Page 4 of Room 1212
“Let’s meet for lunch on the weekend,” he suggested. “You pick the place.”
I glanced around the room at my luxurious accommodations, the warm bed, the Jacuzzi tub. Then I looked down at the drink in my hand. I wasn’t ready to leave my little piece of paradise. “How about we meet at The Scarlet Hotel,” I suggested. “I think I’m going to spend a few days there. I deserve a break.”
“Sure thing, hon, but don’t rest for too long. We have a sequel to plan.”
I bit back my frustrated groan and slammed down the glass on the table, picking up the bottle instead. I didn’t even taste the champagne as I chugged it back straight from the bottle.
“Oh, and of course we’ll have a book signing to arrange as well. The publisher has invested a lot of time and money in the promotion and marketing for this new book, including a cross-country tour.”
I couldn’t answer, as the room had begun to spin, and I wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or my anxiety.
Someone said something to Sean in the background, and his voice got muffled as he probably covered his phone with his hand. He came back and said, “Okay, hon, I gotta run, but we’ll talk soon, okay? And we’ll meet at the hotel restaurant on Saturday at noon. Toodles!”
The line went blissfully silent, and I collapsed on the edge of the bed. “Fuck.” How quickly my mood had turned. Now I wanted to cry for an entirely different reason.
I tipped the bottle up, only to find that it was empty. Did I do that? I dropped the bottle on the floor with a dull thud, then crawled across the bed to the phone on the bedside table, flopping back on the pillows. “Yes, room service?” I said into the receiver. “Can I get a BLT sandwich, with fries, onion rings, coleslaw, and a slice of chocolate cake? Oh, and your largest bottle of white wine. Actually, you’d better make it two.”
I wasn’t sure if I was still celebrating, or if I’d moved on to drowning my sorrows, but either way, I planned on drinking until I felt nothing.
“‘Hismanhoodhungheavybetween his legs, and I felt the urge to…’” I trailed off, wincing. Gods, really? Another sex scene? This was like the fourth sex scene, and we were only on page 50. I looked up from the book, and there were a dozen sets of eyes staring back at me, laser focused. “You guys don’t really expect me to—”
“We damn well do!” Betty snapped. “You can’t stop now. You’re just getting to the good part!”
“I’m starting to doubt there is such a thing as agood partwhen it comes to these romance novels of yours.” I shook my head, hiding my smirk. I knew they’d get riled up by my statement.
Sure enough, they all started grumbling. Davis shook his finger at me. “We wouldn’t need you to read them to us if we could do it ourselves. My eyes just aren’t what they used to be. And my arthritis makes turning the pages difficult.” He held his gnarled hands up as evidence.
Roger chuckled. “Every time I pick up a book, I fall asleep. But when you read it, Drew, it’s better than watching a movie.”
Truthfully, I didn’t mind reading books to the seniors here at the Golden Years Retirement Center. This half-hour every afternoon was the highlight of my day, just as it was for them. They were always more animated during our time, and then afterward, they had plenty to talk about over dinner—I was sure those conversations were likely X-rated.
Although, it wouldn’t hurt them to pick something besides these damn Jordan Kepler novels. Maybe a crime novel or something non-fiction for once.
“Come on,” Lavender said, making a hurry-up motion with her hands. “We’re not getting any younger over here.”
Kristoph peeked through the lounge doors to make sure no one was coming down the hall. “Yeah, try to finish the chapter before Nurse Ballbuster comes to get us for dinner.”
Nurse Ballbusterwas their nickname for Noelle, the supervising nurse. It was her job to keep this place running smoothly, ensuring meds were administered on time, that everyone got enough sleep and healthy foods. In the residents’ eyes, however, she was nothing more than yet another authority figure telling them what to do. It didn’t help that sometimes she spoke to them like they were children, as if she’d forgotten they were adults twice her age.
Noelle was always scolding me about wasting time on this nonsense, but seriously, our residents were approaching the end of their lives, and they had worked hard for decades; some were even war veterans who had served our country. They deserved a little downtime at last, and if smutty books were what they wanted, then who was I to tell them no?
“Chop, chop,” Roger said when I didn’t get back to it fast enough.
I chuckled and gave an exaggerated eyeroll for their benefit, but in the end, I would always do as they asked. I sat back in my chair and brought the book back up. “Now, where was I… Ah, yes.” I cleared my throat and paused dramatically, and I swore they all leaned forward to hear me better. Betty even turned up the volume on her hearing aid. They didn’t want to miss a single sizzling detail. “‘…and I felt the urge to drop to my knees right there in front of him and draw him into my mouth. I knew exactly how his smooth skin would feel against my tongue, how his salty cum would taste as he emptied himself down my throat.
“‘He took a step toward me, his rippling muscles gleaming under a sheen of sweat. He reached up, cradling the back of my head, his fingers tangling through my thick locks. His full lips widened into a smirk, and when he spoke, his gravelly voice made dark promises. “I’m going to take my time with you, little one.”’”
“Dinnertime!” Noelle said, clapping her hands as she marched into the lounge.
All the residents hissed and booed her, and I had to admit, I was tempted to do the same.
“No!” Davis barked. “Come back in ten minutes.”
Noelle tsked. “Ah-ah, you know better. We have a strict schedule to keep, and we all know that ten minutes would turn into 20, then 30.” That was true. If I let them, we would keep reading all night, to hell with dinner.