Page 61 of Saints Like Him
Cash tried hard not to think about the descriptors Burke used to define the conditions Keegan had lived in prior to his escape, but Cash pictured them every time he closed his eyes. He relived Keegan’s mournful whimpers in his dreams. Cash had witnessed the man’s night terrors during those first few days at the hospital, and he’d seen the echoes of them in Keegan’s eyes the next morning. Keegan had fluctuated between sadness and anger, but the underlying emotion was always fear. Cash did his best to assure Keegan he was safe. He would never forget the look of awe on Keegan’s face when Cash had shown him to Harry’s former suite on his first day at the ranch. His lips had trembled, and he’d scrubbed at his eyes to keep the tears at bay.
“Now is a good time to have a good cry, and this is a safe place to do it. I promise no one here will ever make fun of you.”
Keegan collapsed onto the bed like his legs had given out and sobbed into a pillow. Cash offered comfort where he could, then retrieved a bottle of water for Keegan when it felt best to give him some privacy. Keegan had only tried to pick out one outfit when Cash took him to the general store on the ranch. Cash noticed he’d chosen the most subdued colors, but he remembered Keegan had had a flair for bolder hues before his time with Salvation Anew. Cash picked out a flannel shirt with navy blue and aqua plaid, and Keegan offered his first smile since arriving at the hospital. The smiles came easier, even if sadness shrouded him like a cloak. Witnessing Keegan’s recovery over the past two weeks was a solace Cash clung to when hope eluded him or when he noticed how happy Nick seemed when interacting with his federal friends. Nick had completed two interviews at the police academy and was waiting for the final round. Would teaching cadets really satisfy Nick, or would he regret his decision and resent Cash?
“You’re doing it again.” Nick’s voice snapped Cash out of his musings. They’d been enjoying a beautiful evening on the porch while Keegan played with Patsy in the yard.
Cash turned his head and gave Nick his most innocent smile. “Guess you know what that means.”
Nick placed his hands on the arm of the chair and pushed up, but Rory bustled up the steps before Nick’s sweet ass moved more than a few inches.
“I think I have a solution to your problem, Cash,” Rory said.
Nick leaned into Cash’s personal space. “You’re not getting rid of me so easily, Saint.”
Cash chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Maybe you could be more specific about the problem you mean.”
“The big baddies,” Rory said.
Nick snorted. “Did he say something about Daddies?”
“No, he didn’t,” Rory replied snidely. “I’m afraid I’ll accidentally summon the bad guys if I say their names out loud.” He tilted his head. “On the other hand, that’s what I want to talk about.”
“Summoning demons?” Nick asked. “Exactly what are you watching at night?”
Rory quirked a brow and smiled wryly. “Who has time for television in the evening?” He fanned himself in case the older folks were too dumb to understand.
Nick gagged. “I don’t need to imagine what you’re getting up to over there.”
“Then don’t, you perv,” Rory shot back. “Be serious. I can’t believe they let you into the FBI.”
Nick leaned forward, lowered his voice, and said, “Don’t you know? Charles bought my way in.”
Rory snorted. “Yeah, right. Is that really what some people think at the Bureau?”
“More people believe it than not,” Nick said, then pinned Cash with a firm look. “Which is just one reason of many why I’m leaving the Bureau regardless of whether the police academy job comes through.”
Cash ignored him and gestured for Rory to continue. “What did you want to talk about?”
“Remember how we used PR to subdue this Samuel Jeremiah Mick Carson guy? We need to do the same thing to smoke him out of hiding.”
“No way,” Nick said. “You’re not dangling Cash out like he’s a juicy carrot.”
“Ignore him,” Cash said. “Convince me, and I’ll do the same with Burke.”
Nick crossed his arms over his chest and pursed his lips. Cash nearly asked for a quick recess so he could kiss the pout off his face, but their intimate moments were never short. “I don’t like this,” Nick said.
“Noted,” Cash said and waved at Rory. “You have the floor.” He clasped his hand over Nick’s mouth when he tried to interrupt. “Behave and I’ll reward you later.”
“Ew,” Rory said. “Now it’s my turn to be grossed out.”
Nick licked his palm, and Cash jerked his hand back, deciding to use it on Nick’s ass later.
“You were saying,” Cash prompted.
“It’s a two-pronged attack.” He recommended they do a video for their website and YouTube channel about Cash’s history with Mick Carson and the current troubles with him. “Expose everything you know about the guy. Then we continue with our plans for the Pups and Pumpkins event this weekend. Really push the pet adoption on our social media sites and maybe do some flyers in town.”
“This is a bad idea,” Nick said. “We can’t involve the public.”