Page 9 of Arrogant Boss
She trots toward the podium.
I cross my arms across my chest. “Did you hire me so you can fuck me?”
He shakes his head and frowns. “Out of all the résumés, yours stood out. I’m not desperate to fuck you, and I take my business seriously.”
I don’t know if I believe him or not. But whatever.
He twists his wrist to check the time on his expensive watch. “It’s almost time for me to go to the podium. Kiss me for good luck.” He puckers up his lips, and heat creeps up my neck as I place my palm over his pillow-soft lips. “Hell. No.”
He grasps my wrist, planting his lips on my inner palm, and I shudder and quickly yank my hand away. As I twist on the balls of my heels, I rush back to my seat. I bite the inside of my cheek and wipe my sweaty palms on my shirt.
As he stands in front of the podium, his smooth voice booms through the mike as he speaks about being a parent company to Naked. I’m caught up in the sound of his voice, I can listen to him all day. His voice is deep like Liam Neeson’s. Once he’s done, he steps down, and chatter fills the air. Atlas turns toward me, sinking his teeth into his bottom lip.
“I need to show you where your office will be.”
I slowly trail behind him, my short legs trying to keep up with him. Once we make it to the elevator, the air is stuffy as he taps the button to the top floor. This isn’t a good idea for me to be alone with him, and I don’t know whether I’ll be able to control myself. When he used to come over for dinner with his parents, it was so easy for me to ignore him because I could leave the house, but now our lives are going to be intertwined… and I don’t know how to handle it. Once the door opens, I see six offices.
“Who else works on this floor?”
“My CFO, COO, and their assistants,” he answers, coming to a complete stop and pulling a glass door open.
I glance at the basic offices. The only good thing about them is they have glass doors dividing our offices, so I’ll have some privacy. The view of the city is nice, sharp, lighting up the whole room. The desk is spacious, and a lounge chair sits against the gray wall.
He points to the glass desk. “You’ll be here.”
“Um. Okay.”
He slides his thick hands into his pockets and faces me. “I want to clear up what you said at the bar.”
“I don’t wa—”
“You said I wanted to have pity sex with you, and I don’t.”
His words do something to my heart, and I don’t like it. He steps closer to me, removing his hands from his pockets and stroking his knuckles against my face, and the air in my lungs seize. Why does he have such an effect on me? I feel the back of my neck becoming hotter than the sun, and those damn stupid butterflies are back.
My gaze snags onto his, lust clouding his pupils as he nibbles on his bottom lip. We stare at each other for far too long.
I shake my head. “I don’t want to talk about it, please. Let’s keep it professional.” I sigh. “Doesn’t the company have a rule against employees sleeping with each other?”
“No.” He takes a step closer to me, and another one, before wrapping his hand around my waist, meshing his body to mine. I don’t know why I allowed myself to be so close to him. His erection digs into my belly, and my panties are soaking. I have to change them as soon as I leave here.
He points to the desk. “You see this desk? Eventually, I’m going to bend you over and fuck you on it, Lake.”
Slowly, I peel his hand from around my waist, fold my arms across my chest, and step back.
“Why are you so sure of yourself?”
He steps forward again, and I put my hand on his chest to stop him from taking another step closer. I feel his heart thumping like a jackrabbit, so I remove my palm quickly.
“Because I see the way you look at me.”
“How do I look at you?” My tone is light as a feather.
“You are undressing me with your eyes. You’re thinking about what I said about bending you over your desk and fucking you.”
Now my imagination is on a rampage.
“No, I’m not. I am thinking about how I want to slap your pretty face.”