Page 46 of Anton's Grace
All four Braxians froze. Gerwin’s eyes widened, the repercussions of his actions dawning on him.
“All trade agreements and business contracts with Clan Caldes are, as of this minute, null and void,” I continued. “William, see that they are all expelled within the hour.”
“It will never hold. You hear me mutt?” Gerwin shouted. “It will never hold!”
“Get this trash out of here,” I said to William.
“Apologies for this unfortunate turn of events,” Pattel said while dragging Gerwin to the lift with Toran’s assistance.
I nodded. Jarvis, clearly shaken by the fall of his leader, followed in silence. This had been a long time coming. My clan needed to be informed of the situation. I was done getting bullied. It couldn’t be delayed, but it would wait for me to check on my woman.
Chapter 15
Grace rested peacefully when I entered our bedroom. Her skin still looked too pale, but her breathing sounded significantly improved. Her fever had broken. She no longer shivered, and her hands and feet had returned to a normal temperature. I wanted to see her eyes, talk to her, and make sure she felt fine. However, I reined in my selfish desire and let her sleep.
Despite my reluctance to leave her, I needed to reach out to my father before Gerwin’s clan did. I doubted Gerwin fully understood the impact of his banishment. After one last kiss on her cool lips, I went to my office to com my father. Although I was the offended party and well within my rights, I couldn’t help the worry bubbling in the pit of my stomach.
My father’s image appeared on the vidscreen. Like Elder Pattel and most men from warrior clans, my father was a massive man. He stood over seven feet tall with four hundred pounds of pure muscles. Once again, I felt small. Weak. I inherited his pitch-black eyes and raven hair, though gray streaked through his. Humans often compared the Braxians’ broad and flat noses to that of baboons, hence the monkey sounds the girls made back on Jeruna. I never understood it. If you tried hard, you might compare our noses to a grizzly bear’s snout, maybe. However, I always thought it looked more like that of a feline – a lion’s in my father’s case.
“Anton.” My father’s voice boomed like rolling thunder.
“Clan Leader.” I bowed in respect. “I’m sorry for disturbing you, but there is an urgent matter I must bring to your attention.”
“I’m listening.”
His face remained impassive as I recounted what happened. That was the thing with him. You never knew what he thought, whether he would pat you on the back or punch your lights out for fucking up. He should play poker. I folded my hands on top of my desk to hide their twitching while awaiting his verdict.
My father nodded. “You have taken the appropriate actions under the circumstances.”
I could have whooped in relief. “He will challenge my status as a host.”
“And he will lose. A host has nothing to do with genetics. He was in your home after you welcomed him before witnesses. Whether you are a pureblood, Halfling, human or any other species, the rule applies. And besides, you are clanned.”
“That was my understanding as well, but I wanted to confirm.”
“Any other response to his actions would have shamed you and our clan. You did right.”
“Thank you, Clan Leader.”
“The Council and I will need to prepare for Clan Caldes’ retaliation against us,” my father said. “Be on the lookout. They might come after you as well.”
“No, Clan Leader, they won’t.” I smiled at his raised eyebrow. This was the most emotion my father ever showed. “When Raylor Caldes comes demanding you lift the banishment, you can tell him that the next time his son wishes to disrespect someone, he shouldn’t bite the hand that feeds him and his clan.”
My father narrowed his eyes. “How so?”
I reclined into my chair, feeling smug. “Over the past three years, I have acquired every duralium shipment contract issued by Clan Caldes.
“Control. Few people want duralium due to its inability to sustain frequent warp speed jumps. Caldes can only find a handful of customers on this side of the galaxy. I can use duralium for my Hives since they’re stationary. As I own every single one of Clan Caldes’ contracts, they are now beholden to me. I can easily find another duralium provider. They won’t find customers unless they try to sell below cost. Theywillcome begging for forgiveness, or they’ll starve.”
My father lips stretched into a ghost of a smile. “Well done, son.”
My heart thumped in my chest. He seldom acknowledged our blood bond. It was deemed inappropriate. How I longed to call him father.