Page 36 of The Do-Over
There was never any point in getting philosophical around Pete. “Nothing, go on. Bad news first.”
“We need a new plan. The profile isn’t going to cut it.”
“You’ve read it?” His heartbeat ticked up, although that might have been because he’d just hit the two-mile mark. Lacey Delaney had left town a few days ago and he and Jenna had been bracing themselves for the worst.
“I weaseled an early copy.”
“Let me guess, we come off like idiots. I nearly drowned the reporter and Jenna drank too much wine and threw up.”
“It’s not that. She wrote it so it seems like you’re getting back together. Like some kind of sexed-up romance novel. Heated gazes and all.”
Oh God. Jenna was going to be furious. “That’s better than calling me Billy Club, right?”
“Only if you’re actually getting remarried. Otherwise it looks like you’ll flirt with anyone, including an ex. Are you getting remarried?”
“Of course not. Jesus.” He sighed, puffs of breath forming in the cold morning air. “What’s the good news?”
“It sounds like you and Jenna are having fun. Happy for you.”
“That’s the good news?” He really was screwed. “I knew that woman was trouble. She was out to get us from day one.”
“That’s not how it comes across. I think she liked you. She just has a romantic way of looking at things. Like this line. They think I don’t know they’re touching each other’s legs under the table. I don’t know what they’re trying to communicate to each other, but I can practically feel the sparks they generate. Enough to set their cozy little town on fire.
“I’m telling you, it’s practically soft-core porn. Even The Dugout got hold of it. Did you see their last post? Let me just read the first line here. ‘Billy Cooper and his ex-wife talked to a women’s magazine about co-parenting, but it probably didn’t go the way they expected. Steamy reunion rumors are already circulating.’”
Billy winced. “Aw, crap, I’ll call The Dugout. I know those guys. They’ll fix it.”
“Too late. We need a new plan.”
“Please tell me you have one.”
“I have some ideas. There’s the Helping Hands awards ceremony coming up.” Billy had poured hours of his time—and a hefty amount of donations—into that charity, which helped sick children who needed special care at the Mayo Clinic. “You and Jenna could attend together.”
“But won’t that make it look like we’re getting back together?”
“And you’re definitely not? Because I could work with that.”
“No, goddamn it!”
Sure, sometimes it felt like he and Jenna were in sync in a way they hadn’t been in a long time. Sure, he still felt a core attraction that would probably always be there. And sure, they still supported each other in all things. But she’d made it very clear there was a line she’d never cross again. He just had to accept that.
Feeling overheated, he took a break from jogging and paused by the side of the road. He ripped his hoodie off, dragging his t-shirt along with it. He gave himself a moment to cool off before putting it back on. A car whizzed past, slinging a rooster tail of dirty snow at him.
“I got it. Make it a family affair,” said Pete. “Jenna brings her sister, you bring a brother or a friend. You’re trying to emphasize the point that you’re a family guy and that your wild days are behind you.”
“That sounds like it could easily go wrong. People are still going to speculate.”
“As long as we can show the Japanese a united front, we can dismiss everything else as gossip.”
“Jesus, Pete, all I want to do is play ball. Why does any of this matter? All they should care about is my fielding percentage and the fact I got more homers than any other shortstop in the league last year.” He pulled his shirt and hoodie back on and resumed his jogging.
“And they do. They’re very interested in you. But you have to understand that they want players who will contribute to team discipline and harmony, not disrupt it. That’s why they haven’t fully committed to making an offer.”
“I’m a great team player.”