Page 35 of Anton's Grace
I bit my fist in horror but gestured for him to continue. I would know the truth. The song ended and most couples returned to their tables. Marcus held me and we resumed dancing when the orchestra launched into the next piece.
“They had Kranax Beetles lay eggs inside both of Steffie’s ears, presumably while she slept. When the larvae hatched two days later, they didn’t take the shortest way out. She was left disfigured and deaf. She managed to take her life a year later.”
I rested my forehead on his shoulder, fighting back tears. They had been mean in their immaturity but didn’t deserve that extreme a punishment for a childish prank.
“Is that what Anton would have done to me?”
Marcus caressed my hair then lifted my chin to make me look at him.
“No, Gracie. Anton didn’t punish the girls. The elder clans did. Your punishment was Anton’s to decide on. Did he hurt you?”
“Yeah.” Marcus stiffened, his hold on my back tightening. “But he felt sorry afterwards and made it all better. He took really good care of me.”
Marcus stopped dancing. “Did he hit you?”
“No, Mar. He never hit me.”
“And since then?”
I shook my head. “No, he’s been nice since then.”
We resumed dancing.
“Do you like him?”
My face heated. I nibbled on my bottom lip before giving him a shy look.
He laughed. “You do like him. And you don’t mind him being Braxian? You don’t mind his face? I know how you are.”
I shrugged, feeling slightly embarrassed to be called out on how superficial I could be. “He’s only half Braxian and isn’t crazy big like the others. Plus, his body is ridiculous. No one should be that perfect – not that I mind.” I giggled. “As for his face, well he’s half Braxian so it’s normal he has that big forehead and flat nose.”
“Are you sure you like him? That it’s not just—”
“He’s not Paul,” I said, interrupting him. “Yes, I get attached too quickly and forgive too easily. Dr. Hazan would probably disapprove. Except for that one bad week, he’s been good to me. He makes me want to be better.”
“Better?” Marcus asked, looking confused.
“He sees me, the real Grace I didn’t even know existed. People only see ignorant, trashy Grace. But Anton spends time with me and talks to me, not like I’m an idiot. When I don’t know stuff, he doesn’t talk down to me or judge me. I’ve learned and discovered so many new things thanks to him. He’s such an important, busy man and yet he makes me feel like I’m worthy of his time.”
“You arenotan idiot, and youareworthy of his time.”
“But people don’t usually treat me that way. He believes in my potential. With hard work, he’s convinced I will be better than Seria. And he’s making me do it myself because he thinks I’m smart enough to manage. It’s hard and it sucks, but I am doing it, Mar. I see my progress and it feels good – it makes me want to be more.”
Marcus smiled and kissed my forehead.
“Gracie, you know I love you, right?”
I nodded, my throat tightening.
“I want you to be happy, to have the kind of life and stability you always dreamt of. But I’m not the kind of man who can give you that. You know that, right?” he said, his eyes searching.
The lump in my throat made it hard to swallow, but I nodded again.
“I think Myers really likes you.”
I snorted. “Whatever makes you think that?”
“I met him a week ago.”