Page 78 of Love… It's Messy
“It also had a lot to do with you. He told me he met a girl in Aruba who he thought wasthe one. Told me the same night he found out about Annie’s diagnosis and what that meant for the family. Knew he could suffer the same fate.”
I look at him. “You knew about me.”
“It isn’t often a man meets a woman who knocks him off his feet. Trust me, my son always had a girl on his arm, but he never spoke about one like he did about you.”
“How’s that?”
“Like the idea of not trying for a future with you was worse than the possible hell of a future he had.”
I shake my head, liking the words he’s saying and hating them at the same time, not understanding them. “Why didn’t he just get tested? If he’s negative, so much between us could have been different. His future with Ainsley—”
“And if he were positive, well … I’ll let him share that side of him. After all, it’s his to tell. As you can see, Luke isn’t the best with all of this.”
“He’s always hiding something.”
“He’s afraid of the truth.”
I bow my head. “Where’s Lauren?”
“She’s in a rehab up near Rochester. When she and Luke decided not to find out, she decided she was going to live her life to the fullest. Started taking risks. The bungee jumping and skydiving I understood. The partying I did not. Got herself hooked on some ugly stuff that almost killed her more than once. She came home for her mother’s funeral, but she hasn’t been home since.” He gestures toward the house. “All of this is a trigger for her. She can’t see Peyton, not in this state. It’ll set her off. Once Peyton passes, I’ll probably sell the house and move closer to her, so long as I know Luke is okay. Find something on one floor in case they get sick too. Hopefully, I’m healthy enough to take care of them.”
I take a few steps to the couch and sit myself beside him. This time, it’s me who takes his hand.
“Mitch, I know we just met and my words don’t mean much, but you are an extraordinary man. You took care of your wife and now your daughter and are planning on spending your last days caring for anyone who might need it.”
He pats my hand. “Family is everything.”
Luke uttered those words to me when he learned of Ainsley. His desire to be in her life makes sense. He doesn’t just want to be with her today. He wants to care for her as his father has for his daughter. Except, if Ainsley has Huntington’s, so does Luke, and that would mean he’d need to be cared for. I could do it. I would do anything for Ainsley, and for her, I would care for Luke. I’d move mountains for my daughter.
Mitch looks toward the front door. He smiles. “I might seem like the hero in this situation, but I wouldn’t be as strong if it wasn’t for Luke. He’s my rock, but he doesn’t think I see just how soft he is on the inside. We went from a robust, crazy family to one that fell apart in a short time because of an awful disease. I don’t know. Maybe it’d be better if he found out. Stop wasting his life away on this horrible disease. He gave up on the dream of having a family a long time ago. Peyton never had children, and Lauren is too frail to. That’s why Ainsley is a blessing for us all. I pray with all my soul that she’s saved from this. I believe she is. After all, she’s our miracle.”
My breath is shaky as I agree with him. “She is.”
“So are you, Jillian. You just might be the one who saves this family.”
I look away and to the door, wondering what Luke and Peyton are doing now. Wondering if the evils of this disease end with Peyton, and possibly Luke and Lauren, or if they live on with my daughter.
“YOU WERE TOLD NOTto Google,” Luke says as he exits his bedroom.
We spent the day with Mitch. While Luke tended to Peyton’s needs, I listened to Mitch’s stories of Luke growing up and tried some of his homemade wine. It was bitter, yet I drank my glass so as not to offend the man. When he offered more, I politely declined.
When Peyton wasn’t sleeping or in the bed, watching television, she was with us in her wheelchair. It was hard not to look her way, as her constant movements and grunts got my attention. She didn’t have any more fits, but twice, she forgot who I was and drifted off during conversations, as if she couldn’t remember what she was going to say. As Mitch told stories that involved Peyton, she looked at him like she had no idea what he was talking about.
The mood lightened a lot when Mitch broke out his banjo. I’d thought he was joking, but the man does like to play on his porch and sings rather huskily. It reminded me of Luke serenading me on that catamaran years ago. The Incendio men know how to make a woman feel at ease.
I hadn’t planned on spending the entire day, but the hours passed easily. When I called to check in on Ainsley, Melissa said to let Ainsley sleep over since we wouldn’t get back to Newbury until after eleven. She’s even taking care of getting Ainsley to school in the morning—albeit a little late, I’m sure.
Once Mitch learned there wasn’t a rush to get back home, he demanded I learn how to make magic bars—a family recipe that was Luke’s favorite, growing up. When they were cooled, he packed a Tupperware for me and asked I have Ainsley try them, assuring me they were dairy-free.
Of course, I couldn’t get in the car without him thanking me for coming. This time, when he hugged me, I settled into the embrace rather than stiffening from it.
I like Mitch Incendio.
Ainsley is going to love her grandpa.
The ride back to Luke’s house wasn’t long, and despite the lovely visit, my head is still reeling. That’s why I’m sitting at Luke’s kitchen table, researching, just as Mitch advised me not to.