Page 49 of Saints Like Him
“Huh-uh,” Nick said firmly. “Nope.”
Cash’s mouth quirked up a little on the end. “What?”
“None of this is your fault. You’ll eventually get to the point yourself, so I’ll save you the exhaustive mind wrestling and ruminating. Are you listening?”
Cash huffed out a frustrated breath because he knew Nick wouldn’t let it go. “Yeah.”
“Great.” Nick leaned in for a quick kiss, then pressed his fingers deeper into Cash’s scalp. Cash’s sigh was nearly a whimper as he closed his eyes. Nick hated to ruin the blissful expression on Cash’s face, but he had things to say. “You were not responsible for Mike Carson robbing that store at gunpoint. You said you didn’t know he was holding the place up, and I believe you. You did the right thing by turning him in. He wouldn’t have stopped and might’ve killed an innocent clerk or bystander someday. That would’ve weighed much heavier on your conscience.”
Cash sighed but didn’t open his eyes. “You’re right.”
“Hell yes, I am.” Nick maneuvered Cash to stand beneath the spray and tilted his head back to rinse the shampoo from his hair, then got distracted by the suds cascading over Cash’s gorgeous body. A few bubbles clung to him before losing the battle with water and gravity. “Hold on tight because I’m just getting started with my truth bombing.”
Cash shifted his hands down to grip Nick’s ass with both hands. A surge of lust hit Nick so hard it stole his breath. Not now. Cash’s knowing smirk was freaking cute, and Nick couldn’t resist giving him one little kiss.
“The parole board denied Mike Carson parole no less than five times before he died.”
Cash’s eyes snapped open and met Nick’s. “I remember.”
“None of that is your fault either. You didn’t make the man instigate fights with other inmates. Carson is the one who refused to accept responsibility for his actions during those parole hearings. If he’d shown contrition and applied himself to his rehabilitation with even an ounce of the enthusiasm as the men living on this ranch, Carson could’ve been paroled. You’re responsible for a lot of things, but Mike Carson’s poor decisions aren’t one of them.”
Cash quirked a brow. “And just what are you blaming me for?”
Nick brought Cash’s hand to his throbbing dick. “This, but we don’t have—”
Cash dropped to his knees and took Nick’s dick into his mouth down to the root. He bobbed his hot mouth up and down with the perfect amount of suction to curl Nick’s toes.
“Time for this,” Nick finished. He tried to resist. Mostly. Nick fisted Cash’s hair to pull his wicked mouth off his dick, but his resistance crumbled when Cash swallowed around his swollen cockhead. The grip on his hair became Nick’s anchor as he fucked Cash’s face. It didn’t take long before he spilled his release. Cash looked mighty smug as he swallowed it all down before letting Nick’s cock slide free from his mouth.
Getting to his feet, Cash reached for the bottle of lube made especially for water sex. “There will always be time for this.” He smeared lube up and down his gorgeous dick, then twirled his finger in the air.
Nick’s legs were still shaking from his powerful orgasm, but he turned around and braced his palms against the shower wall. “Don’t go easy on me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
Cash nibbled his neck and sank his teeth into Nick’s uninjured shoulder as he stretched Nick open for him. They moaned together when Cash sank home in one hard thrust. “Fuck, you make me feel so good.” Cash eased back slowly and slammed forward a few times before setting off at an ardent pace. Nick loved it when Cash used his spent body to get off. He bunched his glutes and tightened the clench around Cash’s cock, ensuring he’d lose his mind.
“Damn you,” Cash snarled as he rutted like a wild animal. He came hard, growling as he spilled inside Nick. He rested against Nick’s back for a few moments before pulling free. “There’s never a bad time to love you.”
Nick turned in his embrace, and they clung to one another for a few moments. They reluctantly separated to wash up, and that’s when reality intruded again. “Are you going to tell the guys what we know so far or wait for more information?”
“Waiting could put their lives in danger,” Cash said. “Besides, I promised to be open with them. I won’t do anything to risk their trust. I’ll tell everyone when Rue gets back with the pizza.”
Nick pulled Cash hard into him. “I’m so proud to call you mine.”
They shared one last, long kiss before turning off the water and toweling off. They dressed with no more kissing or fooling around. Cash’s phone was pinging with one notification after another. Under normal circumstances, Nick would’ve teased Cash about being a popular guy. Their situation was anything but normal, so Nick kept his mouth shut. Cash crossed to the bed and picked up his phone.
“I have a missed call and voicemail message from Burke.” He swiped up and sucked in a sharp breath. “And I have three notifications from the vehicle tracking software. It detected a collision from one of the units before it went offline.”
The absolute look of terror on Cash’s face was something Nick would never forget. But the crew’s vehicles were all at the ranch. It took Nick a second for reality to kick in.
“Rue!” Nick and Cash yelled as they sprinted toward the front of the house.
Cash’s pounding heart drowned out the sound of everything but his thundering pulse. He acted on pure instinct and crashed into Nick when they both headed for the BMW’s driver side.
Nick gripped his arm to steady him. Cash saw his lips move but couldn’t hear what he said. He finally read Nick’s lips. “Breathe, Saint.” Cash sucked in a short, choppy breath that did nothing to ease the tension in his body. Nick took Cash’s hand and placed it on his chest. “Breathe with me.”
They cycled through two deep breaths before Cash’s pulse settled enough to quiet the roaring river of blood in his ears.