Page 31 of Ravik's Mercy
Without a word on my part, my youngest son, Ganek, gestured for one of the male servants to bring a fourth chair to the head of the table. A hush fell over the room. Only the Dagna, the Magnar’s wife, would sit at the head of the table. A distinguished guest such as a female ambassador, which technically Ravena could pass for, would have the honor of sitting at the main table, but on the sides, not at the head.
Grateful for my son’s initiative that let me off the hook, I led Ravena by the hip to the chair next to mine. Keran stood before the chair at her right and Ganek at my left.
I sat down, my sons followed suit, and then so did Ravena. I smiled, pleased that she had so well understood the protocol even without explanation. The rest of the attendants took their seats, aside from Caldes who remained standing. The servants immediately started buzzing around us, bringing dishes and drink.
“Magnar,” Raylor Caldes said, “the Guldans I have told you about are here. With your permission, I would like to invite them to your table.”
I narrowed my eyes at him, still finding no deceit, only excessive eagerness. Fenton and Krygor stared at him, their gaze assessing. I’d contacted Krygor and my sons as soon as we’d set in motion the plan to turn the Guldans’ trap on them. If they had sought to abduct me on my way home, chances were they’d seek to neutralize my sons as well. I leaned back against my seat, pondering.
Ravena’s eyes flicked between Raylor and me. Despite her neutral expression, I could sense the tension within her. To my relief, as much as I knew she hated it, and of her own volition, my woman had once more covered her markings with a long-sleeved, ankle-length, black sheath dress. Until we got rid of these Guldans, I preferred to keep her genetics a secret.
“You may,” I said.
Raylor responded with a triumphant smile, having no idea about the tongue lashing I had in store for his guests. He nodded to Siltar, his second-born son, who ran to get the Guldans. Minutes later, he returned with two males; one with black horns and silver-white hair, the other with brown horns and dark brown hair. Their polite smiles faltered as they approached the table and noted Ravena’s presence. They looked around the room, as if seeking someone or something before their gazes returned to my woman, a frown marring their foreheads. The silver-haired Guldan appeared the most troubled.
“Magnar,” Raylor said, “I am pleased to introduce you to the Honorable Hartuk Tellin and Lorik Zorak, Guldan Ambassadors, here to hopefully negotiate a mutually beneficial alliance.”
“Magnar,” both men said, slightly bowing their heads.
I stared at them without returning the salutation. Raylor’s lips tightened ever so slightly. With a stiff smile, he invited the Guldans to take a seat, while three servants poured wine for my sons and me. When they turned to leave, Ravena tsked and raised her glass.
“Forgetting something, sweetheart?” she asked.
Amidst the gasps and shocked faces of the males around the table, Krygor lifted an amused eyebrow while Fenton made no effort to repress a snort. The servant, the hybrid daughter of a former slave, cast a wary glance towards me. I gave Ravena’s glass a meaningful look, indicating for her to proceed. Lips parted in shock and eyes bulging, the girl complied, her hands slightly shaking as she served my woman wine. Conversation resumed as the servants moved to other guests.
Once everyone was served, I raised my glass and silence once more fell over the audience.
“To new friendships,” I said, looking at Ravena who winked at me. “To new alliances,” which had Caldes perking up, “and to thwarted kidnapping attempts,” I concluded, my eyes boring into Harturk’s, the silver-haired Guldan who seemed to be in charge.
Both he and his companion stiffened while shocked gasps and outraged cries erupted all around the room.
Holding the Guldan’s gaze, unflinching, I downed the contents of my glass and held it up for a servant to refill.
“Hear!” said Fenton, Krygor, and my two sons, while raising their glasses as well.
They emptied their glasses, Ravena emulating them.
“What is the meaning of this?” Raylor asked, torn between shock, outrage, and something akin to fear.
I related a short version of the incident, keeping Ravena’s part a secret, as per her prior request. Raylor grew paler with each word, his incredulous eyes flicking between his guests and me.
“A most unfortunate occurrence. I’m glad to see you’ve escaped unharmed,” Hartuk said with false sympathy. “Are you certain they were Guldan ships? Such a scandalous act would jeopardize the alliance efforts between our peoples. I can assure you that forming a bond between our two peoples is a high priority for our Emperor.”
With a head gesture, I indicated for Captain Baldur to proceed. Rising from his clan’s table, he approached the central area of the main table and displayed a holographic replay of the Guldan ships de-cloaking, capturing the escape pods, and then exploding.
Angry cries filled the room as the clans shouted for vengeance. I let them run for a moment longer before raising a hand to demand calm.
“And yet,” I said, “on the same day the Guldan Ambassadors arrive on Braxia and begin campaigning without my consent, your people attempt to assassinate me.”
“An upsetting coincidence,” Hartuk said, waving a dismissive hand. “We certainly didn’t mean any disrespect by sharing information with your people about the technological and financial benefits for Braxians in the case of an alliance between our peoples.” His gaze rested on Ravena, speculating, before returning to me.
I narrowed my eyes at him.
“That said, it appears we’ve underestimated Braxian technology,” Hartuk continued, rubbing a hand over his right horn. “Aside from the Tuureans, no other species have managed to break through our cloaking shields. Are you already trading technology with Guldans?”
Hartuk pointedly stared at Ravena. I bristled at the insolence of his gaze upon my woman.
“Guldan females are normally not allowed off planet, let alone without a guardian. I do not see him anywhere, Sana…?” Hartuk asked Ravena.