Page 73 of The Fate Philosophy
I knew exactly what that felt like.
“It feels like fate. You were meant to find them so that they could help you find yourself.”
She nodded. “Yeah. I think so.” Penelope continued, “That person will hold your hand while you confront your own darkness– your rain and thunder. They help you grow where growth is needed, and help you accept what can’t be changed. They hold you through every storm. The broken, the heavy, the dark, until all that’s left is hope and love.”
I swallowed back the lump I felt building in my throat and looked at the clouds again.
I should be wondering if that could someday be Dom and I. If I could, in some far off future, feel that way about him. But, despite the lack of time together, I felt like I might already know that answer. I filed those thoughts away for another time.
“Wow. We’re fucking philosophical.”
Penelope snorted. “Socrates, who?”
We both laughed, pausing as the sounds of heavy footsteps came barreling toward us. The sounds of running, of breathing, of laughing.
Penny and I sat up and turned around, just in time for a hard, muscular body to come battering into me, sprawling atop of me and rolling us into the sand. That laughing grew louder. It was deep, and rough, and beautiful. I opened my eyes to find Dom staring down at me, a crooked smile on his face.
He leaned off me and sat up, pulling me sideways so I fell against his chest. Penelope and Carter were staring after us, and I noticed Carter had most certainlynottackled Penny like a lineman. “I have sand in every crevice of my body now, asshole,” I muttered.
Dom leaned against my ear. “I’ll happily pick out every single grain.”
“Gross,” Penelope groaned.
Carter laughed. “We ordered pizza. Antonio is going to deliver it here to the beach.”
“Great.” Penny shoved him. “Now, why don’t you two go surfing or something.”
“Are you trying to get rid of me?” Carter asked, feigning offense.
“We haven’t gotten to the penis stuff yet. So, yes.”
Chapter 31
Domgavemeapleading expression as Carter hauled him from the ground and toward the water. Penelope only waved at him dramatically as he looked back at us.
“Okay,” she said. “Give me the rundown. How did it start? How many times did it happen? How many surfaces of the apartment need disinfecting?”
I grimaced. “All of them.”
Penny’s lip curled, but she laughed. Nudging me with a shoulder she said, “How big is it?”
I rolled my eyes. “I’m not telling you that.”
She scoffed. “You made me tell you!”
I bit my lip and stifled a laugh, thinking back to the morning after Penelope and Carter hooked up for the first time. Ididmake her give me every single detail.
“I thought he was going to rip me in half. I don’t know how I’ve survived, honestly.”
“Well, you appear to be thriving to me.”
I smiled. “I am. I amthriving.”
“How many inches are you thriving over?”
I gasped. “Oh my God, Penny. You are so vulgar these days.”
She shrugged. “I’ve been living with you for six months, so…”