Page 9 of Replacement
I was completely at a loss for words as I realized that, despite the fully equipped workout room in this apartment, Amber regularly goes to a fancy health club. I knew she was a member because she gave me the information, but I’ve been too distracted to try to go yet.
This realization did nothing to lead me to an answer for William, who was waiting for a response to his question. Finally I managed to say, “I was just getting tired of being bothered all the time by annoying people when I try to work out.”
That seemed to satisfy William, and he let the topic drop.
I keep reading on the couch until eleven when I decide I better go to bed. I need to make sure I’m “asleep” when William arrives home, which might be as early as midnight.
I’m not asleep—I’m lying in bed in the dark, nervously waiting for his arrival—at just after midnight when I hear faint sounds from the entry to the apartment.
Then the bedroom door opens.
I close my eyes immediately and lie perfectly still, deepening my breathing so my slumbers will be convincing. I hear someone walk into the room. Some rustling sounds. A drawer open and close.
Unable to stand not knowing what’s going on, I peek through my lashes.
William hasn’t turned on any lights, but he’s left the bedroom door open, so light comes in from the hallway. I can see his dark silhouette—tall, lean, masculine—as he unbuttons his dress shirt.
His suit jacket is draped over the surface of the dresser, and he must have already taken off his tie.
I watch in genuine curiosity and growing anxiety as he takes off his cuff links and then pulls off his shirt. I can’t see well enough to pick out any details of his chest, but the outline of his shoulders and the taper of his back are fit. Powerful.
I gulp, reminding myself that Amber promised there was nothing intimate between the two of them. Plus I can always have a headache. I’m not going to be required to have sex with this attractive, intimidating stranger who is about to get in bed with me.
I watch from beneath my lowered lashes as he slides off his belt, takes off his watch, and then toes off his shoes.
He’s starting to unfasten his trousers when he suddenly looks over at me. I can’t see his eyes or expression, but the motion of his silhouetted head is clear.
I’m so surprised by his sudden attention that I jerk a little. My heart racing frantically, I can no longer hide that I’m awake, so I lift my arms in a leisurely stretch. “Hey. You’re home.”
“I was trying not to wake you. You’re in bed early.”
He sounds mild, polite, but not particularly affectionate. Certainly not like a man who is thrilled to see Amber after a week apart.
I’m intensely relieved it’s dark in the room so he won’t able to see me very clearly. “Yeah. I was tired. How was your trip?”
He pauses, still focused on where I’m lying in bed. I momentarily lose my breath, as it feels like his scrutiny might pierce through the dark of the room. But that’s ridiculous. I simply need to stay relaxed and act natural.
“Fine,” he replies at last, taking off his trousers. He seems to be wearing some kind of dark-colored boxers beneath them, but I can’t clearly see the cut or fabric.
“Good.” After the groggy response, I snuggle down under the covers as if I’m about to drift back to sleep. I don’t feel tired at all. I’m having trouble controlling my shallow breathing and racing heartbeat. But I don’t want William to get any ideas about nighttime activities, so it’s best if he thinks I’m not fully awake.
At the sound of more motion, I peek out again and see that he has gathered his clothes and is heading into the closet. After a minute in there, he goes into the bathroom and closes the door behind him.
I let out a long breath. It’s fine. I can do this. William and Amber might sleep in the same bed, but they’re clearly quite distant, exactly as Amber explained. I can act even more distant. William might think I’m rude and heartless, but at least he’ll still think I’m Amber.
I hear the toilet flush in the bathroom. Then the water running in the sink. He’s probably brushing his teeth. I wonder if he’ll take a shower, but he doesn’t. He comes back out after just a minute, turning off the bathroom light and then closing the bedroom door.
The room falls into almost complete darkness, broken only by the thin edge of light around the door and the faint glow of the bedside clock.
I hear rather than see William walk over and climb into the bed beside me. The mattress shifts. The covers are adjusted. My pillow moves slightly, nudged by his.
I feel him stretch out beside me. Hear him let out a deep, thick breath— as if he’s trying to relax.
He must be tired. He flew in from London. He’s likely had a long, hard week.
And he hasn’t had a very warm homecoming.
I feel a sharp pang in my chest. It’s not guilt—since William obviously isn’t my responsibility—but it’s something like sympathy. He’s been basically nice to me every time we’ve talked on the phone. Not sentimental or emotional but certainly not rude, abrasive, or cold.