Page 49 of Anton's Grace
“I’ve removed it. From now on, we will share the bed.”
“I see.”
My heart sank. I had envisioned a thousand different reactions she might have to this news, but never this cold, indifferent acceptance. Wouldn’t sleeping in a proper bed hold some attraction? Something was broken. Grace had every right to be angry with me for yet another unfair punishment she’d received. Is that why she acted so distant? Was it because I didn’t care for her after I released her, unlike the first time? Fuck that had been stupid. My damn Braxian pride…
I crouched in front of her so she didn’t have to look up to me. “I’m sorry I punished you. You didn’t do anything wrong and didn’t deserve it. It won’t happen again.”
Her chin quivered, and she clasped her hands on her lap. “Ok,” she said in a small voice.
She’s not accepting my apology. I broke her trust.
“I willneverput you in that cage again.”
She nodded and stared at the bathroom door, past my shoulder. “I’m pleased to hear it.”
Frowning, I cupped her chin in one hand and gently turned her face towards me.
“You doubt my words.”
Her throat worked as she hesitated to answer. “You own me, Anton. You can do what you will to me, as is your right.”
Grace shivered and hugged herself. I didn’t need to read her mind to know she was thinking back to what happened in my office. My gorge rose at the memory of what I did to her. How could she have looked at me with such affection two nights ago after I’d treated her that way?
I took her hands in mine, unfolding her arms, and locked eyes with her.
“What happened on Jeruna is done and over with. The clan is satisfied, the slate is clean.”
Grace’s hands tensed in my hands, and her eyes flicked between mine. I took a deep breath before continuing.
“I’m sorry that I raped you.”
The sound that escaped her throat wasn’t quite a gasp. Her hands tightened further around mine, her nails digging into my flesh. I let the silence hang between us while she regained her bearings.
“A slave is property—”
“To be used at its master’s leisure,” I interrupted. “Yes, I know the law. That’s how I justified following Braxian protocols. But what the contract says and what the law condones do not change the horror of what I did.”
Grace shuddered. The haunted look in her eyes told me she was revisiting that moment. I hated that my regrets caused her more distress, but I owed her this apology.
Pleasure barges had very strict rules about rape. After murder, it was the second most serious crime one could commit, and the punishment was extreme. To avoid any misunderstanding, couples who wished to engage in dubious consent role-play had to sign release forms immediately beforehand. Masters only needed a copy of their indentured servant’s contract. Legally, a master couldn’t be accused of rape since they had the right to use their slave however they pleased, regardless of consent.
“Contract or not, I hurt you in a way no man should ever hurt a woman, and it shames me. I cannot undo what I’ve done. But on my honor – what’s left of it – I swear it will never happen again.”
A couple of silent tears rolled down her cheeks. They clawed at my heart. Her anger and contempt, I could cope with. But her sorrow crushed me.
“I do not expect you to forget, but I hope someday you can forgive.”
Grace pulled her hands from mine. Although I deserved it, the rejection cut deep. She delicately wiped the tears from her face with the tip of a finger. I had wanted to do it for her but doubted she would welcome my touch.
She nodded and gave me a sad smile.
This felt wrong.
“Why don’t you yell at me? Cuss me? Slap me? You should hate me right now.”
She lowered her eyes and shook her head.
“Why not?” I knew Grace had dependence issues, but this felt like too much.