Page 76 of Anton's Grace
“Do you have any idea how badly I want to ram my cock inside you right now?”
He flicked down the lid of the Denax bottle then tossed it to the ground, his other hand continuing to stretch me. My eyes widened in fear when he leaned over me, supporting his weight on his forearm. He crushed my lips with a brutal kiss, and the taste of iron exploded in my mouth. I whimpered but stayed still. His mouth trailed down my neck to my breast, sucking on it with such greed it felt as if my nipple would tear off. They had become more sensitive of late, so I felt his brutality more acutely.
“Please,” I pleaded, tears pooling in my eyes. “You’re hurting me.”
At first, I thought he would ignore me, but then he stilled. Even the motion of his hands stopped. His mouth released my nipple, which smarted from the recent abuse. Breathing heavily, I watched in confusion as he wrinkled his nose, nostrils flaring. He sniffed at me as if trying to identify a smell. He recoiled. A look of great disgust etched on his face. He launched off the bed, away from me.
His horrified expression threw me for a loop.
What the hell just happened?
Sitting up, I sniffed at myself, trying to understand what triggered such a violent reaction. I could only detect the refined aroma of my expensive perfume.
“What–what’s wrong?” I asked, frightened.
“What’s wrong?” he growled. “WHAT’S WRONG? That mutt fucking ruined you! He stuck an abomination in your womb!”
Pure dread washed over me.
My baby… He knows about the baby.
“What?” I repeated, numbly.
“The half-breed impregnated you with his tainted seed. I can smell it on you.”
My hands flew to my stomach, in protection.
“Smell?” I said with a shuddering voice. “You can smell pregnancy?”
“Didn’t the mutt tell you? We can smell pregnancy. By the stench, you’re carrying a male.”
He stepped towards me. I tried to crawl back on the bed, but he grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling me savagely to him. Crying out, I feared my scalp would tear right off. As he held me in front of him, I stood on shaky legs. Gerwin yanked my hair back, holding it down, exposing my neck. My hands gripped his shirt for support. Something sharp pricked my skull.
My hairpin.
Gerwin took another long sniff at me and once more, his face contorted with disgust.
“You reek! Your bastard is at least two or three months in. That fucking mutt thinks he gets to further taint a Braxian bloodline?” Gerwin brought his face inches from mine, hatred burning in his eyes. “He took everything from me. Now I’m going to destroy everything he ever cared about. You and your abomination are going in that crate.”
Anton knew. This whole time he knew.
For three months he said nothing, allowing it to live. He wanted our child. Why didn’t he say anything? Did he fear I would reject it like I feared he would?
I didn’t see the blow coming. Gerwin’s fist crashed into my stomach. My breath rushed out of me, and I doubled over. Except, I couldn’t quite fold down with his hand still holding me up by the hair. I gasped but no air came in.
The second blow knocked my feet out from under me. He hit my ribs. I heard a crack. The agony spreading throughout my chest felt like the fallout of lightning striking my side. For a moment, I dangled like a broken doll, too winded to react. A fistful of hair tore from my scalp, unable to sustain the weight of my body. It felt as though a sharp knife sliced off the back of my head. I wheezed a silent scream.
I collapsed, my head thudding on the hard metal floor. Warmth trickled down the back of my head and along my neck. Gasping for air, I curled up in a ball. I braced for the blows that would rain down on me.
None came.
Gerwin grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the middle of the room.
“Descend,” he ordered.
The chains clinked above my head in response to his command. Pulling my arm up, Gerwin clasped a handcuff around my wrist. He grabbed my second wrist, yanking it up savagely. My scream came out as a throaty groan. I couldn’t breathe with the shackles stretching my arms up. At this rate, my broken rib would pierce my lungs and I’d drown in my own blood.
Kneeling to relieve the pressure, I heard Gerwin’s footsteps recede behind me. A drawer opened and he rummaged in it. His footsteps approached again. My heart tried to pound its way out of my chest, and I shuddered at what he might do. Each tremor stirred a lancing pain in my side. I didn’t even want to think about my baby right now.