Page 26 of Anton's Grace
“I didn’t rescue her,” I deadpanned. “We signed an agreement.”
“Yes, about that…”
My eyes narrowed. Pretty boy better tread carefully. I had no intention of ever releasing her, not even after the six months were up.
“…I was able to rectify the situation that put me in this predicament, to begin with,” Marcus said, his eyes flittering between mine. “Which means I’m able to buy back Grace’s contract from you if we can agree on terms.”
What the fuck?
When Dana announced Marcus’ arrival, a lot of scenarios played through my mind. But this? Who the hell would pay over twelve million credits to buy back the contract of some chick he wasn’t even mated to? How deep was the bond between them?
“Why the fuck would you do that?” I asked. “This is more money than you’ve ever had. You’re a free man, cleared of any debt. Why not walk away? And don’t tell me some shit about being in love with her; we both know you’re not.”
He tilted his head to the side, his gaze assessing. The silence stretched for a few seconds and my irritation bubbled to the surface. I was about to snap at him when he snorted as if in derision of whatever thought crossed his mind.
“I can see why you would expect me to cut and run. After all, I’m a hustler and peddler of ‘exotic’ goods. But I’m not a con man. You don’t last long in this line of work if you screw over your business partners. I’m not an overly proud man, but I do have my honor.”
Marcus reclined in his chair and crossed his leg. I didn’t like this sudden change of attitude. I wanted back the nervous man who walked into my office a few minutes ago.
“You’ve also got another thing wrong, Mr. Myers.”
I raised an eyebrow at him.
Marcus smiled. “I do love Grace.”
His words struck me like a slap in the face. The smug, confident tone of his voice made me wonder if they truly shared deep feelings. Had Grace given her heart away?
“You’re going to come into my office and lie to my face?”
“I’m not lying to you, Mr. Myers,” Marcus said calmly. “I’m notin lovewith her, but I do love her. Grace and I have been together since we were nine. We grew up together in the same orphanage.”
“Ah, so now it’s childhood love?”
He curled his lips but continued as if I hadn’t interrupted.
“Grace was always pretty, but she became gorgeous at twelve. Mr. Carston, the son of a bitch who ran the orphanage, was quick to notice. It took me a while to realize what he was doing to her. I killed him and took Grace away. I’ve been taking care of her ever since.”
“Touching story, really. However, child abuse on fringe colonies is commonplace. Those who survive move on. We all have our own growing pains.”
My own childhood had been no cakewalk. I’d have taken someone trying to get into my pants any day over everyone looking for an opportunity to maim or murder me. At least, I think I would have preferred that. However, the thought of that Mr. Carston abusing Grace, especially as a helpless child, made my hands twitch with the need to shatter his bones. It was a good thing Marcus already disposed of him. Otherwise, he’d be getting a visit from me.
Marcus nodded. “I have no doubt you’ve faced plenty of hardship, being half-human. Surely you can understand that I would want to do this for the person who helped me through my difficult times?”
No, I didn’t. No one ever helped me survive any of my own nightmares aside from my father’s distant protection.
That’s a lie. William saved you.
That was true. I owed William. If he ever found himself in a bind, no price would be too high to help him.
“Unfortunately, her contract isn’t for sale. You’ll have to find yourself a new cock bait.”
His expression hardened. Marcus pressed his lips together, clearly holding back. I doubted it was fear making him pause. He wasn’t in a position of force in these ‘negotiations’ and knew better than to antagonize me more.
Marcus sucked in air through pinched nostrils, his eyes piercing me. “Alright, Mr. Myers. Let us speak plainly.”
I leaned back in my chair, a bored expression on my face, and gestured for him to proceed.
“I know you’re still angry about Jeruna… with good reason.”