Page 41 of Saints Like Him
“I want to know who Samuel Jeremiah really is,” Nick said. “I can’t quell the feeling that he’s targeting Cash, but I can’t prove it either.”
“If it helps, I’ve come to the same conclusion.” Burke blew out a frustrated breath. “I have a friend who’s developing game-changing facial recognition software for Homeland Security. They can do all kinds of different metrics and image altering to find people with similar features. It wouldn’t stand up in court yet, but it can give us a direction to go in. Right now, we’d be searching a giant-ass haystack for the needle. My buddy owes me a favor or two, and this feels like a good time to call in a marker.”
“Wow. That must be some favor.”
“I saved his life in Iraq.”
Of course he did. Dude already had the superhero chin. Why not the bravery to go with it? Nick figured his work at the diner was done and scooted out of the booth. “I’ll get out of your hair in case you want dessert.” That reminded him to grab Cash’s to-go container of pudding.
“You going to tell Cash what we suspect?” Burke asked.
Nick almost asked his opinion on that but changed his mind at the last moment. “That information is on a need-to-know basis.”
If looks could kill, Nick was a breath away from a chalk outline and a body bag. “There’s the asshole no one loves or missed.”
More snarky replies danced on the tip of his tongue, but Nick swallowed them down. No sense in ruining their truce, tenuous as it was. He gave Burke a two-finger salute and headed to the counter to pay for his pudding. Nick debated Burke’s question during the short ride home. What did he tell Cash and when? Right now, all he had was supposition. What advice would he give to someone else in the situation? Forewarned is forearmed, but it also causes undue paranoia. That was the entire reason Cash hadn’t originally told the crew about the tracking devices in their vehicles. He was still on the fence when he arrived back at the ranch.
“Hey, Nick,” Harry said when he stepped into the kitchen.
“Afternoon, Pumpkin Spice.” Nick opened the refrigerator and put Cash’s dessert inside. He noticed the container of leftover meatloaf was gone and bit back a dejected groan. Cash warned him that a person needed to move fast around there. He’d been late for lunch and missed out on the goodies.
“Whatcha got there?” Harry asked.
“Pudding for Cash.”
“Did you eat at the diner?” Harry sounded more curious than accusatory.
“No, just wanted to bring home something special for Cash.”
“That’s so sweet,” she crooned. “Oh! A package arrived for you. Rory put it in your makeshift office in the library.”
His appetite disappeared in an instant, and he closed the refrigerator door. “Thanks!” Nick called out on his way out of the kitchen.
It did funny things to his insides to see Cash’s address under his name on the shipping label. He tore open one end of the package, held it to his nose, and breathed deeply. God, he loved the smell of fine leather. He’d love it even more when stretched around Cash. Nick tucked the box behind his back and headed to the office next door. Cash looked up from his computer when Nick knocked on the doorframe. “Busy?”
“Never too busy for you. Get in here.”
Nick shut the door behind him and took two steps before Cash’s no-nonsense voice halted him in his tracks.
“Lock it too.”
Nick retreated to do his bidding, then continued to his desk.
“What’s behind your back?” Cash asked.
“A gift for you.”
Cash’s eyes widened in surprise. He was a man who gave and gave, and Nick wanted him to be a man who received and received too. “What’s the occasion?”
Nick rounded the desk and kissed his upturned lips. “Because I love you.” He pulled the box from behind his back and handed it to him.
Cash just looked at it for several moments. He trailed his finger over the mailing label twice before meeting Nick’s gaze again. “This is the nicest gift anyone has ever given me.”
“You haven’t opened it yet,” Nick teased.
Cash tapped the label. “I’m talking about this. Seeing your name with my address…”
“Does funny things to your insides?” Nick palmed the back of Cash’s neck and kissed him again, longer this time. “Me too. Open your gift.”