Page 66 of The Light Within
I turn, narrowing my gaze on the lot. I don’t see anything to indicate an access point leading to something underground, but what Savannah just said is correct. The signals don’t penetrate underground or through concrete bunkers.
A horrific thought occurs to me, making me feel sick. I look at Darin, my eyes wide, my heart beating like a frantic bird flapping inside a cage. We run back to her last known location, searching for blood, footprints, or the possibility she was killed and buried—
My chest constricts as a wave of dizziness hits me. Right as my knees buckle, Darin grabs me, holding me upright, somehow managing to take the phone out of my hand. “Breathe, Will. She’s not…” His voice trails off as he looks away, swallowing audibly. “She’s not dead, okay? And I hope like hell no one buried her alive, but if so, we’re on borrowed time to find her. Get it together. Everleigh needs you.” His voice lowers, cracking when he says, “Your unborn twins need you.”
His words clear my vision, pulling me from the darkness that threatens to overtake me. Focusing on my breath, I close my eyes, a recent memory assaulting me.
The blinding smile on Everleigh’s face, porcelain skin glowing with happiness, her earthy eyes twinkling with love as she rubs a hand over her flat stomach. Her eyes lower to it, then raise to mine, before grabbing my hand, putting it on her stomach. “You’ve given me everything I’ve ever wanted, Will,” her breathy voice whispers. “A future I could scarcely afford to dream of. I didn’t think I deserved this because of the darkness within me.” Her lashes shimmer with tears, sparkling like dew on the trees, before falling down her cheeks. “You focus on the light within me while I fixate on my darkness. My light spills from me because ofyou. And when the darkness finds me, it’s always you who pulls me back into the light.”
My heart beats faster inside my chest, my breath hitching from the sincerity of her words. “I’ll always pull you from the darkness, Everleigh, as you do for me. Alone, the darkness consumes, threatening to destroy us. But together, we draw out the light within, until it shines like a full moon in the darkness, blanketing our world.” My fingers cup her face, thumbs wiping away her tears. “No matter what happens in our life, Everleigh, I’ll always be here for you. Anytime you’re lost, I’ll find you.” Pressing my lips softly against hers, I taste the tears on her lips.
“I love you, goddess. You’re my world. The only thing that matters to me.” My hand lightly moves over her flat stomach. “And once these girls are here, they will also be my world. But you… you’ll always be my first priority. The woman who taught me how to love. Without you, none of this is possible. And I never, ever, want to lose you.”
Her arms pull me so close that our lips practically touch. “You’ll never lose me, Will. I’m yours, forever.” Biting her quivering lip, she clears her throat as she struggles to gain control of her emotions. “Damn pregnancy hormones,” she finally mutters, making us laugh.
Her smile slowly dies on her face as our bodies begin moving, dancing to the rhythm of our heartbeats.
“We are forever.” Giving me a soft smile, she says, “You and I are badass. We’ll save the other should anyone be stupid enough to try to separate us again. Or to hurt our kids.”
“We’re the perfect people to protect them.”
“Damn straight.” She winks at me. “Our pasts fortified our strength, showing us the worst behavior from parental figures. It taught us what we don’t want to be. We’ll use those lessons tomold us into the best parents we can possibly be, offering our children all the love and affection we lacked.”
“Indeed, goddess.” I rub my nose against hers. “We’ve been through hell and back and have come out on the other side of it.” I spin her around, lightening the moment. Rubbing my nose against hers, I sway with her in my arms. “I don’t regret a moment of my past. I’d do it all over again as long as I end up right here with you.” I kiss her, long and slow, showing how much I adore her. When I pull back, I slide my hand between us, over her stomach. “And ultimately, them.”
Bryan’s voice jars me out of my memories. “Savannah found something.”
Darin and I lock gazes, holding our breath. “A guy named Pete Campbell is in debt to Colin. Apparently, he’s been doing some work on the side, both stuff around the house Colin used to have before his wife divorced his scummy ass, but also illegal shit to pay his debts. Oddly enough, the guy in your office who looked like a bum—”
“Was Pete Campbell,” I finished, the pieces clicking into place. “That son of a bitch, Colin, is behind this. Remember him seething with rage, screaming that he was going to get his revenge against me when I fired his ass?”
“Yup, I remember it well. Though I didn’t think the jackass would be this fucking stupid to go after your fiancée.” Bryan says.
Darin has a look on his face like something just clicked.
“What is it?” I whisper.
“Savannah. Can you hear me?” Darin says into my phone.
“Loud and clear, Darin. What’s up?”
“You mentioned the tracker doesn’t work underground in many cases, right?”
“Yeah, that’s correct.”
He nods. “Okay, thanks.” He spins around, pulling his phone from his pocket.
“That makes no sense,” Bryan says. “What is Darin doing?”
“He’s calling someone.” I watch as he brings his phone to his ear, his back turned toward me. “You guys will be here soon, right?”
“About ten minutes,” Bryan answers.
“Good. Talk to you then.” Without another word, I end the call, walking over to Darin, who is already having a conversation with someone.
“I know you know the history of this town better than anyone. Any World War II underground bunkers in this area?”
Stepping around Darin, I level him with a look. He simply whispers, “Dad,” then moves the phone from his ear, pressing the speaker button.