Page 76 of The Light Within
Savannah’s shoulders relax as she continues driving us home. She doesn’t say anything, but her mood is lighter. Changing the subject, she says, “Oh, I love this song. Mind if I turn it up?”
“Of course not,” I say.
As she turns it up, Will’s lips brush my ear. “Meddler.”
Relief rushes over me like I’m sinking into a warm tub of bathwater. Shivers course down my spine, his tone heating my insides like an inferno.
“You love that I meddle.”
He chuckles. “I love everything about you, my soon-to-be wife.”
Thank goodness the distance is gone again, and we are us.
Reaching up, my fingers trail over his jawline. “I can’t wait to call you my husband.” Leaning over him, my lips replace my fingers before hovering over his lips. “I love you.”
I don’t give him a chance to respond, pressing my lips against his, needing to feel the connection that is ever present between us, coursing through my skin, lighting up my nerves.
Making me feel pleasure, rather than pain.
Curled against Will’s warm chest with my favorite heated blanket thrown over me, I’m so relaxed I can barely keep my eyes open. I’m fighting sleep with everything I have right now. Not because I fear the nightmares I’m sure will come, but I’m relishing in every moment Will’s warm breaths flow over my scalp or against my forehead as he presses his warm lips against my skin. Or the way his muscular biceps and forearms encircle my frame, cocooning me in his protective embrace, ensuring I’m safe. Or the way his heart thumps steadily in my ear, the beats increasing every time I tilt my head up and smile at him.
God, I love him with an intensity that surprises even me.
I never thought it was possible to love someone so much.
Or to be loved by him with such potency that it sweeps over me like an endless ocean wave, carrying me safely along for an infinity.
I used to think I was a monster who didn’t deserve love. But I’ve found a man with a beast inside who rivals my own.
Bryan walks into the living room, exhaustion lining his face. Blood stains his hands and clothing.
Savannah straightens in her chair, subtly fixing her hair, before giving him a smile. Unfortunately, he’s too preoccupied to notice, heading to Will and sitting on the couch beside him, giving an update.
The second I hear Colin’s name leaving Bryan’s lips, my muscles tense so hard that I wince.
Will pulls me closer to his chest, tightening one arm around me while the fingers of his other hand lightly run over my back. My body melts into the heat of his body and the warmth of his touch.
My reaction makes me feel foolish and weak. I’ve always been strong and unafraid of men because I’ve fought so many and won.
But this time, it’s different. I had no time to prepare because I didn’t know the fight was coming until I was captured.
Now, the damage has been done and all that’s left is for me to work through the trauma.
Bryan’s voice pulls my attention from my thoughts. “The asshole barely regained consciousness at the cabin, but I questioned him anyway.” He gives Will a dry smile that indicates the questioning involved his fists or some other method of beating the information out of him. “I’m certain he is working with someone other than Pete Campbell. Pete certainly doesn’t have the intelligence or resources to be a mastermind behind anything. But Colin refused to give the guy up. We couldn’t continue to torture him since he was barely hanging onto conscious—”
“I know who it is,” I say, my voice low, my eyes shifting to Savannah and locking with hers. Her expression is blank as she blinks back at me, unsure why I’m looking at her.
I suck in a breath, hating that I haven’t had a chance to talk to her privately.
Exhaling as I lower my gaze, I slowly sit up, dreading what I’m about to do. “Savannah, come here.” Gesturing with my hand, I motion her over.
Her brows draw together as she looks from me to Will and then to Bryan. Shrugging at Bryan, she rises from the chair across from me, settling beside me on the couch.
When I slide a comforting arm around her shoulders, her expression is quizzical before her breath accelerates from fear.
She knows what I’m about to say is bad. I’ve known her long enough to see the wheels turning inside her head.
Closing my eyes momentarily, I let myself drift back to that concrete dungeon, the coldness seeping into the marrow of my bones. Shivering, I pull the electric blanket tighter around me before I rest my hand on Will’s leg, my fingers digging into his sweatpants. Will’s uninjured hand covers mine, rubbing circles over the back of my hand to keep me grounded.