Page 62 of Arrogant Boss
He disappears to the bathroom and comes back with a towel, wiping his dick off and tossing it to the floor, then he scoops me up like a newborn baby and lays me on the bed.
He spreads my legs wide, lines his hard erection with my core, and he shoves forward, fucking me until we’re both out of breath.
A few days go by, and I breeze to the copy machine because the one on our floor isn’t working. I open the door to find Alyssa standing next to the cabinet with a stack of papers in her hands. She eyes me up and down, then turns her nose up. I guess the news traveled fast around here about my relationship with Atlas. Atlas made sure to send it to his publicist this morning. And so many notifications popped up on my phone, I had to turn it off. I was a little iffy about us coming out, but I’m doing it to make him happy. I asked him why he wants to go public about our relationship when he keeps his life so private, and he told me it was because he wants to show the world that he’s taken. I know how the media can be when it comes to celebrities and their relationships. Ten different magazine agencies have already blown up Atlas’s phone so they can have a piece of the story. AndPeoplemagazine has already asked to schedule a photo shoot and interview with us to talk about him being in love. I laugh at the last statement. There is no way in hell we’re in love.
I knew I was going to experience this before we went public, which is why I didn’t want to do it. My father has been calling nonstop and sending me messages about me and Atlas, but I refused to hear from him because the last thing I need is for him to tell me how to live my life. I’ve been walking on cloud nine since the night we had sex. I haven’t been happy in a long time. Not since my mother’s death, not since Carter broke up with me. And speaking of which, I had to block him on Facebook because he sent me an article and asked me if Atlas and I really are dating. Some people are happy about our relationship and others aren’t so much. It bugs me that he decided to come out about us, but I didn’t want to be a stick in the mud. And he’s right, we shouldn’t hide our relationship forever. As long as we’re happy in our relationship, then that’s all that matters.
Alyssa flattens out her skirt and turns her face toward me. “If you wanted to go to the top, you didn’t have to sleep with the boss.” Her words are harsh.
Ouch. I didn’t expect her to be so bold with her words. I knew she had a crush on Atlas, but I didn’t expect her to be so bitter about our relationship.
“I’m not sleeping my way to the top. If I wanted to get to the top fast, I could use my father’s connections.” I clear my throat and hold my head high. “I know you have a crush on Atlas, and I understand, but don’t ever speak to me in a disrespectful manner again.”
Her eyes widen in shock. “You know he’s going to discard you and toss you out like old trash. I’m trying to have your back.”
“Yeah, I’m sure the minute Atlas and I break up, you will shoot your shot for the hundredth time. Get over it. If he didn’t want you when you kept asking him to dinner, then leave it alone. Don’t let a man tell you more than once he doesn’t want you.” I shake my head. “I thought you liked me enough to respect me, but I guess you don’t.”
I snatch my paper from the copy machine, waltz back upstairs, and hand the paperwork to Atlas before I go back to my desk. I work through the day and when it’s time for the meeting with the creative team, we walk side by side. Atlas links his pinkie finger with mine, and I fight back a grin. We take the elevator to the fifth floor, and people’s eyes are glued to me and Atlas, watching our every move. I knew coming out would be a bad idea, but it doesn’t matter what these people think. They can kick rocks for all I care. And I’m not going to let them make me feel like shit the way Alyssa made me feel. Atlas opens the door for me, and I stroll in and take my seat next to the whiteboard.
The chatter from our co-workers dies down when they see us, and I smooth out my dress and set my briefcase down on the cream carpet.
Atlas tells us to come up one by one to submit our lingerie sketches. It’s my turn, and I show them my designs using the projection screen and discuss the fabrics I used, explaining how the outfit is supposed to hug the body. It’s the same set Atlas saw me in, and my cheeks flush at the memory. Adrenaline spikes my blood, and nervousness settles in my tummy. Atlas keeps his glossy eyes on me, and a smile spreads across his face.
