Page 101 of The Light Within
Myeyesblinkrapidlyas I take in my perfectly curled hair, then over my face as I analyze my makeup.
“You’ve made me absolutely stunning, Belinda.” My wide eyes meet hers in the mirror.
She blows me a kiss. “It was an easy task, Miss Everleigh. You’re a natural beauty.”
Turning my head, Savannah’s blue eyes meet mine, eyes shimmering with tears. “Oh my God, Everleigh. I’ve never seen you look more beautifully radiant than you do today.”
Vanessa leans forward in her chair slightly, receiving a light swat from the stylist as she curls her hair. “Fucking gorgeous, Everleigh. Will is going to cry when he sees you, especially once you are in that phenomenal dress.”
My smile widens, my heart fluttering inside my chest. “I can’t wait.”
Turning my head to the right, I meet Irelynn’s brown eyes, glowing from happiness. “It’s practically an indescribable feeling, isn’t it?”
Reaching out, I squeeze her hand. “It is. I just can’t seem to find the words today.” Biting my lip, I stare at her, worry clouding my mind. “I hope I remember my vows.”
Irelynn squeezes my hand. “You will. Just focus on William. If all else fails, just say what’s in your heart. No one will know if you mess anything up.”
“Great advice. Thank you.” Exhaling a breath, I turn back to the mirror, my reflection revealing all the happiness I’m feeling inside.
There’s a knock on the door before Darin yells, “Is everyone decent?”
A chorus of yells follow, and I laugh. “Come in, Darin.”
My brother steps through the door, looking dashing in his tux, a wide grin on his handsome face. Turning in my chair, his eyes widen as he sucks in a breath. “Lil sis! You look stunning!” He hurries over and I stand to hug him.
I couldn’t ask for a better brother—and friend—than Darin.
Pulling back, he grips my hand, holding a small box in the other. “Dad is going to sob when he sees you. I better get a box of tissues and line his tux with them.” He gives me a grin, but it’s more subdued than normal. When his gaze trails over the girls and locks on Vanessa, I see a flash of pain on his face.
I’m fairly certain I see the same flash on hers.
I squeeze his hand. My voice is low as I say, “Let’s step outside a minute.”
He gives me a smile. “Okay. Besides, I have a surprise for you.” Turning, he heads to the door.
My brows furrow, wondering what the surprise could possibly be. “I’ll be right back,” I say to my friends, following him outside the room.
Shutting the door behind me, I turn and assess him. “Are you okay?”
“Of course. Your soon-to-be husband instructed me to deliver this gift to you.” He holds out the small box and my eyes drop to it, chest hitching. Taking it, my gaze flits up to his. “Is that the only reason you’re here?”
He releases a sigh. “I wanted to see Vanessa. Gauge her reaction.” He shoves his hands in his pockets, his tone intentionally light. “We’re having some issues, but we’ll get through them.” Pasting a smile on his face, he shrugs.
I’m not buying the bullshit he’s selling. I know my brother and he’s hurting.
“When Will and I return from our honeymoon, I’ll talk to Vanessa. I don’t know what’s going on with her, but I feel she’s making the same mistake my mom did. And if she’s not careful, she will lose the best man she could ever find. Someone who genuinely loves her.”
Darin’s smile is soft. Pressing his lips to my cheek, he whispers, “Thank you, Everleigh. That means the world to me.” Pulling back, his green eyes brighten. “I’m lucky as hell that you’re my sister. And it’s your wedding day.” He grabs my arm and starts doing a ridiculous dance that has me laughing and trying not to cry.
Blinking rapidly, I give him a little slap on the arm. “Stop it. I can’t ruin my makeup already.”
He pulls out his cell phone, looks at the time, then points to the box in my hands. “If you don’t open that, Will may be kicking my ass before the wedding.”
Laughing, I pull off the bow and lift the lid. Inside is my favorite picture of us, a note on the delicate frame, telling me to follow Darin.
Holding out his hand, I clasp my fingers around Darin’s and we hurry away. He leads me down a long hallway and into a room I haven’t been in before. We climb the steps, entering another room. “Will was pretty good about keeping this hidden from you.”