Page 40 of The Light Within
Everleigh looks over her shoulder. “No. Will should finish training—”
“Yes. Leave.” My tone is gruff as I shoot him a look.
Everleigh playfully swats my arm. “Finish training. Plenty of time for us to be together later.”
I growl, making Bryan laugh. “I agree with her, Will. Use your pent-up sexual frustration… Wait, what the hell am I saying? Let me find some random guy from the streets and I’ll throw him in here for you to pummel the hell out of.”
The three of us laugh as Everleigh says, “Put me down so you can finish. Then we’ll discuss how we will reveal our big news before we get naked.”
Slowly lowering her to her feet, I nod, my lips capturing hers.
That’s what she thinks.I prefer her naked first and then we plan our big reveal.
When I release her, she steps through the ropes, leaving the ring. My lips curl into a smug smile.
We’ll see which one of us wins.
I bet I’ll have her naked before she can even say the word “reveal.”
An elaborate feast is spread on three large tables lined against one wall of the large room, while an enormous table adorns the center of the room with those I love most in this world sitting around it, talking and laughing.
Raising from my chair, I gently tap my knife against my glass to get everyone’s attention. “Thank you all for joining us for dinner. My lovely fiancée would like to make this an annual tradition if you are willing to celebrate with us.” My gaze slides to hers as she looks up at me, the flecks of honey in her brown eyes causing me to forget the speech I’ve prepared.
She’s so fucking beautiful, inside and out. How the hell did I manage to get her to fall in love with me?
I hear a chorus of voices agreeing, drawing my attention back to our family and friends surrounding us. “Everleigh and I have some news we’d like to share before we eat.” Reaching out my hand, she clasps it, shoving her chair back and getting to her feet beside me. The red dress she’s wearing clings to her curves. No one would suspect she’s pregnant from the way she looks right now.
She is regal as she looks around the table. Taking a breath, her smile is wide as she turns her head to mine. At the same time, we say, “We’re pregnant.”
Darin is the first one to let out a loud hoot. I barely have time to react before he’s out of his chair, throwing his arms around us. “I’m going to be an uncle!” He squeezes us against him so hard I hear Everleigh yelp.
“Darin, stop hurting my pregnant fiancée,” I bark, causing him to loosen his grip and ruffle Everleigh’s hair.
“Sorry, lil sis.” Then he grabs her, lifts her in the air, and swings her around, chanting, “I’m gonna be a motherfucking uncle” over and over again.
I can’t help the laughter that bursts from me as I watch them. Everyone laughs around us and starts getting to their feet to congratulate us, so I grab Darin, stopping him mid-spin, and extract Everleigh from him.
She’s breathless from laughter as I pull her into my arms, kissing her on the top of her head. “I should have known Darin would react like this.”
“Seriously?” I pull back, giving her a skeptical look. “Darin is unpredictable. You never know what antic he’ll pull next.” To prove my point, I nod my head toward him as he gyrates his hips, doing some crazy dance.
“Look at him shaking that ass,” Grandma Lucinda yells. “Give me my purse. I think I have some singles in my wallet.”
The room erupts with laughter. Our fathers are the first to approach us, and Everleigh and I hug our respective dads. Then we switch. When David, Everleigh’s father, grabs me in a bear hug, I nearly sob from happiness. He became a father figure to me the moment Darin introduced us. Finding out he was Everleigh’s biological father was the icing on the cake for me.
“Congrats, Will.” He slaps my back. “Nothing better in this world than being a dad.”
“If I need advice, you are the first person I’m calling.” I pull back, blinking rapidly to keep the tears from falling.
“I’m always here, son. Anytime you need me.” His face is soft as he claps me once more and then releases me so Max and Irelynn can congratulate me.
As I shake Max’s hand, memories of our turbulent past flow through my mind. It’s fucking incredible where we started and that we’ve ended up here.
Max echoes my thoughts. “It’s been a helluva journey, Will. But I wouldn’t change a thing. I’d do it all over again to end up here, as I’m certain you would.” He wraps his arms around me, hugging me like a best friend.
Squeezing him, I pat his back. When I step back, I give him a chagrined look. “I’ve harbored so much guilt for what I did to you and Irelynn.” I glance over as Everleigh and Irelynn hug, bouncing up and down, their squeals piercing my ears. “My therapist has been on me about forgiving myself like the two of you have.”
Max tilts his head, his blue eyes softening. “Maybe you’ll finally listen to her? We love you, Will, and hold no resentment toward you.” He looks over at Irelynn, love and affection all over his face. “She and I wouldn’t be married if not for you. I was fucking terrified of dating, relationships… all of it when I first met her.” Taking a breath, his head turns to me. “But you’ve more than made up for your mistakes, Will. Personally, watching you mature into the man you are now… Well, I’m fucking blessed to see it. You’re going to make one helluva husband and father. And your friendship is something I cherish. You’ve given me some of the best advice, including relationship advice. You’ve been level-headed, calming me when I’ve gotten pissed at Irelynn and acted like a dickhead.” He casts an affectionate glance in Darin’s direction. “If I’d taken that asshole’s advice, Irelynn probably would have divorced me already.” We both laugh, thinking of some of the crazy shit Darin has said in jest.