Page 2 of Room 1212
Coral, though, gasped. “Ooh! Really?”
“Yes!” He’d never have guessed he’d find a kindred spirit in the pink-haired, tattooed matron, but he was glad to have something in common with her.
“Who’s Jordan Kepler?” Joseph asked.
Patrick gave an overdramatic gasp. “Are you serious? You’ve never heard of him?! He’s only the most famous romance novelist of all time. He’s written over two dozen books, 15 of them hitting #1 on the bestseller lists, and he even won this year’s Sappy Award.” He reached down the back of his pants and pulled out the book he’d shoved in there, a paperback copy ofWhispered Words, hoping to get it signed by the author himself. “See?”
Joseph looked disgusted. “Eww, how long have you had that down your pants?”
“Only like ten minutes, but it was on the outside of the underwear, I swear.”
“Mm-hm.” Joseph didn’t look appropriately excited. In fact, he fucking yawned! “I’m with Diya on this one. Meh.” He picked up the tray of food, placed it on a cart, and headed for the door.
“Wait!” Patrick yipped, jogging after him. “If you don’t care, then you won’t mind if I take that up for you, right? I just want to lay eyes on him! Just once, please!”
Joseph slowed and looked over his shoulder at Patrick. “I dunno…” he drawled.
“Please! It’s been my life-long dream!” Patrick begged, clutching his hands under his chin.
It was at this moment that Patrick realized he’d been played. Joseph’s grin widened. “What’s it worth to you?”
Grumbling, Patrick pulled his wallet back out and shoved all the bills he had at Joseph’s chest, a total of 57 dollars. “Here, take it. It’s all I’ve got.” As proof, he turned his wallet upside down. If this were a cartoon, moths would’ve flown out.
“All right, I suppose I can do you this favor.” Joseph stepped aside from the cart. “But don’t let Mr. Holland see you or he’ll have my head.”
“It’s not a favor if I had to pay for it,” Patrick groused. He quickly shoved the book back down his pants, then fled the kitchen before Joseph could change his mind.
He took the staff elevator up to the twelfth floor. His heart was beating so hard, he thought he might pass out. His stomach squirmed in anticipation. This was the moment he’d been waiting for since he was 11 and secretly read his mom’s copy ofMy Beloved Omega.
Patrick’s legs felt numb as he staggered down the hall to room 1212. It was a good thing he had the cart to help hold himself up. He raised a shaking hand and knocked, then cleared his throat to say, “Room service.” The uniforms were similar enough that Mr. Kepler shouldn’t notice.
The door swung open without warning, as the carpets were of a thick pile and muffled footsteps. “Ah! Thank you. Perfect timing, I was just taking a break from writing.”
“You’re writing! Here!” Patrick squeaked out as he pushed the cart into the room. “C-can I ask…” He gnawed on his lip, and luckily Jordan caught on to what he was asking, because Patrick wasn’t sure he could speak anymore.
“Ahhh, are you a fan?” Jordan asked coyly, and Patrick nodded frantically. “Well, I’m afraid I’m under contract, so I can’t reveal too much, but I will tell you that it’s calledEmperor City, it’s a romantic fantasy, and it should be hitting bookstores early next year.”
Patrick nearly wept at that tiny bit of information. Was he the first to know about it? Probably not, but a man could dream. He was on cloud nine, and he practically floated back out through the door.
Jordan was just about to close the door, when Patrick remembered the book. “Wait! I mean, sorry, but can you… sign this for me?” He blushed furiously as he fished the book out of his pants. “It was outside the underwear, I swear.”
Jordan chuckled and pulled out a pen. “That’s nothing. You wouldn’t believe some of the places people have shoved my books.” He gave a saucy wink. “Who should I make this out to?”
“To Patrick, please.”
Jordan signed the book with a flourish, then passed it back. “Thanks for being a fan, Patrick.”
“Thanks, you too. I mean… you’re welcome.” Patrick clutched the book tight to his chest. This was officially his most prized possession. He was totally going to sleep with this book under his pillow tonight.
Best. Author. Ever.
“Help!”Icriedout,my pulse thudding in my ears. “Please, someone!” I looked down at the ground far below, the world spinning. I couldn’t hold on much longer. I was going to fall! After everything I had survived—being kidnapped by the fae king, attacked by werewolves, poisoned by a basilisk—this was how I was finally going to perish.
Falling from a cliff after being bucked off my horse.