Page 10 of The Way We Lie
“Did you really thank Jade for fucking your boyfriend?”
“I believe the word I used was fiancé,” Valen corrected, piling a spoonful of apple pie into her mouth. I waited for her to send it flying back out again, given the pie filling was fresh out of the oven and probably equal to the temperature of the sun.
But she didn’t even flinch.
Instead, she seemed to relax back into the cushioned booth seat, the faux leather creaking underneath her. The dress she was wearing was absolutely ridiculous and slightly on the comical side. It looked like it was slowly eating her from the bottom up. The more she sunk into the seat, the more the poof swallowed her whole.
She let out a heavy sigh, dropping the spoon back onto the plate. “Your sister—”
“She’s not my sister,” I corrected, trying to keep the sharp edge out of my tone but failing. “Her mom married my dad, and in the past two years, the woman has all but sucked him dry.”
My disdain for Christine was something I didn’t sugarcoat, much to my father’s frustration. He wanted me to love her, to pull her in and treat her like family, and I knew why. Because it would be a hugefuck youto my mom to have this happy little family that they’d both always wanted but was torn away from them.
Personally, I didn’t think she’d give a damn either way.
She moved away to escape the pain.
To escape me.
It was that saying—hurt people, hurt people—and while it really fucking hurt to have to grow up knowing the only way I could have a relationship with her was through a few phone calls a year, she was still my mom.
Christine was not.
And would never be.
No matter how much my dad tried to force that bitch down my throat.
Valen rolled her eyes as she scooped another heap of pie onto her spoon. “That sounds about right. Your dad wouldn’t be the first she’s done that to.”
Her comment had me raising my brows. “What do you mean?”
“Your dad is Jade’s sixth stepdad,” she explained.
“Fucking hell. You sure?”
“Mm-hmm,” she hummed. “I should know. I’ve been at the past four weddings and heard all about the settlements Christine received from the last three divorces.” It was starting to become pretty fucking obvious that Christine may have never had a job in her life. It seemed to me like her permanent occupation was marrying old, rich men and taking half their shit.
Dolores came by and slipped my coffee onto the table in front of me before disappearing just as quickly as she appeared. When she was gone, I clenched my jaw tightly and spat out, “That part of her background, Dad conveniently forgot to mention.”
I sipped at the espresso in front of me even though the urge to shot the entire thing and ask for another was strong as hell.
Valen let out a heavy sigh. “I can’t wait to get home…” Her words trailed off, and suddenly, her head fell backward, her eyes drew closed. “This can’t be happening. It can’t be. Not again,” she whispered to herself. The words were probably not meant for my ears, but I couldn’t help but find myself strangely in tune to Valen’s frequency.
“I got you this far. I can probably manage to give you a ride home,” I offered, but she was already clambering awkwardly out of the booth. “Valen, what are you—”
“I don’t have anywhere to go,” she whispered, finally making it to her feet. “I gave up my apartment a little over a week ago and moved in with Chad.”
“You’ve only been living together a week?”
“Not helping, Reed,” she exclaimed, her voice hitting this high note that possibly could have pierced my eardrums. It was full of panic and a stark contrast to the complete poise she had maintained up until this point. She paused and pinched her brow, breathing in and out a few times before she finally looked up at me again, this time with tears sitting on her bottom eyelashes. Tears that made me want to murder the person who put them there. “God, I need to get out of here and start making phone calls. With a phone I don’t have because I left it at the wedding. I just… have to go.”
I pushed what was left of my espresso away, ready to get out and help her. “Wait, I’ll—”
Too late.
She turned, twisting herself in the fabric, the ridiculous dress sending her off balance.
“Fuck!” I cursed, fighting to get to my feet.