Page 77 of The Way We Lie
This whole situation—fucked.
How we got to this point—fucked.
But she wasn’t wrong.
Jade and I could have already sorted this shit out if it hadn’t been for Chad taunting me and showing up at places he damn well shouldn’t have been. We could have moved on. He kept this going. He wanted us to feel this pain. This was what he wanted. And I’d be damned if I was going to let him get the satisfaction of seeing how much it fucking hurt.
“I have to get to the hospital.”
Jade didn’t need another word. She got to her feet, ignoring the cop screaming at her to sit down, walking directly toward who I assumed was the detective in charge. He was young, with messy black hair and just the hint of stumble decorating his jaw, which he seemed to have clenched hard as he examined the scene. “Excuse me, sir?”
He turned to Jade and raised his eyebrow. “Ma’am, I’m going to need you to sit—”
“That was Reed Lawson, who was just transferred to the hospital,” she cut in, and for the first time in hours, I felt a smile tug at the corner of my mouth. This wasmy Jade. The Jade who wasn’t about to let even the cops stand between her and her getting me to the hospital to be with Reed.
“Yes, we are aware,” the detective confirmed, though it was through gritted teeth. “Now could you pleas—”
“That woman there…” Jade announced, pointing across at me. “Is Reed Lawson’swife.”
More than a few eyes widened around the room, all looking over at me as I sat slumped on the floor, waiting for my turn to be questioned about what happened.
“Now, sir, I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news,” Jade continued, thriving on the fact that all eyes were on her. “But your ass is going to get fired, or worse, sued, if this woman isn’t allowed to go and be with her damn husband. So, I suggest you get one of these lovely officers to pull their car around so she can do just that!”
I had to hide the growing smile on my face.
He wouldn’t be fired.
Or sued.
And as a man of the law, he knew that.
But a few minutes later, I found myself being escorted out to a waiting vehicle, Jade’s hoodie on and pulled up over my face as I gripped her hand. We were ushered into the back of an unmarked vehicle, the detective slamming the door but leaning in the window before we pulled away.
“I’ve got three officers who are going to stay with you and take your statements at the hospital. If either of you…” he directed a sharp glare at Jade before continuing, “… try and delay those statements, I’ll have you arrested for interfering with an investigation. Am I clear?”
“Yes, sir,” I agreed with a nod.
“Yeah, yeah,” Jade said dismissively, but I was sure at this stage she was looking for excuses to agitate the man. “Thank you! Let’s go!”
The car pulled away, crowds of people flashing by as we pulled out of the police cordon and into traffic, the driver hitting the lights and sirens.
I leaned my head back into the seat and turned to look at Jade. “I missed you so much. I’m so—”
She held up her hand. “So am I, but we’ll cry, hug, and make up later, okay? I can only deal with one crisis at a time, and right now, all I want is to get you to that hospital.”
I wasn’t sure what Reed had said to Jade, what he’d told her about us, but she knew. She knew how important he’d become to me.
“I can’t lose him,” I whispered, blinking back tears. “I can’t.”
“You won’t. I promise.”
I wish that was a promise she could make and keep, but it wasn’t.
Yet I still chose to believe it.
Because I didn’t want to think of the alternative.
Chapter Twenty-Nine