Page 50 of Replacement
Arthur gives the bracelet to William, who looks at it for a minute, turning it in his hand, before he passes it back to me.
As I latch it back on my wrist, I slant a look over at William. He’s watching me, his eyes softer than usual. He’s the one who brought the bracelet to attention. He wanted to make sure I don’t believe I’m an empty-headed loser.
He’s proud of me.
And he wants other people to see what I can do too.
“Told you,” he murmured.
I half giggle and half sob—embarrassed by a surge of emotion. I give him a teasing nudge with my elbow, and he reaches out to gently stroke the top of my hand with his fingertips.
Fortunately, our desserts come just then so the conversation shifts to something more casual.
After we finish eating, Scarlett and I excuse ourselves to the restroom.
Because I feel comfortable with her now, I take that opportunity to ask her about how she met and fell in love with Arthur. They’re not a predictable couple, and I’m fascinated with how they even met to begin with.
She answers easily, rather sheepishly. He was a friend of her father’s and gave her a job after her father died. The six months she lost to amnesia were the months when she fell in love with Arthur, so she ended up falling in love with him twice.
I’m even more intrigued by their love story, and I would have asked more questions had she not turned the conversation back to me as we’re washing our hands.
She says, “So tell me about you and William.”
I should have expected the question, but I’m put on the spot anyway. “It’s… complicated.”
“In what way?”
I throw away my paper towel and stare at myself in the mirror. “I’m not sure if I can explain it.”
“I’m…” What the hell can I say? I want to be friends with this woman, so I don’t want to lie, but I can hardly tell her the whole truth. I haven’t even told William. “It started kind of… superficially between us.”
This doesn’t appear to surprise her. She nods.
I blurt out, “But now I’m crazy about him.”
“What’s wrong with that? He clearly isn’t averse to you either.”
“You think so?” I probably sound too needy, but I really want to hear this. I crave it like a drug.
“Of course. He’s hard to read, but there’s definitely something there. Have you not talked about it?”
“Uh, yeah. Kind of. But everything isn’t sorted out. And…” I have to stifle a surge of emotion as I think about the reality of my situation.
No matter how much I want William, he wants Amber instead.
I manage to complete my reply. “It’s hard not to believe he wants someone other than me.”
“I don’t believe that, but if you’re worried about it, then you need to talk to him again.Kind oftalking isn’t enough.”
She’s right. Of course she’s right. But who wants to hear that sort of truth when it means you finally have to take an incredibly frightening step.
Scarlett goes on, “I’m not saying it will be easy. But you won’t get what you need unless you take it.”
I manage a little nod and then take a deep breath, trying to compose myself. “Sorry to dump that on you.”