Page 51 of Saints Like Him
“Rue,” he called out. “We’re here, buddy. We’ll get you out.”
A soft chuckle drifted up the hill, and Burke shook his head. “He said he appreciates you showing up, but you’re interfering with his marriage proposal.”
“Only Rue,” Cash whispered. A lump formed in his throat, and a sense of peace washed over him. Rue was going to be okay. He had to be. “I can’t just stand here and do nothing.” But his so-called brilliant brain failed him at the moment. “What can I do?”
“Call Ivan,” Nick said. “They might’ve seen us tear out of there and are wondering what the hell happened.”
Ivan would’ve called him if that were the case, but Cash needed to let them know what was going on. “Thanks,” he said, reaching for his phone.
“Make sure you tell them to stay put. The last thing the rescue team needs is more people in their way.”
“Okay,” Cash said. “But I’m not leaving without Rueben.”
Nick leaned in for a quick kiss. “Of course we’re not. Just tell them enough detail to inform them without inducing panic.”
Cash nodded as he pulled up Ivan’s contact. His foreman knew something was wrong as soon as he heard Cash’s voice. He kept the call succinct but softened the conversation by relaying Rueben’s proposal attempts. As Nick predicted, the crew wanted to rush to the scene but reluctantly agreed it wouldn’t be wise. “I’ll keep you guys posted. Send Rue and his rescuers good thoughts.”
After Cash disconnected, he detected sirens in the distance. As the heavy diesel engines drove closer, their emergency lights bounced in the trees and the noise became deafening. Three sheriff’s vehicles, two fire trucks, an ambulance, a mountain rescue truck, and a massive tow rig arrived in the most beautiful parade Cash had ever seen. His relief deepened, and his conviction strengthened. Rue would be okay.
The envoy switched to lights only as they stopped in the middle of the road, but the earsplitting sirens echoed in the trees for what seemed like an eternity. One deputy continued up the hill toward the ranch and Cash overheard a firefighter say that they were blocking the road at both ends. Nick placed his hand at the small of Cash’s back and led him over for introductions. Captain Hart with Hart’s Creek Rescue was perfunctory and professional, which Cash found reassuring. Hart didn’t have time to hold his hand and offer hollow promises. His crew had a job to do, and they needed Cash and Nick to stay clear so they could do it.
“Understood,” Cash said. “I just want to be clear about something. I only care about Rueben’s safety. The truck isn’t important.”
The chief nodded briskly before barking out orders. In a flurry of activity, the crew donned safety gear and lit up the forest with emergency lighting. Cash and Nick moved out of the way and observed from a safe distance. Nick wrapped his arm around Cash’s waist, pulled him close, and pressed a kiss to his temple.
“Rueben’s going to be okay,” Nick said.
“I won’t accept any other outcome.”
Captain Hart motioned for everyone to settle for a second so he could communicate with Burke. The men shouted questions and answers back and forth for a few minutes before Hart signaled for them to continue. A crewman pulled metal hoist wire rope from a spool on the back of the Hart’s Creek Rescue truck and hooked the end to a spinal board. Three additional crewmen, geared in backpacks and rescue harnesses, hooked their kernmantle ropes to the sides of the truck before positioning themselves at the edge of the road. One of them got handed an extra rescue harness and a rope, and the other two took possession of the spinal board. They used the system of pulleys on their gear to adjust the rope so they could disappear over the side. Cash instinctively took a few steps forward before Nick tightened his hold on his waist.
“And just what are you going to do that these guys can’t?” Nick teased.
Cash sighed. “You’re right. It’s just killing me to stand here and do nothing.”
Nick pressed another kiss to his temple and held Cash even tighter. The gesture was meant to comfort, not restrain. Cash practically melted into Nick’s touch. The setup happened fast, but the journey down to Rue seemed to stretch on forever. Luckily, Cash could tell what was happening from the shouted communications between Captain Hart and the crew.
“How the hell did Burke make it down there without equipment?” Nick asked.
“We’ll find out when they bring his ass back to the top, but I suspect fear overrode his common sense.” If Cash had been first on the scene, he probably would’ve attempted it too.
“I can feel you tensing up like you’re about to bolt for the edge of the road,” Nick said. “Maybe text an update to Ivan. They have to be freaking out right now.”
“Good call.”
Cash pulled out his phone and opened the group chat thread he’d set up for emergencies. If this didn’t qualify, he didn’t know what did. It was the first time he’d had to use it, and hopefully it would be the last. Rue was part of the group of course, but Cash suspected his phone had been damaged beyond repair. He could read the thread after his rescue and Cash got Rue a replacement phone. He typed a quick text to inform them of the progress and immediately received a reply from everyone. Cash figured they were together at Ivan and Rory’s house, where the crew gathered for poker every Saturday. Tears welled in his eyes when he read just how much everyone loved Rue. Cash looked forward to him reading their sentiments too.
Nick leaned closer to read the exchange. “You have a remarkable family, Saint.”
“I really do.”
The men called out when they reached the truck. An argument ensued, and Cash surmised Burke had refused to go back up the mountain without Rueben.
Nick snorted and said, “I think that sly little minx is about to get his way. Do you think life has prepared Burke for Rueben Sanchez?”
Cash laughed and laid his head on Nick’s shoulder. “Not in the slightest.”
Captain Hart stayed by the edge of the road and called instructions to the hillside crew and the guy working the hydraulic winch on the back of the rescue truck. It seemed like hours passed before the crew’s bright helmets came into view. Cash took a few steps forward, but Nick pulled him back again.