Page 52 of The Chosen Two
“Umm, no, I’m not.” I cradle my stomach. “Wait, have you heard of them?”
George jogs down one row of bookcases. He’s back, a moment later, a shiny red book in his hand. He walks to where I’m pacing while flipping through the pages. He finds what he’s looking for and turns the book around, handing it to me with a giant boyish grin on his face. An elegant, intricate, black and white illumination of nine beautiful women looks up at me. “Have I ever heard of Calliope,Chiefof the Muses? Yes. Yes I have.”
We’re back in the kitchen, surrounded by discarded books that have proved useless and a growing pile of dirty dishes and coffee cups.
“Fucking Muses? Jesus. Can I just fight another minotaur instead?”
“Afraid not, hon.”
“Thanks,dear.” My sarcasm makes him look up from the book he’s been intently studying.
“I think this explains a lot. Everything, in fact. According to Hesiod, the Muses brought to people the gift of forgetfulness of pain and cessation of obligations. So, if Jake did…you know…while he was out there, the Muses theoretically could have cause him to just not care about much else, and he was probably chasing that sex high because, let’s face it, we’re talking about sex with a goddess.”
With my left hand covering my mouth, I hold my right up to signal to him to stop talking. “I finally stopped throwing up. Please stop.”
A sheepish but self-satisfied look takes over his face. “Sorry.”
I close my eyes and put my hands on my stomach, feeling them move in and out with every deep breath I’m forcing into my lungs. But I’m also shaking my head because I just can’t believe it. Any of it. How could he? And how could I be so stupid? How did it never occur to me that he could have slept with her, them, who really knows whom!
George seems to read my mind. “If this happened, it may not have been completely in his control.”
“Yes, because so many men would turn down the chance to fuck a literal goddess.”
“I thought you said he was a good guy?”
I stare blankly at him. “They’re goddesses, George. Goddesses!” Just then the alarm on my phone goes off. “Damn it!! I have to leave to get the kids.”
“Go, I’ll keep researching. I’ll keep in touch via text.” He doesn’t look up from the text he’s currently pouring over.
“Really? You’ll text me? But only if it’s work-related, right?” I stand stock still until he glares at me.
When he does his eyes are the only things to move. “You’re going to give me a hard time on this now? Go!”
So I do, but I also look back once more from the doorway, truly wishing I could stay. I need to learn everything I can about these things. Can they even be defeated? Do I just need to talk to them, or will there be fighting? I’m not sure I can take on nine goddesses. I know karate is for defense first, but I really want to kill them if I’m being honest.
I don’t know how I’m supposed to just collect my children without somehow giving away that their father has been abducted by beautiful, bonafide goddesses. I guess I’m about to figure it out.
I make it through pickup and the ride home okay. I’m a little ornery once we’re home, constantly checking my phone for news from George, but no updates come through. The kids notice something is up but decide to give me a wide berth. While dinner is cooking and they’re all doing their homework, I do some research myself.
I open the browser on my phone and type “How to defeat a Muse.” Apparently, they are the daughters of Zeus, so hopefully I don’t piss him off too badly when I beat their asses. They won a singing contest against Thamyris, whoever that is, so I guess they would be good for Jake’s firm to have them as clients, you know, if they were not psychopathic abductresses. Speaking of which, I haven’t heard from Jake since he left last night. I’ve been so wrapped up, yet again, in my own thoughts. So, send him a text.
Hey Sweets, just checking in since I haven’t heard from you. Hope your flight was good. Hope to see you soon!
My phone tells me he read the message, but I don’t see any dots. He’s simply not writing me back. So, I go back to pacing. I have a thought to check my watch because I’m curious how many steps I’ve taken with all my pacing today, but then I get a text message.
Flight was fine. Busy here. Will have to be here longer than last time, fyi.
Yeah, I bet you will…
Chapter 22
Whenthekidsarein bed, I call Eliza. Because she answers, I open up about everything, sobbing to her over the phone.
“Honey, do you need me to come over? Rory is here. I can. It’s okay.”