Page 42 of Ravik's Mercy

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Page 42 of Ravik's Mercy

“The Guldans have escaped you,” I said, the battle rage haze making my words come out slurred and growly. “How convenient when you were so close to them and can move faster than them.”

Torvin’s eyes flicked this way and that, taking in which clansmen were in attendance, no doubt gauging how much support he might garner. When they settled on Ravena, hatred flared, and his mask dropped.

“This has nothing to do with the Guldans, does it,Magnar?” Torvin asked, putting as much contempt as he could in my title. “This is about that human cunt and that abomination she gave you. You’re pining over that filthy slave, and rather than taking a proper Braxian mate, you’re still chasing after alien pussy,” he spat, casting a meaningful—and contemptuous—glance at Ravena over my shoulder. “You’ve learned nothing. No wonder Braxia is on the verge of bankruptcy. You’re running it into the ground, turning us into pathetic farmers, taking orders from Krygor’s half-breed.”

Looking at the men around us and at the others trickling in from the woods, he pointed at me, taking them as witnesses.

“This is your ruler,” Torvin shouted so all would hear him. “An alien lover, who bows to a half-breed. Probably sucks his cock while he’s at it. He has rejected every alliance that could bring us back to our glorious warrior ways; starves our clans by taking away our slaves; charges cutthroat fines to those who won’t follow his rules; spits on our customs; forbids retaliation against trampled honor; and now brings a fucking female to the battlefield. He is unworthy of the title Magnar.”

An odd sense of peace settled over me as mutterings from the men rose around me. In a few minutes, I would kill this man, painfully. For Lissy, for my son, for his disrespect to my Ravena, and to me, and above all, for betraying Braxia.

“Whatever your grievances with the way I rule Braxia, you forfeited your life the day you brought foreigners to attack and kill Braxians on their home world to further your own agenda,” I said, in a voice devoid of emotion.

Torvin flinched, a glint of panic settling in his eyes. “You’ve been slaughtering the Fifteen. THAT’s what this is all about.”

I ignored his desperate attempt at diversion.

“The joarkal reek of forxis, which drove them to madness. Hundreds of innocent Braxians have died into their rampage instigated by your Guldan friends,” I continued, inexorably. Angry head nods and murmurs of agreements welcomed my words. “The joarkal population will take years to recover from the massacre we were forced into. Countless of our brothers lay dead or injured in that forest because those cowards you allied yourself with shot them while hidden. Yes,my woman, the alien, for the second time is the reason we stand victorious. So no, Torvin Sedrak, this isn’t about any of the things you’ve claimed, but about your treason against Braxia. Lissy is merely more fuel to my rage.”

“I’ve committed no treason! You are the traitor!” Torvin yelled, taking a step back.

“For your crime, Torvin Sedrak, you will face execution by my hand through single combat. For assisting you in this crime, your four companions will be flayed and spiked in front of your compound as a reminder of what awaits traitors. As for what remains of your clan, they will stand trial or face banishment.”

“Judgment heard and seconded,” Krygor’s voice said behind me.

“Judgment heard and seconded,” Keran said.

I planted my battle axe in the ground like a flag, as it would do too quick a job of killing my opponent, and extended a hand towards Krygor. He approached me and handed me his sword.

“NO! This is a farce!” Torvin shouted, looking for support that didn’t come as more and more voices rose in support of my ruling.

“You can die fighting with what little honor you have left, or you can try to run like the cowards you’ve aligned yourself with.”

Realizing at last that there would be no escape for him, Torvin raised his sword and charged me with a war cry. The dying embers of my battle rage reignited, and I embraced it, letting the bloodlust wash over me. Sword in hand, I met his attack head on, easily parrying the blow. Adrenalin coursed through me, putting me in a strange state of feral euphoria. I laughed as Torvin swung his blade at me with all the strength he could muster. Each clash of our blades sent tremors along my arms, but I welcomed the slight discomfort.