“If we make the panties and the bra a little smaller, it gives the allusion that the butt and breasts are bigger. And the material is stretchy.”
I take my seat next to Atlas, sit up straighter, and tap my foot against the cream carpet. I feel Atlas’s thighs rubbing against mine, and my chest flutters.
Once everyone is finished showing their work, Atlas clears his throat and says, “Everyone did a lot better than the last time. But I’m going to go with Joy and Lake, their work was the best. We need to critique it some more. I’ll work with the two of you to see what will work and what will not. Your lingerie will be featured in the catalogs, stores, and fashion runway for fall. You two will also be helping with the interviews.This meeting is adjourned.”
“The only reason Lake got the part is because she’s sleeping with the boss,” Linda mumbles under her breath to Joy, and Joy doesn’t reply as she packs up her stuff, ignoring her. Joy glances at me, a sad smile stretching across her face. I roll my eyes, and glare at Linda.
I don’t think Atlas heard her until he speaks. “What did you say?” Atlas snaps. The room grows dead quiet, you can hear a pin drop.
She shakes her head, and her cheeks turn bright red. “Nothing.”
“Drop it, Atlas,” I whisper.
“I heard you loud and clear. You said the reason why Lake got the position is because she’s fucking me.” His smile is vicious. “Let’s pull up your shitty work, shall we?”
Oh my God, he’s about to destroy the poor woman. “Atlas,” I warn.
He completely ignores me, leaning back in his chair, clicking and unclicking his pen.
With trembling hands, she pulls her file onto the projector.
“First problem with your design is everyone knows the color white is our least popular color that sells because it stains easily. It’s not considered a sexy color. Second problem, lace and silk don’t mesh together because it’s hard to clean in the washing machine. And more importantly, it won’t appeal to any man’s eye. Do you want your boyfriend to see you in those tacky-ass undergarments? The purpose of lingerie is for you to want him or her to peel it off with their teeth. Personally, I wouldn’t allow Lake,my woman,to be caught dead in those pieces of shit.” He taps his fingers onto the table as if he’s bored with the conversation. “You’re dating Anthony from HR?”
Shock colors her face, and she sucks in a breath.
“You don’t think I know about the romantic affairs that go on in my office? I read the forums and the group chats my employees have. I don’t comment. Half of you guys are fucking each other or dating.” A devious smirk spreads across his face. “For your information, I didn’t pick Lake’s designs because she’s fucking me, I picked hers because her work is pretty good, and she is passionate about her job. She breathes fashion. Most of you are here for a paycheck. Since you have the balls to talk shit right in front of my face about mywoman, you’re fired. Pack up your office, and I want you out of here before noon.”
She burst into tears, and everyone looks at each other. My heart expands in my chest. Usually, I’d say something to him for speaking to his employees in a disrespectful manner, but I’m not this time. I’m tired of the glares, and the whispers, and people avoiding me. Atlas standing up for me made him ten times hotter. Those stupid butterflies are back, so I swallow thickly and hold my head up high.
“Anyone else want to make a statement about my personal life?” he asks. No one utters a word. “Thought so.Nowthe meeting is over with.”
These two weeks have been hectic, very hectic. I’ve been in and out of meetings with Atlas, sitting with shareholders, and planning the next major business meeting for him. I answered over five hundred emails, and we spent part of our time working in the other Risqué building because I had to make sure the lingerie I made fit the model for the fall fashion week. A bunch of models flirted with Atlas, and I tried so hard to not say anything because we were at work, despite everyone knowing we’re dating. I still want to keep it professional. My mother always told me jealousy is the worst feeling to have over someone you already know is yours.
When we went to meet the male models that are wearing the male version of the lingerie I made, they completely ignore me, which is fine with me as long as Atlas still wants me. Atlas placed a possessive hand on my lower back, keeping me tucked under his arm. And I tried to keep a distance from him, but he wouldn’t let me, and he was touchy the entire time. People stared at us as if they were trying to figure out a puzzle, but I’ve gotten used to the stares, so I ignored them.