Page 30 of Saints Like Him
“Yep,” Cash said. “The previous owner hired the shittiest companies to manage the property. When I complained, the pompous asshole suggested I find a better company if I didn’t like the way things were. So I did, but I bought the building from him first.”
Nick whistled. “Bet that cost a small fortune.”
“Not as much as it would have if he hadn’t let the property managers run it into the ground. I made the necessary repairs, which meant a high retention of current tenants. Then I converted the empty apartments into weekly Airbnb rentals. I’m on my way to recouping my money faster than my projections.”
Nick backed Cash toward the wall near an elevator bank. “As much as I find your financial prowess utterly sexy, I’d like to know what you plan to do to me.”
“To you or with you?” Cash asked when his back hit the wall. He lost his ability to think when Nick pressed the full length of his body against him. “You’re hard.”
Nick’s mouth spread into a wicked smile. “So fucking hard.” He pushed the call button and said, “Is this your private elevator?”
Cash reached between their bodies and stroked the back of his fingers over Nick’s erection. “Yes,” he whispered huskily. “Opens up inside my apartment.”
Cash swallowed hard, discovered he couldn’t speak, and shook his head.
The elevator arrived with a ding. Nick fisted Cash’s shirt and pulled him inside, then backed him against the wall. “Unzip me and take my cock out.”
Cash fumbled with Nick’s belt but deftly worked the button open and zipper down. He reached inside Nick’s underwear and wrapped his fingers around his shaft. Nick punched his hips forward and bucked against his palm. Cash leaned forward and sucked at the sensitive spot on Nick’s neck. “I’m going to have you just like I did the first time, Nicky.”
Cash dropped to his knees and swirled his tongue around the head of Nick’s leaking cock. Last time, he’d waited for the privacy of his apartment to go down on Nick, but privacy in his personal elevator wasn’t an issue. Cash tugged the denim and cotton down farther to get better access. Nick placed his palms against the elevator wall and rocked his hips in shallow bursts, rubbing his dick against Cash’s tongue. The elevator stopped, and the door opened to his apartment.
Nick took two quick steps back and tugged his pants up while Cash pouted and stood up. He picked up the weekender bag and stepped inside Cash’s apartment. Nick stood in the living room, and Cash imagined he was cataloging what had changed over the years. They’d avoided the place after their wild weekend, choosing to meet in public places instead. They’d spent some time at Nick’s condo because it didn’t hold the same memories these rooms did. When Cash moved to the ranch full time, he’d taken his favorite furniture and art pieces with him. That was about the time he purchased and remodeled portions of the building. His city space had the same sleek modern feel but with a few minor differences. Cash was certain Nick’s keen eye had clocked them all.
“The view is as stunning as I remember,” Nick whispered. He gently set the bag on the black marble floors and crossed to the wall of windows. He reached out and ran his hand over the velvet replacement sofa Cash would fuck him on.
“Was just about to say the same thing.”
Nick looked at Cash over his shoulder and smiled. The city lights reflected off the golden strands of Nick’s hair. Fucking beautiful. Cash longed to see those same lights flickering all over Nick’s skin as he moved in and out of him. Knowing they’d need the supplies he’d packed, Cash lifted the bag off the floor and followed Nick at a slower pace. He set it down on an ottoman as he passed. Nick turned his back on the city and faced Cash as he approached. His jeans hung open to give a peek at the underwear beneath. Nick was still hard, and a small wet spot made the green fabric look black.
Twelve years ago, they hadn’t made it this far into the room before Cash fell to his knees and sucked Nick off. They’d stumbled through the door, which Cash had shut, locked, and shoved Nick against. It had been wet, sloppy, and oh-so fucking good.
“You made a man of me that weekend,” Nick said.
Cash’s breath hitched in his throat and his steps faltered. “You were hardly innocent, baby.”
