Page 44 of The Light Within
“What the fuck?” I whip around, my fists clenching in anger. A guy stands behind me, a cocky smile on his face. I don’t even think as I grab his wrist, twisting it and making him howl from the pain. “Consider this your only warning. Touch me again, and I’ll fucking break it.” Then I shove him backward, releasing his wrist.
When I turn back around, the couple in front of me is staring at me, wide-eyed and open-mouthed.
“Move the hell outta my way.”
They hurry down the aisle, quickly finding their seats. I follow behind them, then cut around the ring and over to the door. Shoving it open, Darin stands there, phone in hand. Looking up at me, the smile dies from his face. “What the hell happened?” His brows furrowed as he studied me.
“Some dickhead grabbed my ass. I almost broke his wrist.” Waving my hand dismissively, I say, “I scared the piss outta him. Then some slow fuckers delayed me getting here.” Grabbing Darin’s arm, I tug on him. “Let’s get back to Will.”
Darin chuckles as I drag him behind me. “You’re a little wound up.”
I toss him an irritated look over my shoulder. “This fucker better not hurt Will.” People move out of my way as we hurry up the aisle, having seen me nearly break a guy’s wrist earlier. Darin chuckles again. “I’m pregnant, hormonal, and not in the mood for people’s dumb shit.”
“Gotcha, sis. Just take some deep breaths. Everything will be fine.”
I glower at him as he pulls the door open that leads to the locker room area before stepping through it. Darin follows me, then steps beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. “Will is a badass fighter, Everleigh. He’s going to be fine.”
Blowing out a breath, I look up at him. “I know. I just feel… unsettled. I’m not sure why.”
Darin squeezes my shoulder with his big hand. “That’s normal. Inwardly, Will was a mess before your fight. He didn’t show it to you, but I talked to him about it afterward. And when The Beast took that cheap shot… God, Everleigh, you have no idea how enraged Will was. I’m surprised he didn’t kill every fucker in that arena except for those he knows and loves.”
Some of the tension melts and I can’t help but release a giggle. “I can only imagine. His rage washed over me and I feared he would jump in the ring and kill The Beast. I don’t know how he held it together.”
“Easy. You. Above all else, he loves you and would do anything for you. He knew you needed to fight without his interference. As much as he wanted to kill your opponent, he was more concerned about you being angry and upset if he interfered.”
“Thanks for telling me that. It helps.” I grin up at him. “And I’m damn lucky to have someone who loves me so much.”
Darin grins. “Yes you are.” He glances at the door to the locker room as we near it. Lowering his voice, he says, “You don’t want to tell him about the guy grabbing your ass, right?”
I shake my head. “Not yet. It will distract him from his fight because he’ll want to find, maim, and kill that dude instead. He needs to focus on the match.”
Darin nods, removing his arm from my shoulder, opening the door to the locker room for me. “Gotcha.”
As we walk into the room, Will is doing pushups. He finishes and gets to his feet. “Hey, Darin.” Walking over, he fist bumps him, then they do their weird handshake thing. “Have you considered my offer further?”
I look back and forth in confusion. “What offer?”
Darin looks from Will to me. “Will has offered me a position in the company he’s buying. They are doing some reshuffling and a few people loyal to Colin Fry either have left or are leaving. Will and Bryan have offered to train me if I’m interested in a job there.”
I nod. “What about your motorcycle business?”
He shrugs. “Max is going to be leaving soon. As it is, he’s limited in the amount he can help me because of school and his internship. Dad’s knee injury prevents him from being able to work there on a consistent basis. And while I make good money from spring to early fall, during the winter I hardly work.”
Will grins. “Sounds to me like you want to work for me.”
Darin’s smile matches his as he holds out his hand. “Can’t hurt to try.” They shake on it. “If I don’t like it, I can reopen my business in the spring, so I’m not losing anything.” His smile fades. “You think Colin is gone for good?”
Will nods. “He stormed out of the office last week. No one has seen him since. We’ll deal with his second in command when we finalize the paperwork next week.”
“Great. Then I’m on board.” Releasing his hand, Darin steps back. “Are you ready to fight?”
Will looks up at the clock. “I’m ready.” Stepping over to me, he pulls me into him, giving me another kiss before looking deep into my eyes. “I’ll be fine, love.”
I smile at him, but my stomach is in knots.
I hope so.
Will refrained from interfering in my match, but I can’t promise I won’t interfere in his. If this Savage Rob cheats or hurts Will, I’m stepping in and bloodshed will occur.