not to whine pitifully as he covered up his gorgeous body. A text came through his phone informing him of the helicopter’s ETA. He got up and retrieved two light jackets from the closet.
“So we’re not going someplace hot and sunny?” Nick asked, reaching for a lightweight ivory sweater.
“Not this time.”
The men both lavished love on Patsy, who looked pissed that she wasn’t going with them. She actually loved riding in a helicopter, but Cash needed to give his full attention to Nick this weekend. Quality time wasn’t just something Cash craved from Nick; Cash wanted to give an abundance of it to Nick also.
Cash unlocked the BMW with the key fob, and Nick laughed.
“I see how it is.”