Page 16 of Merry Me Bad Boy
Massaging her hips, I focus on my breathing as her walls quiver around my length. Each time she squeezes, I feel it in my throat.
“You’re going to make me come before we even start,” I warn her, blowing out a low laugh. “If tonight isn’t impressing, I swear I’ll knock your socks off next time.”
Abby looks back at me over her shoulder, grinning. Her face might be red from embarrassment, but those eyes of hers hold an excitement that came off hidden when we were in the bakery. “I’ll hold you to it.”
I know she will. Fuck, I hope she does.
Reaching around her, I slip a hand between her thighs. Starting to move, I’m determined to make this woman come with me. I might be close, but I know she’ll lose herself soon enough.
Each moan that leaves her mouth is long and delicious. I memorize the pitch for whenever I need a little reminder whenever we’re apart. Fuck, it won’t be often. No, I’m not going to be able to leave this woman’s side.
I’m going to be the second-best baker in this town and put my hours in.
I’m going to learn how to make a multiple-layered cake like Abby. I fucking swear to it.
Right now, I’m going to be the man she needs and give her the pleasure her body is aching for.
Thrusting deeper, I have to use my hand between her thighs to keep her up. She’s a trembling little thing already.
I just need to hang on a little longer. It’s hard, especially when her body starts jerking.
“That’s it Abby, just a little more.” Thrusting faster, I abandon her clit to rub her cheeks. They’re growing red from the constant dig of my zipper. She’s not complaining, not right now.
Sweat builds at my forehead as I keep going, my vision blurring. Even at the punishing angle, she’s crying out, using my name like it’s the only word she knows.
Hearing her cry out is my breaking point. I explode, choking on my own moan as I bury myself deep.
From the way we’re breathing, it looks like we’ve run a marathon.
Need to see her. Need to have her against my chest so I can witness the afterglow first hand.
Abby’s the first to smile when I land on my back, threatening to blow a hole in this mattress.
“Mine is firmer,” she tells me before leaning down to kiss my chest. Looking exhausted, a yawn even slips past her lips. “You know, my place is a bit more private too.”
Tell me she’s not about to say the words I think she’s about to.
“It would be better too, for the bakery.” Biting down on her lip, she looks up at me cautiously. “You wouldn’t have to live on top of a bar if you stayed with me.”
Never, ever going to leave this woman’s side. She’s going to have to beat me off with one of her rubber spatulas if she wants some space.
She blasts a laugh when I yank her over to me. Soon, she’ll see it. How deep I am for her. Hell, by the end of tonight, she’ll have my love memorized.
One Year Later
Despite all the snow falling from the sky, business is booming. Every time I peek my head out from the back, I see a line. Every time, my heart thunders in my chest.
Thanks to a person reviewing some of my desserts on Tiktok, I’ve been even busier. Not even the holiday weather is enough to slow them down. All this business left me no choice but to hire even more extra help and extend our hours of operation. Asher is beside Jen, boxing up multiple cupcakes.
Right now, she’s taking care of a woman who looks like she’s devouring our sweets by simply looking at them through the glass. From her fancy dress clothes, I can bet she’s another customer from one of the surrounding cities. I see plenty of those, it’s a nice boost.
Heading back, I find Luis and Jason talking. Ever since I hired Luis, I’ve been dipping my toes into improving my pastries. Before the new guy, my creations didn’t sell in comparison to the other selections. Nowadays, I can’t say the same. Luis is another one of those city dwellers that applied for a baking position and hiring him has been the best business decision I’ve made in a long while.
When Jason notices me approaching, his mouth curves up. He’s got a splash of flour coating his apron. The same apron I had to order to get customized to fit his bulky size.
The tiered cake he’s working on has created quite a mess. Even though he’s got ingredients everywhere, I know the final product is going to look amazing. He’s gotten quite good since I first hired him.