Page 92 of Love… It's Wild
“You don’t say.” My tone is full of annoyance, as are my actions as I count the drill bits in my kit, getting pissed when I see one is missing, and fling the lid of my toolbox open to find it.
Will seems at ease where he is, even crossing his ankles and folding his arms. “As you know, our family loves to talk. You’d know if you picked up your phone. Don’t worry; I’ve been on the receiving end of everyone calling. I’ll just fill you in on the highlights. We’ll start with Cade. He said he’s never seen you so jealous about a woman before. You were ready to shoot his head off when you saw him rolling on the ground with Tara.”
“That kid has always been one for stories.”
“He is a bit of a tale spinner. That’s why I didn’t believe him when he said dinner with you was the first time you looked content and happy in a long-ass time. The way you were in high school when you did that flash mob. Do you remember that?”
I look at him with anof course I dostare.
He continues, “I told Cade, there’s no way. Rob is the mean one. He’s too mad these days to be sated. Tara’s too funny and too cool to be a perfect match for his cranky ass anyway.”
I grunt at my brother, which makes him laugh. I want to punch his smug face with a sharp right hook. I might if he keeps this shit up.
“You done?”
“I heard there’s a ladder in here that leads upstairs.”
“Why is nothing sacred in this family?”
“That’s what families do. They talk because they care. Mom doesn’t know about the shed sex, but she does know something’s been brewing out here. She’s been calling it for weeks.”
“I’ve been avoiding her on purpose. Tara isn’t her favorite person.”
“Neither was Melissa, and Mom warmed up to her. Mom doesn’t care who we end up with as long as it’s true love.”
My hands stop before my brain does. I look up at my brother and level him with an intense stare. “I don’t love Tara.”
“How could you when you don’t believe in it anymore?”
I slam the toolbox closed and walk to my metal chest, where I keep spare parts. “Aren’t you expecting a baby at any minute? Go home.”
“Can’t. My wife kicked me out. Said I was hovering too much. She accused me of being a stalker, which, admittedly, I am. I put an app on her phone so I know where she is in case she goes into labor while she’s out.”
“Hazard of the job, huh?”
“You learn way too much, being a cop.” He walks over to my toolbox and opens it. “Since my wife doesn’t want me, you get me.”
“Can I accuse you of stalking me so you’ll leave me alone too?”
“Not a chance. Especially since I have a story I thought you’d want to hear.”
“Don’t wanna hear it, Will.”
“What are you looking for anyway?”
“My damn drill bit. Jesse used it on the job today, and he didn’t put it back like he’s supposed to. Molly came with us because I had no one to watch her which meant I got nothing done because I was concerned about what she was doing. Now, my drill bit is gone. I like my shit to be where it’s supposed to be.”
Will walks over to my drill kit and flips open the top. He lifts the drill, and lo and behold, it’s rolling around beneath the piece of equipment.
“Found it.” He has the nerve to look proud of himself. “Found it right where it was supposed to be. I could think of a few analogies for this. Looking for something, and it’s right in front of you.”
I take the bit from his hand and place it in the holder inside the kit and close it with a harsh push. “You’re an asshole. Tell your stupid story so you can get out of here.”
Will, with his smug expression, walks along the shed, surveying my room. He puts his hands in his pockets and strolls around like he’s happy.
“Your nanny told off your ex-wife, epically. Christine and Mike were out to dinner where the girls were. Now, I don’t have all the details, but apparently, your woman went to bat for you. Big time. Even declared in front of a packed restaurant that you’re … well … packing.”
It takes me a moment to realize what he means. I conceal the impressed tilt of my mouth as I picture Tara leveling with Christine.