Page 24 of Love… It's Messy
“A drunken one, where she hit on my dad, told Tyler his balls would be in a vise if he hurt me, and then had a mariachi band come in and play ‘Celebration’ by Kool & the Gang because she thought it was the happiest song in the world.”
I fall to the side in a fit of laughter, feeling lighter than I did a few moments ago. That’s what a good friendship will do. Melissa doesn’t know the anxiety I have in my life right now, but her mere presence and simple conversation can put me at ease.
If only I felt comfortable enough to confide in her. Sadly, I’ve never had that comfort with anyone.
The intercom buzzes, so Melissa picks up the phone to see who could be at our front door. “Lavish Events!”
While she shimmies, I rise and walk into the other room that we use as a storage space for the items we like to keep on hand. We also happen to keep a small refrigerator in here, where I’m currently getting a bottle of water. As I take a sip, Melissa appears at the doorway.
“You have a visitor.” Her eyes are shining with giddiness. “A tall, strapping fireman is here to see you. I know good-looking men because I happen to be engaged to one, and this guy is salivatingly hot. Beware that, if he’s a potential groom, it’s best not to make out with him. I learned that lesson the hard way.”
I nearly spit out my water. Okay, I actually do, and Melissa has to take a step back to protect herself from the spray.
“Come again?” I ask with a cough.
Her brows narrow as she wipes down her arm and looks slightly amused. “Someone is nervous. I’ve never seen nervous Jillian. That is more my style.”
“How do you know he’s a fireman? Is he wearing his uniform? Maybe the building’s on fire and we have to evacuate.”
“Nope. He’s wearing one of those T-shirts with the engine number and logo on it.”
“Does the man own any other clothing?” I mutter to myself, which makes Melissa raise a brow.
“You know him and his clothing well then?”
I give her a deadpan expression and then look behind her. I don’t see him, so he mustn’t see me. “Tell him I’m not here.”
“Too late. As my daughter, Izzy, would say, that would be super sus. I hate preteen lingo, but sus for suspicious works.”
I play with the collar of my button-down and weigh my options. Behind me is a window I could climb out of. The fire escape seems easy to manage, but my heels would get stuck in the grating. My pencil skirt might make it a tad difficult to climb down the ladder, yet I could make it.
Escaping Luke’s presence is tempting, but that would imply I did something wrong when I know, without a doubt, I’m not in the wrong here.
Chest out, chin high, I walk past Melissa and into the main office. It’s a beautiful room with a wooden accent wall, pastel colors, and crystal chandeliers. A very feminine space that is currently bearing way too much testosterone as Luke Incendio stands in the middle of it.
His hair is wild today, as are his eyes, dark and daring. He looks even taller today with the way his chest is barreled and shoulders squared. His Wranglers hug his thighs, and his T-shirt accents the ripples in his chest and biceps without it being too tight. It’s a silly time to be appreciating his body, but it’s easier than looking into those eyes, which are so overwhelming that my heart is working its way into my stomach and is about to explode.
I press down the sides of my pencil skirt and square my own shoulders, matching his stance. Even though his hands are casually in his pockets, his frame is tense.
“Jillian.” My name is gruff on his lips.
“Luke,” I say back.
Melissa’s eyes practically bulge out of her head as she appears, realizing that the Luke, who I apparently rambled on about one night over drinks, is the same Luke I stayed with this past weekend, and he’s now in our front office.
While Luke and I do some sort of mental game of chicken, waiting for the other to say something of importance, Melissa fiddles with her ring and starts to pace.
“For the record, I am not good in situations like this unless it has to do with my children. My heart says I should leave you two alone to talk about whatever it is that is brewing in this moment, but my head says not to leave Jillian alone with a strange man who looks like he either wants to kiss her or kill her. Am I reading the room right?”
I shrug my shoulders while Luke’s stance relaxes a touch, and he stares at her, wondering if this girl is for real. I give him an assuring nod.
Melissa grabs her purse from the table. “I’m going to walk to Beans and Leaves for a coffee. Luke, pleasure to meet you. In case this goes awry”—she lifts her cell phone and takes a picture of us standing on different sides of the table—“I’m gonna use this as evidence. Also, Luke, please know that while I am not the type to hide a body, we have a friend named Tara who will be here with a .45 and a shovel and has no shame in burying you in Newbury Woods.” She takes a quick breath and then smiles brightly. “Okay then. I’ll be back in twenty.”
Like a bolt of nervous energy, Melissa is gone, and I’m left wondering what kind of loyalty my friend truly has that she’s left me with a man she assumes is either going to murder me or maul me with his mouth. If the roles were reversed, I’d have parked myself on a chair and watched the confrontation.
“You didn’t answer my text,” he says almost immediately upon being alone.
“Wasn’t aware you were waiting for a reply.”