“True,” Nick agreed. He’d been twenty-five after all. “But so much of my life up to that point was about following someone else’s orders or wishes. My schooling, my friends, and even my career trajectory. I’d wanted to go into law enforcement after getting my criminal justice degree. The local academies weren’t good enough. If I was to pursue a career in the field, it should be the most powerful agency in the country. But you…” He took the three steps remaining between himself and Cash. Nick cupped his face and stroked his thumb over Cash’s beard. “Going home with you was something I did just for myself.” Nick leaned in and kissed his lips softly. “I spent another twelve years toeing the line and working hard for one promotion after another. Nothing was ever good enough for the standards I set. Something was always missing.” Nick nuzzled his nose against Cash’s neck and inhaled deeply. “You were missing. I had you in my life,” Nick said before Cash could protest, “but I didn’t have you in my bed. I didn’t get to lay claim to your heart. I didn’t get to call you mine. The rest of the bullshit didn’t matter. So I returned to you, Saint. You’re my heart, my home.” Nick took Cash’s hand and placed it on his erection. “Please make me yours again.”
Cash growled low in his throat as he stroked the length of Nick’s cock. “You’ve always been mine, and it’s time I prove it.”
Cash had expected a hot, hard fuck like their first time, but Nick’s heartfelt confession set a different tone for Cash’s seduction plans. He’d brought them to the apartment more as a full-circle gesture than starting over, so it only felt right to touch, kiss, and love Nick as the man Cash was now. He took Nick’s hand and led him into the master bedroom suite. The room dominated one corner of the building, and with two outer walls constructed of windows, they doubled the amount of city light filtering into the space. It reflected off the tiny silver flecks in the black marble, turning the floor into a sea of stars.
Cash released Nick’s hand to remove his phone from his pocket. He accessed the app that controlled all the smart features in the space. He adjusted the bedroom lights to the softest setting and met Nick’s gaze. “Drapes open or closed?” The windows had a special treatment that allowed occupants to feel like a part of the city without allowing the city to observe them. Nick had taken full advantage of the nifty feature their first weekend together, but Cash didn’t want to make assumptions.
Nick’s smile turned wicked as he carefully pulled the sweater he’d borrowed from Cash over his head. He stepped out of his casual loafers and shoved his jeans down his long, toned legs. Cash had his answer and responded in kind but worked backward from Nick. Shoes and socks first, jeans, then shirt. They stood in their underwear facing each other, close enough to touch but neither moving. Nick’s hands might’ve been still, but his eyes weren’t. Cash felt Nick’s ardent gaze touch him everywhere. It amplified his arousal and made him question which of them was the seducer. Cash inhaled slowly, feeling his nostrils flare as he did. Nick’s arousal teased his senses and made his dick throb. Cash began his own perusal, starting with the luscious mouth Cash wanted on his body. Nick had more chest hair than he’d had then, and it was several shades darker than his sandy brown. Cash let his gaze linger on Nick’s hard nipples and recalled how sensitive they’d been. Sculpted abs, though slightly less defined now, and a tapered waist guided Cash’s attention to the erection bulging under the dark-green fabric. The wet spot was bigger, and it made Cash’s mouth water. The quick taste in the elevator wasn’t enough.
“I’m going to come just from you eye-fucking me.” Nick’s husky voice made Cash snap his gaze back up to his handsome face. “I’m not sure when this”—Nick gestured to his crotch—“will happen again. So…”
Cash took two steps forward and dropped to his knees. Nick palmed the back of Cash’s head and pressed his face to his crotch. The scent was intoxicating, and Cash nuzzled his lips and mouth against Nick’s erection through his underwear. Cash slid his hands over Nick’s trembling thighs until he reached the waistband. He took his time slipping the underwear over Nick’s erection and down his legs. Cash had fantasized about having this opportunity again more times than he could count. The reality far surpassed both his memory and imagination. Nick’s erection felt like velvet-covered steel when Cash licked a path from root to tip. The fingers in his hair were tighter, and Nick’s moans were needier than he’d dreamed. And fuck. Nick tasted so damn good. Man and musk, made just for him. Cash swirled his tongue around the swollen head, lapping up the precum pearl at its slit.
“Saint,” Nick groaned. “Please.”
Cash eased back and looked from his submissive position. “Suck you? Fuck you?”
Nick’s wicked mouth curved into a wry smile. “Anything. Put me out of my misery.”
Wants and needs. Cash wanted to make them both come hard and fast, but that wasn’t what they needed. He rose to his feet, took Nick’s hand, and led him to the bed.