Despite his combat skills, my opponent always tended to be a fool in battle, allowing his emotions to get the better of him. He was tiring himself without causing any damage or gaining any advantage.

Intent on toying with him, I blocked a few more blows and waited for him to raise his weapon. Timing my counter attack, I backhanded him savagely. Blood exploded from his mouth as he stumbled backwards, under the approving cheers of the assembled crowd. Recovering quickly, Torvin came at me again with his sword. I deflected the blow and backhanded him again, hitting the same side of his mouth. This time, he spit out a couple of teeth. The back of my hand pleasantly stung from the force with which I’d struck him.

Enraged, Torvin slashed at me in a frenzy. I was humiliating him by slapping his face like a little bitch instead of punching him like a worthy opponent. I parried and deflected his attacks, inflicting shallow to deep cuts in-between each of his flurries, circling around him like a predator. But as much as I enjoyed canvassing his body with weeping wounds, I soon tired of the game.

Hungry for the sound of his bones breaking, I turned the tables on him, this time, being the one to press the attack. He backed away from the fury of my assault, feebly parrying what he could, enduring the pain of what he couldn’t. Rushing him, I grabbed a hold of his weapon hand, immobilizing it, and slammed the pommel of my sword on the same side of his jaw I had been backhanding. Part of the bones caved in with a satisfying crunch.

Torvin’s scream of pain gurgled as blood flooded his mouth. His left fist connected solidly with the side of my face. Although it should have rattled me, battle rage dimmed the feeling of pain. Still holding his wrist, I brought down the pommel of my sword on the back of his elbow, busting his arm. He roared in agony as his sword fell from his now-limp hand. Despite his pain, Torvin brought his knee up, aiming for my groin or my gut. I barely managed to turn slightly, his knee slamming into my side with bruising force. For all the contempt he inspired in me, I gave him a begrudging respect as a warrior for fighting through the pain and not begging for mercy.

I backhanded his broken jaw again, feeling more bones giving way under the impact. Torvin wobbled on his feet. Releasing the wrist of his broken arm, I wrapped my hand around his neck and pummeled the other side of his face with a series of hard punches under the encouraging shouts of the crowd. Although still conscious, Torvin went limp. With a savage cry, and in an animal display of strength, I lifted my opponent by the neck with one hand before slamming him down on the ground. The crowd roared its approval while the air rushed out of Torvin.

I gazed upon my rival’s bloodied, broken face, his body lacerated with cuts, his arm lying at an odd angle, my bloodlust far from sated. He twitched, fighting to remain conscious. I hoped he would succeed for a while longer. His punition would not only serve to assuage part of my need for vengeance for Lissy, my son, the innocent Braxians killed by the joarkals, and for his betrayal against Braxia, but it would also serve as an example for any other who would even consider pursuing such a foolish course of action.

Marching up to my battle axe still planted in the ground, I picked it up and extended the bloodied sword back to Krygor. He swiftly approached to relieve me of it. My eyes connected with Ravena’s. She stood regal in her celesium armor, her visor down, her beautiful face fierce and devoid of any condemnation. My woman held my gaze, unflinching, the barely perceptible nod of her head confirming her support.

My goddess.

A hush fell over the men as I stomped back towards Torvin, who was struggling to get back on his feet. I kicked his shoulder with the sole of my foot, knocking him once more on his back.

“This is for bringing dishonor to your Ancestor’s clan,” I said, bringing down the flat back of my battle axe on his left calf. He screeched as the bones shattered, his body shaken with spasms. “This is for betraying Braxia,” I said, crushing the bone of his other calf. “And this is for the innocents who fell because of your treachery.”

His eyes rolled to be the back of his head as I smashed the elbow of his remaining good arm. That wouldn’t do. I wanted him conscious for the final blow. I prowled around his broken body, eyeing him with contempt. Lifting my head, I gazed upon my people surrounding me. They eyed me warily.

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