Page 75 of Love… It's Wild
“On you, it’s far more tolerable.”
I grip his stubbled face and pull it closer to mine, diving my tongue into his mouth, eliciting a deafening moan from him. Thank goodness for his self-restraint because before I can get too handsy, he settles my head against the crook of his neck. I’m buried against his skin, safe and comfortable. It’s almost as nice as kissing him, yet not nearly as much as having him buried between my legs, but beggars can’t be choosers. Still, it’s nice.
“I’m really enjoying having you here.” I feel the rumble in his throat as he speaks.
“If you want, I can start making inappropriate comments and being extra sarcastic just enough to piss you off so you’ll be happy when I have to leave this place next week.”
“Wow. Next week already?”
“You said just for the month of July. I can’t avoid Patrick forever, although I will have to see him this weekend.”
“Your gala.”
“Yeah. Are you still coming?”
“If you want me there, I’ll go.”
“Right now, you’re my only option, so you have to come. I’d be really annoyed if I had to head out to the bar tonight to find myself a cowboy to take.”
Rob grunts, and I laugh against his chest.
Yes, I’m enjoying getting to know him. Enjoying it too much.
* * *
“Are we expecting company?” Molly asks, looking out the window.
“No. Why?” I ask from the living room, where I’m setting up the board game that she selected for us to play.
“There’s a car outside.” She’s pulling the curtain back and craning her neck, bending forward. I get up to see what she sees when she pops straight up and shouts, “It’s Uncle Cade!”
I stand behind her and watch as the black Porsche parks where Rob’s truck usually is. The door opens, and out comes Cade, dressed in black pants and a matching button-down. His hair is brushed back and styled like a Ralph Lauren ad. He’s a handsome devil, that Cade. Add in the mischievous smile he has as he slides on a pair of sunglasses and struts up the stairs with a bouquet of roses, and he’s downright swoon worthy.
Molly bounds through the front door. Her arms are up as she shouts for her uncle and runs toward him. Cade catches her with one arm and gives her a huge hug, tugging her along with him as they walk into the house and he sets her down.
“How’s my favorite girl?” He hands Molly the bouquet of flowers. “These are for you.”
She takes the flowers and holds them close to her chest. “Uncle Cade always brings me flowers when he visits.”
“You certainly know how to charm a woman.”
He looks at me with a sideways grin. “I have to somehow make up for being an absentee uncle.”
“What better way to train your niece how to forgive a man who doesn’t give her attention than with flowers?” I say, and he throws his head back and lets out a great peal of laughter.
“When I heard you were staying here, I was hoping you’d put some of that sass to good use with my brother. What time is he getting home?”
“Not for a few hours.”
“Good. That means we get to spend some quality time together without his saying no to everything.”
Molly looks up at her uncle with her brows curled together. “What kind of things would he say no to?”
He winks with a nod toward his car. “Go look in my trunk.”
She runs down to the car as he pops the trunk from the key fob. Cade and I watch from the porch as she looks inside. As she lifts her face up to us, the pure elation on her expression shows she likes what’s inside.
“Water guns!” she declares.