Page 45 of The Chosen Two
The car is relatively quiet on the way home. The kids are probably tired from having too much junk food and staying up too late, but that’s okay. That’s the whole point for them. They’re kids. It’s adults who are supposed to behave responsibly, in theory anyway.
I let out a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding when we pull into the driveway, and I see Jake’s car. I’m incredibly relieved he didn’t go to a strip club to get over our fight. Again. That would have been the final nail in the coffin of our relationship. The end. But he stayed. Which, I realize, is more than I did in the heat of the moment. So now I suppose I have to get over myself and just go in.
I park, and the kids file out. I get distracted when I notice a bright orange streak run out of sight. I guess the kitsune is still around. Phoebe stays back as the rest go in the house.
“You okay, Mom? You seem a little…out of it.”
“I think I’m okay, sweetie pie. Thank you for asking.”
I start the walk in. Each step is torture, walking into this unknown future.
Phoebe holds the door open for me. I thank her and cross the threshold, a little shaky. But whatever I expected to find when I walked back into the house, this is not it.
Jake’s prepping a snack for everyone, like he’s loved doing their entire lives. He’s always felt a huge sense of satisfaction and purpose when he creates simple dishes for them, which they love more than a meal from the fanciest restaurant. He places the plates in front of each kid, tussles Sammy’s hair, and excuses us from the room. “I just have to talk to your mom real quick in the other room. We’ll be right back.”
He puts his hand on my lower back to guide me out and across the hall to the living room. When we stop walking, he turns me to look at him and takes my face in his palms.
“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” His brown eyes are soft and kind, which I haven’t seen in a long while now.
Wow. Not at all what I was expecting.
“I’m so sorry. I was an idiot. I never should have thought you didn’t want me anymore. And even if I did, the way I handled it was beyond stupid and immature. It was hurtful. I know about your family history. I know about your dad. I know the pain he caused. I don’t know what I was thinking. I hope, one day, you can forgive me and trust me again.”
As far as apologies go, that was pretty spot on, I have to admit.
“Thank you. And, I guess I’m sorry I punched you in the jaw. How is it, by the way?”
He flexes it back and forth a little before smiling shyly. “I think I’ll survive. Where’d you learn to hit like that though? I had no idea you had such a great right hook!”
I feel my eyes get big as I realize he still doesn’t know about my own new secret, and just how hypocritical that is. “Well, actually about that—”
“Wait, Mom hit you? Are you okay?” Natalie, always jumping to her daddy’s aid, runs into the room and up to him to check his jaw. “Mom! What were you thinking?”
“I’m fine! Trust me, I deserved it. Your mom was well within her rights. Don’t worry about it.”
Okay, I guess the Guardian conversation will have to wait for another, other time. Hopefully he responds better than I would, given the circumstances.
Chapter 18
I’vehadsomelucklooking for the Jinn, though not much. They’re unquestionably good at blending in with humans, unless the human is really paying attention of course. The signs are subtle, but if you are in on the whole fantastical creatures being real secret, you know. And I’m still having trouble.
Luckily, imps are much easier to find. And track. And intimidate. And they always seem to be hanging about. People who don’t know any better tend to see a red bird, assume it is a cardinal, and move on.
I was able to grab a particularly slow one the other day when it hung around after the rest of its swarm flew off. I needed to find out who, or what, they are working for. Imps don’t really plan things on their own. They aren’t smart enough to think things through that way, so they usually stick to causing minor mischief and being annoying. So when I saw that group of imps intimidating the Jinn at the dive bar last week, I had to find out what was up.
Unfortunately, I was not particularly lucky grabbing the little bugger that stayed behind. Rather, this imp is habitually behind the rest of its group and thus misses out on the most important bits of information. Also, it’s not the smartest, not that any can be considered geniuses, and its memory is on par with that of a goldfish.
So, the only new information I was able to glean is that a group of lower goddesses is trying to get rid of Miranda as a threat. He doesn’t know what theology they are from. He doesn’t know what their bigger plans are. He doesn’t think they want her seriously hurt or dead, but he does think they may have multiple avenues that they are pursuing to get this accomplished.
So, I guess the Jinn aren’t the only things I have to be looking for now. I plan to cross-reference the names Miranda gave me, Lu and Mel, with goddesses. I also have to try and get a lead on these shadows she heard talking.
I just hope I don’t let Miranda down.
Chapter 19