Page 5 of Merry Me Bartender
Taking one of the barstools, I carry it all the way to Kade’s office. If there is any place to have any accidental encounters, this will be the spot. While he’s turned his back, I can superglue the artificial plant on the doorframe so we never have to take it down.
Unfortunately, the stickiest thing Kade bought is tape. For now, it’ll do.
Getting the stool in place, I pluck off a piece of tape and climb up to the top. Who needs ladders anyway? When it gives a little rock, I gasp softly and clutch the frame of the door.
Okay, so standing on the stool is not that great of an idea. Thatcould’vegone a lot worse.
Laughing at myself for a moment, I fix the piece of tape on my finger and attach the mistletoe right in the middle. Perfect.
Now, once I need something from Kade, he’ll have more than enough of an excuse to kiss me.
“You sure that’s the best place to put that?”
Not hearing the thump of his boots, I jump at the suddenness of his voice as I spin around. Before I can even think to say something out loud, the barstool tips, and I’m two seconds away from plucking splinters out of my teeth.
Thankfully, Kade has a great reflex, as he catches me mid-air. He looks more startled than I do, and when he realizes he’s touching me, the man looks outright horrified. Immediately, he sets me down and curls his fingers at his sides.
Ouch. Assuming he’s going to scold me for not getting a ladder like I should’ve, he’s looking at my work with furrowed brows.
In my plan, I expected him not to even notice it was there until I had the courage to ask him to kiss me.
This is not going to plan at all. He looks so bothered by it.
“Um, I thought…” Biting the inside of my cheek, I look away when his eyes lower. “I didn’t want the customers to take advantage of any of the bartenders if I hung it near the bar. You know Carol will get charged for punching a drunk person.”
Attempting to crack a joke, my words fall a bit flat. Stirring uncomfortably, I watch the taller man scratch at his cheek like he’s thinking deeply.
“What about the risk of having it here?” he looks back at the mistletoe, his jaw flexing before he attempts to smile. “I suppose no one will want to kiss the owner either.”
Gosh, we’re both terrible at trying to be funny.
“I will.” The words slip out before I have the time to register them and it’s far too late to stuff them back into my mouth. I might as well have bought a one-way ticket to Awkward Town. There’s no going back now. Especially since he’s now staring down at me, looking more surprised than anything.
As if he really believes no one would take claim to such a wonderful deal. He doesn’t know that I’ve thought about doing more than kissing him for as long as I can remember working with the guy.
“I mean, it’s a shame to break a Christmas tradition.” Choking on my words, my cheeks feel so hot it’s not even funny. Should I just throw caution to the wind and let all my feelings spill while I’m at it?
“What about now?”
My next breath is stuck in my throat at his question and for a moment, I think I misheard the words. When I realize Kade is simply standing there, waiting for a response, I’m left realizing that this is definitely real.
Nodding my head in a rush, I’m left speechless as this man cracks a smile. I’ll never get used to him being amused.
He reaches forward, hesitant at first. His chest goes still like he’s stopped breathing too. Are his lungs burning like mine?
When his thumb swipes against my cheek, I’m right back to thinking this is all a dream. One I never,everwant to wake up from.
“Traditions,” he mutters, shaking his head. Ducking his head, he tilts my chin up and kisses me right there without another word. From zero to one hundred,I’mthe one getting kissed.
My eyes widen in surprise before sliding shut as I’m whisked away into the sweet warmth that is his mouth.
I’m pretty sure mistletoe kisses aren’t supposed to last longer than a minute. However, once I feel his warmth against my mouth, I can’t find the strength to pull away. He’s cradling my chin so gently and meeting me halfway.
I don’t think I’m the only one who wanted a kiss. From the way his free arm slithers around me and tugs me flush against his chest, I’m left with nothing but a racing heart.
What a Christmas miracle this all is.
Pulling away after what feels like an eternity, I rock back and accidentally stare. With my brain fried, I struggle to think of something to say.