Page 10 of The Light Within
I need her because she’s broken, like me, yet she’s the brightest star that shines in the dark, lighting it up.
There’s a darkness beneath the light that has blinded me while in her presence.
But I saw the darkness, the thirst for revenge in her brown orbs. The flame flickered, ready to burst into an inferno at the slightest sign of her enemy.
The loud crack of thunder draws me from my thoughts.
Lifting my head, I shove my hands inside my pockets. Turning toward the window, I watch the lightning zigzag across the sky, illuminating the world briefly. It’s breathtakingly beautiful.
I feel her behind me, like a bolt of lightning struck me directly. The hairs all over my body rise, goosebumps prickling my skin, as she draws closer.
Closing my eyes, I inhale her scent.
She stops beside me. “Gorgeous sight, isn’t it?”
Opening my eyes, I stare down at her as she gazes reverently at the powerful storm raging outside the windows.
“Yes, it is the most stunning sight I’ve ever seen.” But I’m not looking at the sky. I’m drinking her in like a man dying of thirst in the desert.
She turns to me, her smile growing softer as her eyes lock with mine.
The thunder cracks again, the flash of lightning so bright it illuminates both of us as we stand there, facing one another, the rain pelting the windows.
“When I was a kid, I used to love to dance outside in thunderstorms.” She chuckles, her gaze dropping to her bare feet. “My mom practically had a heart attack every time I ran outside, twirling around beneath the pouring rain, my arms outstretched like a lightning rod, or at least, that was her nickname for my pose.” She closes her eyes, lost in her memories.
I lean closer, completely mesmerized by her. “Let’s go dance in the storm.”
Her eyes grow wide with surprise. Her hand moves to her chest, but I don’t miss the excitement that flickers over her features.
“Oh, Will, I didn’t mean we had to… we’ll probably get struck by lightning and die in this storm.”
I already feel like I’ve been struck, but instead of lightning hitting me, it’sher.
Grabbing her hand, I twirl her around. “We’ll be fine. We can dance on the balcony.” Toeing off my Converse shoes, I pull her down the hallway, the large balcony only accessible from my bedroom.
She laughs as I tug her faster through my bedroom, anxious to dance with her in the rain.
I can’t think of anything I’d like more.
Opening the doors, I step outside onto the balcony, pulling her behind me. The rain has slowed but still drenches us within seconds. She tilts her face up to the sky, closing her eyes, a wide smile on her face.
The loud crack of thunder comes at the right moment, drowning out my heart's loud, relentless pounding against my ribcage.
Trying to gain control of my emotions, I pull my cell phone from my back pocket, pulling up a random Spotify playlist. My phone connects to my Bluetooth speaker, the loud music pouring from my room. Shoving my phone in my pocket, I grab her and spin her again, causing her to open her eyes. Unadulterated happiness dances on her features and I feel like a fucking king, erasing the utter devastation from when she looked at her scars in the mirror.
As I twirl her on the balcony, the rain steadily falls, washing over us. Our hair and clothing cling to us as we dance, occasionally having to break our hold to push the hair from our face and the water from our eyes, but we always resume dancing, spinning and twirling, the thunder accompanying the music that plays from my speaker. Flashes of lightning dance across the sky, just like my nerve endings from her skin touching mine.
The song changes and “Waiting for a Girl Like You”by Foreigner begins to play. Pulling her closer, our feet slow, moving in time with the music. The lyrics of the song hit me deep inside, making my heart pound faster and causing goosebumps to rise on my skin.
When she tilts her head, smiling up at me, the softness in her brown eyes tugs at my heart, leaving me breathless. She’s a force of nature, a goddess lit up by flashes of lightning, enchanted by the booming thunder, relishing in the feel of the rain on her skin.
I freefall over the edge of the fucking cliff, unable to deny it any longer.
She’s perfect for me. A powerful vision that seems to command the storm behind her as she fearlessly dances with me.
Nothing can dim this woman’s light.
Not her scars, nor a storm.