Page 5 of Merry Me Bad Boy
Not when I watch her fumble for a pen.
“What’s your name?” I ask after a minute, looking over the page. Not one to radiate confidence, I decide one last statement can’t hurt. “Should know my future boss’ name, right?”
She laughs and I nearly double over.Innocence, the real troublemaker here. At least she finds me amusing.
Abby. The gorgeous baker with a set of delicious-looking curves and one breathtaking smile.
She’ll learn my name soon enough, and I swear I will do everything in my power to make sure I’ll hear it in the future.
This job will be mine.
If I don’t learn how to control myself, I might even try to make her mine too while I’m at it.
I did it. I hired a random person on a complete whim.
That, and maybe my heart got a little involved too. When he strolled into my bakery for a second time, it felt like I experienced whiplash. His arrival felt like fate and if I didn’t hire him, then I felt like I’d be making a mistake.
Now he’s here before I’ve even shown up. Talk about dedication.
Looking over the paper he filled out, I know well enough that I am going to have my hands full. The guy really has no experience and should have been the last person I’d want to hire.
Really, he’s the worst. I needed help keeping up with the madness that comes with this place. This man is a walking distraction. Even now, seeing him leave his car, I completely forget that I need my keys to get inside the bakery.
“Morning,” he offers, giving a tired nod. Looking like he hasn’t slept a wink, I jokingly place it as eagerness for a new job. Though, I’m not sure that is exactly what it is.
Even at four in the morning, the man looks hungry for something that isn’t breakfast.
This is insane. What did I get myself into?
“Good morning,” I murmur myself as I find the right key. Plunging it into the lock, I let us inside before locking it once more. “Let’s get started.”
Already prepared to teach this guy how to bake, I’d written up a step-by-step recipe on how to make each different type of cupcake.
While I work on orders, I plan on using him to help me get the display cabinet ready. If the man knows how to use an oven, then he should be able to master baking.
Washed up and ready, I quickly explain the rules around here. He might’ve worked in a gross car shop in the past, but I am all about cleanliness here.
A part of me thinks I’m being extra nitpicky like it will make him realize that he doesn’t actually want to work with me. Though, no matter how much weight I’m putting onto my words, Jason doesn’t seem to mind.
If anything, he’s listening to everything I say, nodding his head like he understands.
Maybe this won’t be as bad as I originally thought. Or, I could be getting my hopes up. Who knows?
“Jen will be here right before doors open. She’s the one who runs the front while I’m back here. Weather is nice compared to the last few, so I might have us make a little extra.”
Trying to ignore the excitement bubbling in my stomach at as being alone together for the next handful of hours, I give him his sheet, tell him where everything is located, and throw him to the wolves.
Honestly, I’m sticking close enough to him that if he has any questions, I am right here.
He does have questions too, asking me different things every few minutes. However, his questions shift from how to separate egg whites from yolks to asking me more personal ones.
Things like, what got me into baking? How do I do this six days a week? Why is my hair an unnatural color? Little things.
While he is getting to know me, I’m aching to do the same.