Page 56 of Saints Like Him
“I’m free. How do you feel about steaks?” Burke asked.
“Love a good steak.”
Nick’s phone pinged with an alert when Cash messaged the group. One month.
The crew was outraged and accused them of having insider knowledge. Nick nodded his head toward the curtain, and Cash followed him out. It was doubtful the other occupants in the small space noticed. They stopped a nurse and asked where they could find the nearest vending machines, then followed her directions. Since there was no one else in the alcove, Nick cupped Cash’s cheeks and kissed him hard. The emotions he’d suppressed during the heat of the moment surged upward. Someone hated Cash enough to want him dead. Nick had been the target of plenty of bad guys, but it came with the territory. Having that level of hatred aimed at Cash was a bitter pill to swallow. Nick embraced Cash and held on for a long time.
“I love you, Saint. I love you so damn much.”
“Well, I was going to treat you to a candy bar, but now I’m going to buy you chips too,” Cash said. He turned his head and kissed Nick’s neck. “I love you too.”
Someone cleared their throat, and the two men pulled apart. Burke stood there with his arms across his chest and a big smirk on his face. “A nurse just popped in and said it would be a little longer before the doctor would be by. I thought I’d buy Rueben a snack.”
“That’s what we were doing,” Cash said.
“Uh-huh.” Burke scoffed. “Looks like it.”
Nick pulled his credit card from his wallet. “What’ll it be, Burke? My treat.”
They took a variety of sweet and salty snacks back to Rue’s triage room. Burke made his excuses to leave after he ate a bag of Cheez-Its and a Payday candy bar.
Rueben reached out for his hand again, and Burke clasped it without hesitation. He batted his long eyelashes hard enough to stir the air. “Are you sure you have to go?”
Burke’s grim expression softened. “I have to make somebody pay for what they did to you.”
“Oh, wow.” Rueben covered his heart with his free hand. “Friday?”
Burke nodded. “Cash has my personal number. Text me when you get your replacement phone.” He again promised to inform them of any developments before he ducked out through the curtain.
Rue stared at the spot Burke had occupied with a wistful expression on his face. Nick figured he wore a sappy expression like that every time he’d pined for Cash during all those trips they’d taken as friends. An amazing idea struck him between the eyes. Cash had taken him to Denver to kind of relive their first weekend together. Nick wanted to reexperience their favorite vacation spots as a couple. But before that could happen, they needed to put Mick Carson behind bars. He promised not to interfere with Burke’s investigation, but he couldn’t sit idly by and wait for the next attack either.
When Rue got restless, he borrowed Cash’s phone to play Best Fiends. Cash tipped his head back against the wall and shut his eyes. Nick dug through social media to see what he could learn about Mick Carson and associates. It was remarkable the things people put out for just anyone to see. He found an active Facebook account, but Mick hadn’t updated it in over three years. Nick doubted he’d find a detailed manifesto in the man’s posts, but he hoped to uncover something he could give Burke. Carson’s posts were mostly scripture and updates about his personal life. Nothing Nick would call radical. He’d almost given up when he came upon a photo of a fishing trip. It looked like four men had ventured out on a boat and reeled in a great haul. He wasn’t sure what about it had caught his attention until his third pass over the group. The young guy on the far right was looking away from the photographer, so only his profile was visible. Nick sat up straight as recognition dawned. The poorly healed nose gave him away. It was the guy from the security photos.
“What?” Rue asked.
His voice woke Cash, who’d dozed off in the chair. “What’d I miss?”
Nick stood up and walked over to Rue’s bed. Cash pulled his chair up so they could all see what Nick had found. “Does the guy on the end look familiar to you?”
“That’s the guy who framed Tyler with the stolen tools!” Cash exclaimed. “Who is he?”
“A guy in one of Mick Carson’s Facebook photos,” Nick replied. “It’s from five years ago. A fishing trip.” Mick had tagged first names only, but it didn’t take long for Nick to click through the three guests. Each had the same last name, so he assumed they were related.
“Quinton Carson,” Nick said, showing them the profile.
Before they could say more, the doctor finally appeared.
“Hello, I’m Dr. Rashid.” The doctor barely stood five feet tall, but her confident aura made her appear taller. She tucked long, wavy hair behind one ear as she read over Rue’s notes. Her kind, whiskey-colored eyes returned to Rue. “You’re a very lucky man, Mr. Sanchez.”
Nick held up his phone when she started asking him questions and tilted his head toward the hallway. Cash nodded, and he ducked out. Nick took a screenshot of both photos and sent them to Burke’s cell phone with a message. This is the guy who put the stolen tools in Tyler’s truck. Possibly Mick’s nephew or even great-nephew.
Burke called him in under a minute. “I thought I told you to stay out of it.”
“You’re welcome,” Nick replied.
Burke chuckled. “How’s Rue?”
“Doctor is with him now. Hopefully, they’ll run his tests and send him home. Hoping to be out of here in an hour.”