Page 34 of Love… It's Messy
It drives his father crazy, which is why we all encourage it.
“Hey there, kiddo!” I grab Ainsley as she runs past me, lift her into a superhero pose and nuzzle her neck.
She giggles as she kicks her legs, desperate to get back to playing with Hunter.
“Guess what?” I say to her.
“I love you!” she yells at the top of her lungs.
I kiss her neck and put her down and let her finish playing before we leave in a few minutes.
Placing my purse on the kitchen island, I take a seat on a stool. “Thanks for watching her tonight.”
“It was the first date I’ve seen you go on since I’ve known you. I would have kept her for a week if you needed me to.” Melissa lets out a whistle as she looks at my attire. “Sexy dress. Was the good doctor worth it?”
“Will you stop calling him that?” I admonish, and then roll my eyes at her playful stare. “For the record, he wasn’t horrible. Eric was actually really great.”
Her jaw practically hits the granite. “Shut the front door.”
“It’s not open, Mom!” Hunter calls from his spot by the couch.
She answers him, “It’s an expression for something I can’t say in the presence of children.” With excited eyes, she gives her attention back to me. “Tell me everything.”
“Not much to tell. We ate steak, drank martinis, and talked. It was … lovely.”
“Lovely.” Her brows lift. “You’re blushing an awful lot for lovely.”
Will calls out from his place by the sink, “You don’t blush for lovely. You blush for amazing.”
“Incredible,” Melissa adds with a pointed finger.
“Hot,” he adds.
“Unbelievable.” He builds on to their list of things that should make me blush.
I hush them both, to which Will laughs his deep chuckle.
“If Melissa ever referred to me as lovely, I’d check my man card at the door.”
I shoo him away, and Melissa gives him a slap on the butt.
“Girl-talk time. No boys allowed.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He gives her a kiss on the head and walks into the living room to take a seat on the couch near the kids.
With him out of the way, Melissa leans on the counter, her chest halfway across the stone, to get closer to me as she speaks in a hushed tone. “Hey, I have a question for you, and it’s kind of personal.”
“Ask me anything.”
“So, Will and I are ready to start a family and have pulled the guard from the gate, if you know what I mean.”
“Wow. That’s awesome. I’m surprised you’re willing to do it before the wedding.”
“I’m not getting any younger, and he really wants to be a dad.”
“I get it,” I say, and I do. I was only twenty-seven when I gave birth to Ainsley and wasn’t about to let the chance to become a mother pass me by. “What’s the question?”