Page 39 of The Fate Philosophy
“Why not?” I fidgeted in my chair.
His features were cool and collected. Assessing. “Life. Circumstances. I don’t know.” He tore apart a piece of bread and dipped it in oil. “I guess I’m still waiting for someone to come around and break the seal. Split me open.”
I lifted my glass to my lips again. “It doesn’t really seem like you’d even give someone the chance.”
He leaned forward and clinked his glass against mine. “And the carousel keeps spinning.”
I opened my mouth to ask him what he meant when the pretty waitress returned with our entrees.
Somewhere in the winding canyons between Los Angeles and the San Bernardino mountains, Penelope FaceTimed me as we drove home. I debated not answering the call, but since my phone was still connected to Dom’s bluetooth, he pressed accept for me before I could decide.
I held my phone screen close to my face, and in the darkness my features were barely visible. Penelope’s phone appeared to be propped up against her knee, because on the screen I could see her upper body leaned back on Carter’s bare chest while he sat up against what appeared to be a cabana. Penelope’s hair was thrown up in a bun and they both had books in their hands.
“My God, you two look like a fucking Pinterest Board. It’s honestly repulsive.”
Carter dropped the book just below his nose and gave me an incredulous look. Penny’s face was entirely stern. “You’re alive, I see.”
“Your location said you were in the middle of nowhere. I honestly thought you’d been murdered and dumped on the side of some desolate road.”
“I mean, it’s a highway,” I said, turning the camera around to the road in front of us. “I went skiing today.”
Penny’s eyebrows rose as she sat up straight. “With who?” I opened my mouth to answer when she gasped. “Wait, are you on a date?”
I shook my head, opening my mouth to respond when Dom glanced at me from the corner of his eye, flicking up a curious brow. As if he was asking:are you?
Penelope’s eyes darted to the side for a second before her features morphed into something that resembled annoyance. She frowned as I heard a voice in the background say, “Are you talking to Macie?”
“No, she’s talking to her gynecologist. Go away,” I shouted into the screen.
Penny’s body was abruptly shoved out of frame as shaggy dark hair and sky blue eyes took over. Penelope’s brother, Easton, was wearing a crooked smile and wasn’t wearing a shirt as he laid back in what appeared to be a lounge chair. After a moment, he frowned. “Why can’t I see you?”
“Because it’s dark,” I said.
He pouted. “You got me all excited about that pretty face.” I noticed Dom’s hands tense on the steering wheel. “I miss it.”
“Sorry to disappoint.” I smiled to myself.
“You know, I’m thinking about coming to visit again. Although, I’m a little worried about sleeping on the couch because I have a bad back.”
Easton had come to stay with us for a couple days a few months ago. I could see how some women would find his incessant flirting charming, but I’d made it abundantly clear to him that sleeping with my best friend’s brother was entirely out of the question. Yet, he wouldn’t give up, and I still found it funny, so I couldn’t bring myself to stop baiting him.
“Hmm,” I said casually. “You should see a chiropractor about that.”
He grinned. “Or maybe I could just sleep with yo–”
The screen went black. I glanced over and found Dom’s finger pressed against the ‘End Call’ button on his dashboard. “That was painful to listen to,” was all he said.
I snorted.
A text from Penelope popped up on Dom’s dash a minute later:
Are you really on a date?
Then, two more:
There are condoms on Carter's bedside table.