Page 44 of His Darkest Deceit
This was sex!
I went to my elbows, eyes huge. “Wait!”
Why was the room spinning? Shaking my head to clear it, I put a hand to my forehead and tried to get up.
But he moved one knee between my thighs, then another, forcing my legs to part, unsettling my balance so that I sagged back against the floor.
My new slit felt cool air, something slick and scented spilling out to trickle over my anus.
He took my wrists, pinning them beside my head.
Muddled, I mumbled, “Wait. Please.”
That thing began to prod me, the not-human appendage. Pointed spear-like tip, groped at my thighs, while the male restrained me firmly in place. Prehensile, rippled accordion rings ran down its length so the hybridcock, as he’d called it earlier, might stretch and move, contract and thicken. Teasing its vibrant purple head down my seam, it rolled itself in the slick fluid that spilled from my core.
I watched, petrified, held firm by the man, as it prodded my opening and began to work itself inside me.
Hyperventilating, I fought and lost. It breached. Stretched, contracted, stretched, contracted, that male organ pushed deeper while my captor hushed me like this was not a nightmare but something to be treasured. “Shhh, my love.”
A full-body shudder moved through the man as he gained ground, more of his terrifying cock invading my body.
“Don’t do this!” I was sobbing from the stretch by the time he surged forward and seated himself fully within, begging for mercy and receiving none.
The sound, the smell, the way his lips kissed away my tears… those strange things kept trying to steal my attention.
But this was the general, a man I loathed, pinning me to the floor and forcing his terrifying, wriggling organ inside me. I was going to burst, stuffed full of a writhingthingand losing the battle for clarity the more he squirmed in my guts.
And then he began to rock his hips, that monster within me dancing to the beat of each thrust. Surging forward, filling me to bursting. Pulling back, retreating through a mess of slippery fluid to leave an ache behind.
I could feel every ripple that made up the length of his cock stretch and stimulate my newly exposed, sensitive flesh. No matter how I tilted my pelvis in a bid to break free, he did as he wished, until another untamed surge began to build.
My mind said no, my mouth begging for mercy between relentless, delirious kisses, but my body began to move as it willed. Undulating in a dance against my aggressor, I realized I’d begun to dig my heels into his lower back, urging him on.
The brush of his pubic bone would send sounds from my lips that left him groaning. The arch of my spine—so my acutely sensitive nipples might drag over his chest—brought forth manic snarls. Faster the tempo built, no longer slow and cautious but passionate and unbearable.
It was as if the human half of me had dissolved into nothing, no voice or reason in the cries I made. All animal instinct and wonder, I enjoyed that beastly cock moving in and out of my body. How it thrashed and what it took—knew he was doing things with it inside me I could not even begin to understand but that Ineeded.
Submission promised pleasure that would change me into something new.
When he dared take my mouth, I drank down a male that was strong, beautiful, and well-made, my tongue tangling with his.
And he gave.
The male lips at my ear spoke in a language that meant nothing to me, yet I knew the words were decadent and rich. His cruel mouth bit down, sharp teeth breaking skin wherever he wished, over and over as I healed and gave him a fresh canvas to mark.
When my belly began to tremble, he reared back, intent on watching each expression that danced across my features. A whirring warmth moved under my skin, the previous pleasure from his hand a sad shadow in comparison. What churned within me was world-shattering.
My stomach clenched and rippled, the opening where he pierced me with that fat, prehensile organ gripping him hard, sucking him deeper.
I screamed, bucked madly, locking down around his girth as he strained and roared.
My wrists were abandoned so he might take my hips and hold my flailing body tight to his pelvis. Within my core, terrible, beautiful pressure grew, and some part of him swelled. Something that stretched my poor muscles and left me convulsing around the bulbousgrowthlocking my body to his.
Moments later, the male bellowed, and a flood gushed from him to fill me. Then another. Over and over until my belly began to softly swell.
Delirious with pleasure, each spurt sent me higher into bliss until I thought I’d perish. White light filled me, sparkles moving under my skin. Within my belly, his pulsating prehensile cock, firmly locked within, gyrated and slithered, moving so much I could see it poke and prod.
One hip was set free, a huge, warm hand landing near my mound to stroke upward toward my ribs. Again and again as the man pumped me with more fluid than my body could hold.