Page 19 of The Light Within
Releasing a snort of laughter, I set my iced coffee in the cupholder beside me. “Sounds like sexual tension to me.”
Savannah scowls at me, her expression darkening. “You know better than that.” Her tone is clipped and low.
Regret instantly fills me. Reaching out my hand, I gently squeeze her arm. “I’m sorry, Savannah.”I keep my tone soothing. “Look, sweetie, I know you’ve been through a helluva lot of trauma. But not all men are like—”
She holds up a hand, cutting me off. “Don’t say it! Don’t say either of their names or their relationship to me.” Blinking rapidly, she fights back her tears. “Just don’t talk about them or… what happened.”
Removing my hand from her, I study her pained expression, hating to see her so broken. I twist in my chair, leaning toward her. “You arenotyour past. You’ve shed that persona a long time ago.” I wait until she looks at me. “Savannah, you’re the strongest, bravest woman I know.”
Her face softens, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “That means a lot, coming from you.” Her breath hitches. “Thanks, Everleigh.”
I nod. “You’re welcome.” I shift, sitting back against my chair, letting it massage the tension away.
Savannah releases a long sigh, her head tilting against the back of the massage chair, staring at the ceiling. After a few beats, she says, “I know you’re right. I’m letting this hold me back. Letting themwin. It pisses me off because it makes me feel like a victim. But I…” She swallows hard, turning her head to mine. “I’m not sure how to fix it. The last time I had sex, I shook the whole time. Memories of what happened…” Closing her eyes, she turns her head away. Inhaling deeply, she holds it a beat, then slowly exhales. After repeating this a couple of times, a wry grin spreads over her face. She opens her blue eyes, and they lock with mine. “Luckily, the guy was dumb as hell and thought he was so good at sex that he was making me shake from pleasure.” She rolls her eyes. “Arrogant dumbass.”
A burst of laughter comes from me, and she joins in. I’m so grateful to see her smile again, and although I know what I’m about to say will cause it to fade, I say it anyway. “Have you ever gone to counseling? Irelynn volunteers at a center, and she could recommend someone.”
The smile immediately dies from her face. “I tried it twice. In high school and college. Both times, I had a male counselor, and they hit on me.” Disgust curls her lips before she shudders. “How unlucky am I that I manage to find not one, but two creepy counselors who tried to take advantage of my trauma? The high school counselor suggestively told me, ‘I’m availableanytimeyou want to talk,’ before handing me a card with his personal cell phone number on the back. I thought I was imagining it until he leered at me, a creepy smile on his lips. The one in college was worse. He got up from his chair, trailed his fingers over my arm, then leaned over me and said, ‘I’m always here for you. Foranythingyou need.’ After leering at me, he straightened, winked, and ran his hand over his junk in his trousers.”
“Oh my God. Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?” Gripping the arms of the pedicure chair so hard my knuckles turn white, I stare at her, fury filling every fiber of my being.
“I didn’t know you well enough when it happened in high school. I saw the counselor right before you went off on the bullies harassing me at my locker. That was only the second time we’d spoken, and you know it takes me a while to open up to people.” A light flush colors her cheeks as she shrugs. “And the college counselor happened while you were in California, the when you were in a car accident. No way was I going to burden you with that when you were injured.” She grimaces, waving her hand. “Then I was distracted, trying to track down fucking Ainsley, and what happened with the counselor didn’t seem important.”
Shaking my head, I glare at her. “I would have gotten on a plane and handled it.”
“Yeah, and that bitch probably would have killed you.” Savannah waves her hands in frustration. “Besides, Will would never have allowed you to leave since you were injured and in danger.”
Both ladies doing our pedicures still, their eyes wide as they look from Savannah to me.
“Long story.” I wave my hand dismissively at Elizabeth, waiting until she and Kristen… Karen… whatever her name, resumes polishing our nails.
Changing the subject, I gesture to Savannah’s foot. “I love that color.”
She takes the hint, admiring the color, before her gaze moves to mine. “Blood red. How fitting.”
Chuckling, I pick up my coffee, taking a sip.
“How are you feeling? Any morning sickness?”
Shaking my head, I balance my coffee cup on my thigh, my hand resting lightly on the lid. “Nausea every single morning. Emma told Will if I keep crackers beside the bed and eat one as soon as I wake, it helps. Saltine crackers are now a staple for me. Emma’s right, it has helped. And Will keeps the mini fridge stocked with tiny cans of ginger ale.” Smiling, I picture my adorable fiancé climbing out of bed as soon as I shove the first cracker in my mouth and padding over to the fridge. Opening the soda, he sits on the bed, handing it to me and gesturing toward the bathroom. I know damn well he’d carry me to the toilet if I was going to get sick. “It’s worked every time so far.” Holding up my crossed fingers, Savannah laughs.
“Let’s hope it continues working and the nausea goes away soon. I know how much you despise throwing up.” She shudders. “I understand. I hate it, too.”
“Ugh. It’s the worst.” My hand rubs over my flat stomach. “Hopefully they don’t make me sick.”
“They?” Savannah gives me a triumphant smile. “Giving into Will, huh?”
I wave a hand. “I’m sure he’s right about me having twin girls. He gets what he wants.”
Savannah giggles. “Yes, he does.” She gives me a pointed look, and I roll my eyes. “I don’t know why you didn’t tell him the entire story about Ainsley sooner. You know that man would do anything in the world to protect you. I swear, Everleigh, if someone told him he needed to go to hell and beat information out of someone to save you, he’d find a way to do it.”
I nearly spit out my iced coffee as I laugh. “That’s a bit extreme.” I meet Elizabeth’s twinkling eyes before she ducks her head, trying not to laugh.
“It’s true, and you know it. Bryan made a comment about your flat stomach and asked me and Will how long until a pregnant woman begins to show. Will looked at him like he was going to rip his head off, then shove it up his ass. Bryan held up his hands and said, ‘It’s hard not to notice her stomach is still flat, Will. She was wearing a bikini all day yesterday by the pool with Savannah.’ That didn’t help matters. Will looked like a volcano about to explode. Bryan said, ‘Fuck, calm down. She’s like a sister to me.’ It took Will a couple of minutes to get himself under control and answer Bryan’s question.”
Throwing my head back, I laugh. Bryan is no threat to Will and treats me in the same manner as my brother, Darin.
But Will is a little bit… possessive.