Page 86 of Anton's Grace
“I want you to know that although I’ve renounced the clan, all business agreements with Clan Aldriss remain in effect. I see no reason to tamper with our mutually beneficial arrangements.”
Though he tried to hide it, I saw the flicker of relief in my father’s eyes. Most of their revenues were tied to their involvement in my ventures.
“However,” I said, “I do have a parting gift for you.” My father raised a surprised eyebrow. “I don’t know what the future of my relationship with the clan will be. Should we ever have a fallout, I don’t want you beholden to me.”
“You owe me nothing. What I did was a father’s duty.”
“Say that to all the half-breeds whose brains their fathers bashed onto a wall.”
My father nodded in concession.
I handed him a data key containing all the information about the business I set up for him and quickly explained what it entailed. My father owned vast agricultural lands unsuitable for growing local produce. However, they were perfect to grow neflium, the main food source of the Berulians, a primitive people on Sargaros. They signed an exclusive trade agreement with my father as their sole supplier in exchange for rare minerals and gems that happened to be abundant on their planet. In a couple of years, my father’s wealth would be substantial.
“Thank you, son.” The humble expression on his face touched me far deeper than any words he could have said. “The hour draws late. I would meet your mate before I depart.”
“Of course,” I said, and commed Grace to join us.
She looked breathtaking in a black and amber sarong dress that made her eyes sparkle. I rose to my feet as she entered. Back straight, chin up, she looked regal walking up to me. She slipped her small hand into mine and nodded at my father.
“So there you are, my Anton’s Grace,” he said.
“Hello, Mr. Aldriss.”
My father extended a beckoning hand towards her. “Come, child. Let me have a look at you.”
She gave me a worried glance before complying. Her steps hesitant, she approached my father still sitting on the couch. He quietly examined her, never touching her.
“You are very beautiful,” my father said.
“Thank you, sir.”
“May I?” he asked, gesturing towards her stomach.
Her fingers gripped the hem of her dress. She nodded and gave me another tense look. Without touching her, my father leaned forward, closed his eyes and inhaled. Straightening, he stood up, forcing her to take a couple of steps back. He looked at me and gave me an odd smile.
“Your son smells just like you did. The blood is strong within him. He will be as fierce as you are.”
Grace smiled, putting a protective hand over her belly. She came back to stand next to me and pressed herself against my side.
“Do you love my son, Grace?”
“Yes, sir,” she said. “With all my heart.”
Her soft hair tickled my lips as I kissed the top of her head. My arm wrapped around her as she leaned deeper into me. My father nodded, a pleased expression on his face.
“I can see now why you would renounce your clan for her.”
Grace jerked her head back, a stunned look on her face. “Anton?” she whispered.
“As long as I was clanned, I couldn’t marry you. So I renounced.”
She squealed with joy and launched herself at me. Pearls of tears trickled down her cheeks as a blinding smile brightened her face. Grace kissed me, her fingers digging into my back. My father’s presence should have embarrassed me, but it didn’t. I allowed myself to revel in her affection.
However, his amused chuckle eventually brought us back to order.
“I would have you call me father, and I would call you daughter, if you consent.”
I don’t know which of us felt the most shocked. Her lips quivering, Grace nodded her agreement. Sweeping emotions no doubt numbed her ability to speak. She craved belonging, especially to a family. Her parents’ abandonment still pained her.